25 mfm prayer points for open heavens


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Last Updated on December 18, 2023 by Fiverr Fiverr

God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, however we must receive those bless through the fight of faith. We have compiled 25 mfm prayer points for open heavens, inspired by Dr. Olukoya of mountain of fire ministries. These prayer points will guide you as you walk in your open heavens of all round blessings.

25 mfm prayer points for open heavens


1). Oh Lord, Open doors for me, make away for me where there is no way. Let the heavens open on my behalf as all impossibilities become possible in Jesus name.

2). Father, by the authority in the name of Jesus, i command all hindrances along my path to give way today as i experience my open heavens in Jesus name.

3). Oh Lord, i declare that i shall share innumerable testimonies of open heavens in Jesus name.

4). I declare today that every hindrance to my open heavens is there by resisted and destroyed today in Jesus name.

5). By the blood of Jesus Christ i begin to walk in all my redemptive blessings in Jesus name.

6). Oh Lord! Give me rest all round. And cause my enemies to tremble at my presence in Jesus name.

7). Oh Lord, I prophesy that i shall continually be the head and not the tail in Jesus name

8). Oh Lord, put the fear of me in the heart of all my enemies forever in Jesus name.

9).Oh Lord! Give me total victory today. Let all those who are standing between me and my open heavens be crushed today in Jesus name.

10). Henceforth, any witch or wizards that come against me shall be defeated in Jesus name.


11). Oh Lord, take away the spirit of Nabal from the heart of my destiny helpers in Jesus name.

12). Oh Lord, I shall not grow weary in battle, renew my strength like that of an eagle in Jesus name.

13). Oh Lord, bless the labor of my hands, multiply my little efforts by your grace in Jesus name.

14). Oh Lord, give me a permanent victory over the enemies of my life in Jesus name.

15). Oh Lord, raise people that will come to my aid in my journey in life. Cause them to help me get to the top and actualize destiny in Jesus name.

16). My darling Father, thank you for I know you have not forgotten and will never forget me in life. I declare that my open heavens is sure in Jesus name.

17). Whoever and in any kingdom that my wealth has been swallowed, I speak with authority now that by the fire of the Holy Spirit, vomit them back now in Jesus name.

18). Oh Lord, by your mighty power i declare that my open heavens will forever remain open in
Jesus name.

19). Oh Lord, by your mercy, let every challenges seeking to swallow me be swallowed in Jesus name.

20). I prophesied to my destiny that I shall be lifted mightily in Jesus name.

21). Oh Lord, behold those who attack me, fight against those who fight against me, rescue me from those who are too Strong for me in Jesus name.

22). Oh Lord, I declare that your favour follow me in all my endeavors leading to open heavens for me in Jesus name.

23). Oh Lord, I declare that the doors of misfortunes that you have shot in my life, no one can open it and the doors of open heavens that you have opened in my life no one can shot it in
Jesus name.

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24). Oh Lord, open rivers in desolate height, fountains in the midst of the valley, pool of water in the wilderness and spring of water in the dry land of my life in Jesus name.

25). I declare that my gates of blessing shall be open continually day and night so that wealth of the nations will flow to me in Jesus name.
Thank you Jesus

12 bible verses on open heavens

Here are 12 bible verses on open heavens for your bible study. Read and be blessed.

1). Revelations 19:11:
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

2). Isaiah 45:8:
8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it.

3). Genesis 7:11:
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

4). Ezekiel 1:1:
1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.

5). Revelations 4:1:
1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

See also  Prayer Points For Forgiveness And Mercy With Bible Verses

6). Matthew 3:16:
16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

7). Mark 1:10:
10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

8). Luke 3:21:
21 Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,

9). John 1:51:
51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.

10). Acts 7:56:
56 And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

11). Acts 10:11:
11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

12). Malachi 3:10:
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.



Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


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