50 Warfare Prayer points against poverty.


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Last Updated on December 18, 2023 by Fiverr Fiverr

Poverty is a curse. Its one thing to be poor, but poverty is an affliction. The purpose of this 50 warfare prayer points against poverty is to prepare you for spiritual warfare. Its true that poverty or wealth cannot take you to heaven, but you will live and serve God comfortably when you have money. These prayer points against poverty will empower you to take your stand against the spirit of poverty and be free forever.
As you pray these prayers, God will open your eyes to divine ideas and also show you what you need to do to get out of the web of poverty into the realms of prosperity. Pray this prayers with faith today and expect a miracle.

50 Warfare Prayer points against poverty.


1). Father, your word says those that serve you shall not suffer hunger, deliver me from this life of starvation in Jesus name.

2). I prophesy to my destiny, I shall make it in life, this poverty shall not be my end in Jesus name.

3). Oh Lord! I declare that in this life I shall see financial favour in this life in Jesus name.

4). Oh Lord, cause all my destiny helpers, those who are in the position to bless to remember me today in Jesus name.

5). Oh Lord, in spite of the economic situation of this country, cause strange doors of success to open for me in Jesus name.

6). Oh Lord! Remember your promises of old. Look down from heaven and rescue me from this poverty in Jesus name.

7). Wherever open the eyes of my understanding to catch an idea that will set me free from poverty in Jesus .

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8). Oh Lord, remove the curse of famine from my life in Jesus name.

9). Oh Lord, raise me up from the dusts of life and cause me to sit with nobles in Jesus name

10).Oh Lord, let your Spirit consume all trouble I was born with in Jesus name.

11). Oh Lord, deliver me from me from every evil habit causing poverty in my life in Jesus name.

12). Lord! Those who prosper are humans like me. Cause mevto prosper in Jesus name.

13). As a privileged child of God, I declare that my tomorrow must be greater than today in Jesus name.

14). I prophesy to my mind right now, be productive in Jesus name!!! Create ideas that will make me rich in Jesus name.

15). Oh Lord, don’t let me die in these poverty, deliver me from this penury and uplift me in life in Jesus name.

16). Oh Lord, I know that you can do everything. Take me away from the valley of nothing to the mountain of breakthrough in Jesus name.

17). Oh Lord, set me on high like a king set on his throne in Jesus name.

18). Oh Lord, don’t let poverty overcome my life, transfer me from this darkness and set me on the path of prosperity in Jesus name.

19). Lord, I rebuke the poverty in my life in Jesus name for your word said the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off..

20). Oh Lord! You are my jehova jireh, remember all my offerings and srms to the poor and deliver me from this poverty in Jesus name.

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21). Lord, deliver me from the spirit of laziness that leads to poverty in Jesus name.

22). Lord, by the power in the blood of Jesus I set myself loose from every spirit of slavery in Jesus name.

23). All financial problems of my life shall be destroyed when they hear the name of the God of Israel. In the name of Jesus!!! I decree that poverty shall have no place in my life in Jesus name.

24). Lord, make me the most blessed forever. Remove poverty and backwardness from my life in Jesus name.

25). Oh Lord, i set myself loose from every wasteful habit that leads to poverty in Jesus name.

26). Oh Lord, direct me to the right business to engage in to set me free from poverty in Jesus name.

27). Oh Lord, cause the economy of this nation favour me in my business in Jesus name.

28). Oh Lord, I reject the spirit of want in my life in Jesus name.

29). I declare that i shall not beg bread, i shall not want what i shall use to take care of my children in Jesus name.

30). All doors of goodness that have been closed against me so that I can live my life under a closed heaven, I command it today to open in Jesus name.

31). Oh Lord, make me a solution provider thereby making me a successful person in Jesus name.

32). Oh Lord, turn this poverty to blessing in Jesus name.

33). Oh Lord, pull me out of these web of poverty in Jesus name.

34). Oh Lord, bring to an end all trace of poverty in my life in Jesus name.

35). I reject poverty today and forever in the name of Jesus .

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36). Oh Lord, I curse every trace of poverty in my life in Jesus name.

37). Oh Lord, connect me to great opportunities that will lead me to great wealth and end poverty in my life in Jesus name.

38). Oh Lord, think of me today and meet my needs in Jesus

39). Oh Lord deliver me from every inherited poverty in Jesus name.

40). Oh Lord, let it please you today to deliver me from poverty in Jesus name.

41). Oh Lord, let me live my life with the fear of you whether in poverty or in richies in Jesus name.

42). Oh Lord, whatever I have done with money that led me to my present financial state, forgive me and turn my situation around in Jesus name.

43). Oh Lord! Money answereth all things, Grant me money that will answer them for me in Jesus name.

44). Oh Lord, satisfy my thirst and want in this life in Jesus name.

45). Oh Lord, make unexpected financial provisions for me in Jesus name.

46). Oh Lord, teach me how to manage my resources in order for me to create wealth in Jesus name.

47). Oh Lord, I retrieve my money from any where it is hidden or held down in Jesus name.

48). Father, give me a humble spirit, so I can learn how to prosper in Jesus name.

49). Father, deliver me from the rat race of life, cause me to be financially free in Jesus name.

50). Father thank you for delivering me from the spirit of poverty in Jesus name.


Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


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