Deliverance Prayer Against Eating In The Dream


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Last Updated on June 30, 2020 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Numbers 23:23:
23 Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought!

God communicates to His children through dreams and visions among others, the devil also communicates or attacks God’s children through dreams. Today we shall be looking at deliverance prayer against eating in the dream. Your dreams is a crucial platform to which you connect to the realms of the spirit, just like God can visit you in the dream, the devil or demons can visit you in the dream. A lot of people have been afflicted from there dreams, many have been attacked by the devil through there dreams, also many have been healed and delivered through the encounters they hard in there dreams. As a child of God, you must take your dreams seriously.


Eating in the dream, may mean a lot of things, it may mean that you slept hungry, or that you were not satisfied with your last meal, it could also mean that you talked about a certain delicacy before going to bed, or just like somebody said, it may also be a sign that you have a hunger or desire for something. This are all valid points and your dreams can mean any of this things, but we also as believers, know that the devil is a copycat, he is a perverter of everything good, the devil knows that God uses dreams as a medium to reach out to His children, therefore he also takes advantage of that same platform. Food is the fastest way to a mans heart, Esau lost his birthright to food. People suffer a lot of affliction physically as a result of what they eat, in the same way, one can be afflicted spiritually by demonic food. In the spiritual warfare, eating in the dream is not taken lightly, the devil does initiates and afflicts people through eating in the dream. Many people have testified that there calamity started after the had a dream where they where served food in the dream and they ate it.

This is a very serious matter, eating in the dream can be demonic, that is why as a child of God, you must not take chances, if you find your self eating in the dream, when you wake up, begin to declare boldly the word of God concerning your deliverance and also engage in this deliverance prayers to flush out every demonic food from your system. No spell or demonic enchantment can harm or afflict any believer who is prayerful, as you engage this deliverance prayers, you will be too hot for the devil to come near. Pray this prayer with faith this morning and see God taking over your spiritual battles in Jesus name.

See also  Prayer Points To Counter Battle Against First Child


1. Every demonic caterer in my dream, receive the fire of God and die, in the name of Jesus.

2. You demonic caterer in my dream, eat your evil food, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every satanic agent, serving me evil food in my dream, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every satanic hand, assigned to serve me evil food, in my dream, be cut off by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

5. Blood of Jesus, purge my system of demonic food, eaten in the dream, in the name of Jesus.

6. Every evil contamination introduced into my life through eating in the dream, be dissolved, by the blood of Jesus.

7. I receive divine power to reject demonic food, in my dreams, in the name of Jesus.

8. Blood of Jesus, frustrate every activity of familiar spirits in my dream, in the name of Jesus.

9. Every satanic agent on assignment to poison my life through eating in the dream, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

10. Every evil power, sitting on the seat of my life, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Jesus for my deliverance.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. Man of God infact, your prayer points are targetted and Holy Spirit vomitted. Ever since I came intact with your dynamic ministry my understanding of warfare prayers of different categories have changed.I am prayerfully, considering networking my likemind ministry with yours to enhance, encourage, sharpen and showcase ea h others ministries. Kindly pray and ask the lord his concerning this. Amos3:7, Jere33:3, Dan2:19-24, Mark11:23-24,John14:13-14. Iam currently, residing CALIFORNIA in US with my family. Ride on and keep the faith .May the lord richly bless you and family, in Jesus name.

  2. Good morning sir. I am Mekwunye O Jonathan, sir I always eat in my dream and i lost my job in March this year. Please sir I need your prayers. May God continue to bless.

    • You need to stop eating late, eat at least 4 hours before you sleep. You must fast and pray, Pray prayers to break all evil covenants ( you can google this). Start off with 3 days fasting then you can go on to do 7 days depending on how you feel. Pay attention to your dreams also. If you don’t know the meaning to any dream google and follow the guidance of the holy spirit. God can deliver you fully and restore all you have lost but you must make up your mind to make him your God, follow his laws and desist from sin in all ramifications.

  3. Man of God, God richly bless you for these prayer points. I’m fasting and these prayer points has made me to understand that the devil wants to frustrate my deliverance through this dream but I glorify God for my deliverance with faith in the name of Jesus.

    • Bonjour homme de Dieu je pourrais avoir des psaumes de délivrance pour les mander en rêve? J attend un bb et je ne veux pas qu il soit affecté spirituellement.c est une soeur qui me fait a manger depuis une semaine et c’est l que je vois les nourriture en rê m inquiète.aidez moi svp

  4. Sir! Please pray for me, always eating in my dream ,but the strange thing is that is one of my family member that is giving me the food .when I woke up I feel weak.

  5. Am eating in my dreams and most of the times the food is serve by my family members I have been praying I need total deliverance

  6. Man of God, this prayer is highly effective and powerful. The night I prayed this prayer, it worked and miraculously, my eating in the dream stopped. Glory be to Jesus… Hallelujah. .., God bless you in trillions sir

  7. Plis sir , I need u to pray for me. I hav been eating uncontrollably in the dream everyday . I find myself eating many times in the dream and also experiencing sleepless night every day. Even when I sleep in d afternoon, I eat in d dream too. I do pour out bloody substances after eating this food . It has been since 2007 till now, sir.

    • Bonjour homme de Dieu je pourrais avoir des psaumes de délivrance pour les mander en rêve? J attend un bb et je ne veux pas qu il soit affecté spirituellement.c est une soeur qui me fait a manger depuis une semaine et c’est l que je vois les nourriture en rê m inquiète.aidez moi svp

  8. Bonjour. Je suis un homme de Dieu mais ça fait un bout de temps que je fais ces genres de rêve et c’est fréquent. Depuis lors je me sens trop fatigué … je vais avoir la victoire….prier pour moi Homme de Dieu… comme la Bible le dit priez les uns pour les autres et que la prière du juste a une grande efficacité… je crois que vous êtes juste et vous avez l’onction pour ça. Merci et gloire à Dieu pour ma délivrance

  9. Good morning sir please sir I do eat in d dream and also some time so dream and forget when I wake up pleases I need ur prayers

  10. bonjour
    j’ai lu votre blog et j’ai prier. Mais je ne me sentais pas troubler dans mon reve. De plus les aliment etais toujours bien presenter (gombo) et ils etais bon et frais donc je ne pense pas que cela viens de satan mais j’ai quand meme prier au cas ou ce serais lui. Comme je dis je ne pense pas que ces reves sois mauvais, j’ai demander confirmation au Seigneur et j’ai refais le reves mais avec un fruit different (acai). Des arbres qui fleurissent enormement.

  11. Praise God those prayers have helped very much spiritually and understanding the meaning spiritual warfare God bless you

  12. Bonjour, je demande la prière sur ces genres des rêves, aujourd’hui je me suis réveillé avec c’le rêve de manger avec les membres de la famille et je pense que utilise leurs visages pour me distraire. J’ai fais deuofois ce rêve, Je suis d’ailleurs en jeûne et prière et aujourd’hui c’est le 3 ème jour et voilà la tentation dans mon rêve.


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