100 Daily Prayers For Success In Life


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Last Updated on August 15, 2020 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Luke 18:1:
1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

Prayer is communication with God, and daily prayers simply means daily communication with God. As a believer,in order to find true success in life, you must be constantly in tune with your maker. God has the blueprints of our life, He knows our end from the beginning, therefore we must be constantly connected to Him through our Lord Jesus Christ, in order to succeed in life. Jesus speaking in John 15:5-9, He said that He is the Vine and we are the branches, in order for the branches to bear fruits, they must be attached to the vine, the moment they are detached, they cannot be fruit bearing branches. In the same vein, we cannot find true success in life when we are disconnected from God. Today we shall be looking at 100 daily prayers for success in life. If you want to be successful as a Christian, you should make this prayers your lifestyle.


Success in life is not all about making money. A lot of people are swimming in money but they are not successful, they have everything that money can buy but the don’t have the priceless things of life. Success does not consist of the abundance of possession one has accumulated. Success is simply living a life of fulfillment, living a purpose driven life. You are said to be successful in life when you are fulfilling your God ordained purpose in life. But how do i discover my purpose in life? There is no better way to find out your purpose in life but by connecting to your manufacturer. God is our manufacturer, and prayers is the way we connect to our manufacturer to know our purpose in life. This daily prayers for success in life will help you discover your purpose in life. I encourage you to live a prayerful life, always connect to your God and I see Him changing your story in Jesus name. Below are the daily prayers for your success in life.

Morning Prayers

1). Father, I thank you for waking me up this morning in Jesus name

2). Father, thank you for angelic protection all through my sleep in Jesus name

3). Father, let your mercies that is new every morning continually be with me this day in Jesus name

4).Father,I commit today into your hands, as I am starting today with you Lord, be with me successfully till the end in Jesus name.

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, shield me from every evil the devil has planned for me today in Jesus name.

6). Father,I declare that my going out this morning and my coming in shall be safe in Jesus name

7). Father, guide my utterances all through this day in Jesus name.

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8). Father, cause everyone I come in contact with this morning to favour me in Jesus name

9). Father, grant me my heart desires ( Mention Them) this morning in Jesus name.

10). Father, I thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.

Prayer For Success

1). Father, I thank you for you are the God that gives power to succeed in Jesus name

2). Father, I thank you for the wisdom of Christ which is at work in me in Jesus name

3). Father I declare that I shall not fail in this life in Jesus name

4). No matter how tough the nations economy is, I shall succeed sweatlessly in jesus amen

5). I declare that no mountain is strong enough to withstand me in Jesus name

6). I declare null and void every plans of the enemy to bring me down

7). I declare that the favour of God that brings success shall give you great success in Jesus name

8). I reject poverty in my lifein Jesus name

9). I reject failure in my life in Jesus name

10). Father, I thank you for my prayers is answered in Jesus name

Prayer For Direction

1). Father,order my steps in your word in Jesus name

2). Father, I declare today that because Jesus is my shepherd, I shall never lack direction again

3). Father, order my steps to the right person and at the right time

4). Father order my steps to the right place in Jesus name.

5). Father,order my steps to the right people in Jesus name

6). Father order my steps to the right job, career and/or business in Jesus name

7). Father, lead me not into temptations, but deliver me from all evil in Jesus name

8). Father, let your word be my number one book of guidance from today onward in Jesus name

9). Dear Holy Spirit, be my number one counselor from today onward in Jesus name

10). Thank you Father for answering y prayers in Jesus name.

Prayer For Connection

1) Father, I thank you for you are the God that raiseth the poor from the dust and make Him feast with nobles in Jesus name

2). Oh God, connect me to great men as you connected Joseph in Jesus name

3). Oh God , connect me to great men as you connected Mephibosheth in Jesus name

4). Father , by the power of the Holy Ghost, connect me to my destiny helpers in Jesus name.

5). Father, by your mighty hand, bring to me great men and women that will help me achieve my dreams in life in Jesus name

6). By the power in the name of Jesus, I separate myself from destiny killers in Jesus name

7). By the power in the name of Jesus, I separate myself from enemies of my progress in Jesus name

8). By the power in the name of Jesus, I separate myself from fake friends in Jesus name

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9). Father by the power in the name of Jesus ,expose every secret enemy of my progress in life in jesus name

10). Father, I thank you for answering y prayers in Jesus name

Prayer For Protection

1). Father, I thank you for being my shield and my armour in Jesus name

2). Oh Father, arise and defend me from those who seek after my downfall

3). Let sham be the portion of all those who seek my shame

4). My Father, continue to protect me from wicked and unreasonable men

5). Father, fight against those that fight against me in Jesus name

6). Father,continually shield me from the arrows that flies by day in Jesus name

7). Father, when my enemies come against me in one way, they shall flee from me in seven ways

8). Deliver me from the hands of false accusers in Jesus name

9). Father, protect and preserve me and my household in Jesus name

10).Thank you father for answering my prayers in Jesus name.

Prayer For Favour

1).Father thank you for your favour that money cannot buy in Jesus name

2). Father, thank you for your unconditional favour that I have always enjoyed in Jesus name

3). Father, let your favour continually surround me in Jesus name

4). Father, cause me to always find favour before great men in Jesus name

5). Father, let your favour speak in all areas of my life in Jesus name

6). Father, continually do for me what I cannot do for myself in Jesus name

7). Father, I rise and will continue to rise by your favour in Jesus name

8). Father,through your favour, cause my name too be mentioned for good before great men in Jesus name

9). Father, thank you for your unending favour in Jesus name

10). Thank you Lord for answering my prayers in Jesus name.

Prayer For Family

1). Father, I commit my entire family into your care in Jesus name

2). Father let your mighty hand continue to protect my family members inn Jesus name

3). Father, shield my families from the arrows that flies by day

4). Father , I declare that there shall be no bad news in my family these year and beyond in Jesus name

5). I cover my family members with the blood of Jesus

6) I decree that no weapon fashioned against my family members shall prosper in Jesus name

7). As a family, our strong hold is the name of Jesus,therefore no devil can prevail over us in Jesus name

8). Father, release your angels of protection over all my family members to continually be with them in Jesus name.

9). Father,I hand over all my family members into your care in Jesus name

10). Father, thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.

Prayer For Wisdom

1). Father, thank you for blessing me with great wisdom

2). Father, let your wisdom guide me in my day to say activities in Jesus name

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3). Father, engrave me with the spirit of wisdom as I run the race of life in Jesus name

4). Let wisdom be seen in my daily activities in Jesus name

5). Father, grant me wisdom in how I relate with people daily in Jesus nam

6). Father, grant me wisdom in relating to my spouse in Jesus name

7). Father, grant me wisdom in relating to my children in jesus name

8). Father grant me wisdom in dealing with my boss in the office in Jesus name

9). Father , grant me wisdom in dealing with my subordinates in Jesus name

10). Father, thank you for enduing me with supernatural wisdom in Jesus name.

Prayer For Healing

1. Father, I Thank God for making the provision for my deliverance from any form of sickness in Jesus name.

2. I release myself from any inherited sickness, in Jesus’ name.

3. O Lord, send Your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and destroy every evil plantings of sicknesses in my body in jesus name.

4. Let the blood of Jesus flush out from my system every inherited satanic deposit of sicknesses in the name of Jesus.

5. I release myself from the grip of any sickness transferred into my life from the womb, in the name of Jesus.

6. Let the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost cleanse every organ in my body, in the name of Jesus.

7. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil covenant of sicknesses, in the name of Jesus.

8. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil curse leading to frequent illness in my body, in the name of Jesus.

9. I resist every spirit of sickness in my life in Jesus name.

10. O Lord, let Your resurrection power come upon my health in general in Jesus name.

Thanksgiving Prayer

1. Father, I thank you for ushering me into this new day in Jesus name

2. Father, I thank you for the preservation of my life in Jesus name.

3. Father, I thank you for helping me fight all my battles this day in Jesus name

4. Father, I thank you for your goodness and mercies in my life in jesus name

5. Father, I thank you for making it possible for me to see today in sound health in Jesus name

6. Father, I thank you for all the answered prayers of yesterday in Jesus name

7. Father, I thank you for divine protection of all my going out and coming in in Jesus name

8. Father, I thank you for your supernatural provisions in my life in Jesus name.

9. Father, I thank you for winning all my battles in life in Jesus name

10. Father, I thank you for frustrating the devices of the enemies over my life in Jesus name.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. Good Day,
    Since I started being apart of your prayer i.e. everyday prayer guide, my life has been improved in the area of my marriage. Pastor, I need prayer presently for my 11 year old daughter who would be writing S.E.A. exams this year (March 31, 2022).

      • Lieber Herr Pastor ich brauche Gebet ich möchte mit meiner wahren Liebe zusammen.kommen und meine.Gemeinde besuchen bitte um.Führung in diese Gemeinde wo ich mich am.wohlsten fühle lieben Dank

  2. Ich mag Sie sehr Herr Pastor und Ihre Arbeit .
    Ich danke dass ich Chirurgin werden darf ohne Bösem Missbrauch oder sonstwas Böses .
    Mit Erfolg u Annahme danke für die seelisch passende Familie usw.
    Ich habe vor ein Auslandseinsatz in Afrika zu machen und dort eine Klinik zu gründen mit meinem Name.
    Danke Herr Pastor für Gebet

  3. Ich bin Ärztin in der Besten Klinik Deutschlands ich danke dem.Herrn meine Familie und Verwandten sehr für all Ihre Unterstützung.

    Ich habe mein Examen mit 2.5 abgeschlossen und bin in der Station tätig wo ich immer sein wollte, Dank dem Herrn
    Ich möchte mich beim.Pastor und all seine Gebete bedanken Jesus ist ein Wunderbarer Gott


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