Powerful Prayers To Overcome Self Stimulation


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Last Updated on July 31, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

2 Corinthians 12:7-9:
7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Today we are going to be engaging powerful prayers to overcome self stimulation. Self stimulation is a process where which one reaches orgasms through the self stimulation of his or her genitals. Self stimulation is very common among teenagers and young adults. Most people get there first intimate experience from self experimenting or self stimulation. Now the question is this , Is self stimulation a sin? The answer is Yes and No, therefore the final answer is yes. This is because, according to the law of mathematics, positive and negative equals negative. Now why did I say “yes and no” ?. Self stimulation is a sin because it is rooted in lust. You cannot engage in it without having a mental picture of lust in your mind. Most people mix self stimulation with adult movies which further enhances there fantasy. Lust is a sin as it leads to fornication and adultery, therefore self stimulation is a sin. I said “no” because by self stimulation, you are not harming anybody physically and you are not also harming yourself physically or medically. In other wards,there is no physical or medical harm connected to self stimulation but Spiritually its a sin and that is all that matters. I hope you get my point.


Self stimulation is a powerful addiction among Christians, an unbelievable amount of believers in Christ secretly indulge in this act. Its a concern among many believers as they have tried all manner of spiritual exercises to overcome it but all to no avail.They have prayed, fasted, confessed the word of God etc but nothing seems to be happening and they are frustrated. I am here to tell you today,do not worry, God is not mad at you. The reason why you are frustrated is because you are trying to stop masturbation by your own strength. You think that your ability to pray or fast is going to set you free, it won’t. Only the grace of God can set you free from self stimulation. One thing this prayers to overcome self stimulation will teach you today is to depend on Gods grace.

Paul the apostle had a similar challenge as a believer, he called it a thorn on His flesh, he prayed three times for God to remove it, but God told Him ” my grace is sufficient for you,my strength is made perfect in your weakness” what a word of encouragement. Jesus was telling him, do not let the things you can’t change frustrate you, rather depend on my strength to be set free. Paul had rest from then on. This prayer reminds me of  serenity prayer. If you are addicted to self stimulation as a Christian, you need the grace of Jesus, His grace is sufficient for you, He is not mad at you, He will never reject you or forsake you, He will always be there to carry you up when you are down and His strength becomes visible when you are weak. Therefore receive His grace to stand strong in Him. Hebrews 4:16.

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But one may ask, How can the grace of God help me overcome self stimulation? The grace of God is Gods unmerited favour, it is also the strength of God. Every time you fall in to the sin of self stimulation, rise up and declare that ” the grace of God is sufficient for me and His strength is made manifest in my weakness” keep receiving His grace in time of need and also be at rest, do not struggle with it, just let the grace of God in you overwhelm you, its only a matter of time, you will see the urge of self stimulation die in your life in Jesus name. Now we are going to engage in some powerful prayers to overcome self stimulation. This prayers will help you activate the grace of God in your life to overcome these sin. As you pray this prayers, I see the grace of God give you swift victory over every addiction in Jesus name.


1). Father, I thank you for your grace that is ever sufficient for me In Jesus name.

2). Father I thank you for loving me constantly in Jesus name.

3). Father, by your grace, I overcome every power of lust in my life in Jesus name

4). Father, by your grace, I overcome every power of adult movies in the name of Jesus

5). Father,by your grace, I overcome the force of self stimulation in Jesus name.

6). I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ, Jesus therefore self stimulation cannot have dominion over me in jesus name.

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7). Father,by your grace I speak peace to the turbulence in my sexual hormones in Jesus name.

8). Father,by your grace, I overcome the sexual urge leading me to masturbation in Jesus name.

9). Father by your grace, wash my eyes with your blood in Jesus name.

10). Father, by your grace keep me so busy in order for me not to have time for self stimulation in Jesus name.

11). Father, by your grace, I disconnect my self from any association that will lead me to self stimulation in Jesus name.

12). Father, I receive more grace from you daily to live above sexual sin in Jesus name.

13). Father, by your grace I cleanse myself totally from the filthiness of sexual sins in Jesus name.

14). Father, by your grace, deliver me from internet adult movies in Jesus name.

15). Father, by your grace, strengthen me in my inner man in Jesus name.
Thank you father for my deliverance in Jesus name.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. My name is Felix Sylvester
    I suffered from self stimulation
    I am not comfortable with it, sometimes when I stayed up to a month or weeks without self stimulation I fell relief from sin, my dreams becomes good, I’ll be praying and happy that I have overcome it
    Because I could know it I found myself in it and after that I weeped bitterly because I don’t like it, please I prayer 🙏🏿

  2. My name is Godspower Michael, am from orlu imo state. i keep masturbating all the time, each time i make up my mind to stop it,next week i find myself into it.I masturbate every day of my life.now am facing a big cancer on it called prostate cancer.man of God i need your prayers,this act has deprived many other things in my life ,like education,goals and dreams.i feel dejected by myself but am really the cause i allow the spirit to intoxicate me

    • sois bénis frère, ce dont tu souffres seul l’homme de Dieu Chris N’dikuma de l’émission Kanguka peut te guérir et cela totalement avec notre Seigneur Jésus et c’est gratuit car Jésus donne gratuitement et ce don qu’il a de guérir les malade ,il le donne gratuitement !Shalom

  3. I am thankful for the Love God is giving me all my days
    Am grateful for the blood of Jesus Christ that is dwelling in my life so that I can change and overcome the power of self stimulation in Jesus name amen

    • Vivo lo mismo que ustedes, no tengo con quien hacer oración, si alguno desea lo invito a que me escriba para que hagamos oración mutua creo que eso podría ayudarnos, un tiempo de oración cada día, pueden escribirme al +57 3214064760

    • Aidez moi aussi s’il vous plaît. J’arrive pas à l’arrêter même quand je le décide ardemment. Mais je sais que par la grâce de Dieu j’y arriverai

  4. Thank you lord for answered prayers in Jesus name we have pray. Amen. This is the best article I have seen on prayer from self stimulation(masturbation)
    Thank you for these prayer points and the bible verse, for now I know that by God’s grace , our weakness lies in his strength. Thanks a lot for this pastor and I hope you write more. Again, THANK YOU JESUS.

    • I am also victim of this self stimulation , pastor please pray 4 me & asked God to deliver me from this, Amen

  5. Man of God am also a victim whenever I think have over come masturbation it suddenly pop out of nowhere I need your prayers in my life

    • Hello Pastor, my name is Emmanuel Martey. I recently got addicted to watching porn and masturbation. Please pray for me to be delivered out of this sin. Please I need your prayers.

  6. Please sir I am facing same thing here, I have tried to stop masterbation but I can’t, sometimes I will be happy that I have stopped it, before I know it I will see myself doing it again and after doing it I will start feeling bad, please i need your prayers in my life, I need God strength grace, mercy and power to overcome every spirit of masterbation to die in Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

  7. Pastor, I have been in this situation for the past two years I tried to stop but I can’t please pray for me. May God bless you pastor.

  8. God deliver me from this heart and make me a new creation in Jesus name all the prayer point I read answer all of them and save us all from masturbation in Jesus name amen

  9. I am not addicted anymore since i prayed and prayed, but i feel an urge almost everyday and even in my sleep and i cant take it. Please pray for me.

  10. May the God help me to stop masturbation. It give me lost of memory and I’m dropping down academically from 3 position to second to the last. I don’t know what is disturbing me right now. I hardly read and understand.

  11. LORD JESUS pls help me and the children of God we want to stop masturbating from our heart pls help us GOD its like there is a strong sprit behind these masturbation when u think u have overcome it is when u are going deeper in it I want to do an open confession I need a deliverance this act of mine is gradually reducing the Grace of GOD in my life LORD JESUS pls help your son pls pray for me everyone am dying gradually help me lord Jesus in Jesus Name I pray AMEN🙏🙏

  12. Lord Jesus I need your help to stop masturbating an lead me to a life of happiness an remove al this negative energy an Satan out of my life Pls help me soon God so i can get my life back on track an not masturbating or thinking about it help me Lord Jesus in the Name of Jesus Christ or lord AMEN

    • Sir please am so sad😢😭 I have tried to stop masterbation but I can’t, sometimes I will be happy that I have stopped it, before I know it I will see myself doing it again and after doing it I will start feeling bad, sir please i need your prayer in my life, I need God strength grace, mercy and power to overcome every spirit of masterbation to die in Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

  13. Lord Jesus I need your help to stop masturbating an lead me to a life of happiness an remove al this negative energy an Satan out of my life Pls help me soon God so i can get my life back on track an not masturbating or thinking about it help me Lord Jesus in the Name of Jesus Christ or lord AMEN

  14. Pls pastors pray for me I made of my mind not masturbate again dis month and less of my life but I can’t do it without God grace and strength because I’m addicted to it.

  15. Father I thank you that you hear your sons, as we repent from this sin. We decree that we are no longer slaves to this pornography and masturbation.

    Father your word says that whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

    I thank you God, that you deliver us from this evil, you set us on track to will, may our lives be filled with hope, love, mercy, grace and peace.

    May we as your sons walk in honor of you and bring great praises and all glory to you a father.

    We that k you that you loves us and may we not be distracted from fellowshiping with you.

    Bless Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum for writing this and sharing with us, and bless his ministry.

    In the name of Jesus Christ I pray Amen.

  16. I am Angelo I started masturbating before I became a convert I thought the addiction after so many deliverance sections but no it didn’t. I’ve tried every possible means to quit via my own strength and relying on God’s strength . am also into gay porn . anytime I finish doing this things I feel a hot sensation on my chest. I pray for strength to continue relying on God . I need prayer.

  17. I also suffer the same cause at times I go weeks months without having illicit thoughts in my head and at other times I can’t seem to find that strength to resist
    I’m hoping for my deliverance

    • J’ai commencé la mastubation à l’âge de 14ans aujourd’hui j’ai 22ans et j’arrive pas à le surmonter souvent quand je décide de me mettre sérieusement en prière ça s’arrête mais dès que j’arrête de prier ça revient en force c’est comme si j’ai un esprit qui me contrôle je ne dure pas avec les hommes.

  18. Please pray for my wife and I. My addiction and lies about committing this sin has got my marriage on shakey ground…
    The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
    I really need all your prayers and I too will pray for all of us here.

  19. Pastor I think the Lord is using me so that I can be able to help the next generation to deal with self stimulation and sexual immorality …Apostle pray for me that I shall be outstanding and well anchored in God’s word….I have a feeling that I shall one day be an Apostle

    • Todos los que tenemos este problema de adicción a la masturbación y la pornografía debemos estar unidos en el nombre de Jesús, alzar nuestra voz para que los gobiernos del mundo acaben con la industria de la pornografía, ya que está adicción es igual o peor que la droga, causa depresión, ansiedad, soledad, angustia, frustración, rabia, baja autoestima, problemas físicos, emociones y espirituales, incluso suicidio, para resumir la pornografía es un infierno en vida, por eso nunca dejemos de orar y luchar por ser libres de este vicio, animo a todos, fortaleza, bendiciones, Dios es bueno y nos dará victoria y felicidad eterna, AMÉN.

  20. Pastor Please my name is Raymond, I have been masturbated for so many years, I have prayed and fasted buy still there is no change. Pastor please remember me in your prayers.

    • Have faith in yourself and pray for the “you can do spirit”and more over pray for the Grace of God and invites his strength to dwell in you

  21. Señor liberame de la masturbacion de la pornografia has el milagro de que no vuelva a caer en la tentacion hazme el hombre interior que era antes señor . Amen cuidame señor usted me puede quitar eso

  22. My name is Alex mukamba
    I suffered from self stimulation
    I am not comfortable with it, sometimes when I stayed up to a month or weeks without self stimulation I fell relief from sin, my dreams becomes good, I’ll be praying and happy that I have overcome it
    Because I could know it I found myself in it and after that I weeped bitterly because I don’t like it, please I prayer 🙏🏿

  23. Papa jai encore un probleme avec la masturbation car je veux arreter et le probleme revient a chaque fois. Je veux hair la masturbation au maximum et arreter de retomber a nouveau. Aide-moi a faire en sorte que je ne sois plus esclave de ce peche.

  24. Thank you pastor for giving us hope through our Holy savior Jesus Christ. Please Lord fill me with the Holy Ghost that I may be delivered from evil. Give me the desire to repent and obey your commandments you give us so that I may walk in your light. I ask you please deliver me from temptation to fornicate from this day on. Renew my faith and give me strength that I may overcome the wickedness that come from the evil one. in Jesus name, Amen.

    • I was once a victim of this but I thank God cuz he has delivered me
      But when I sleep I will still mustaber in my dream .so I need delevaranc from God

  25. Please keep me in your thought and prayers–i have been trying to beat self stimulation and i do good for about a week or two at a time and then i fail again.

    I keep pleading the blood of Jesus over myself and my family but i still fall short.

    Please keep me in your thought and prayers i appercaite because i truly want to beat the sin of Stimlation.

    please keep me in your thought and prayers i appericate it.

    God Bless you and your family.

    God Bless you

    Jeremy Scruggs

  26. God please save me from masturbating….
    God i really need your help from stopping this..
    God you are the only one who can help me

  27. I fast ,I pray…I still find myself in it
    I pray that good lord we help me out 🙏
    I’m so sorry 😞 for what have done
    Please God 😭😭😭 forgive me,so annoyed I wake by 12 night to say prayer the spirit came again
    Please God 😭 🙏 have mercy

  28. Seigneur Jésus-Christ ma vie est dans ta main. je ne crains au qu’un mal car je sais qu’il a un temps pour tout chose .oui il y a un temps que tu as prévu pour me donner la victoire et hummié le diable. Père j’attends se jour dans la prière
    La méditation et le jeûne. Car je c’est que le jour de mais victoire approche. Merci mon Dieu de m’aimer. Jamais je n’ambandonnerrai jamais ta présence et ton travail sur la terre dans le cœur de tes enfants . Je me rendrai toujours utile pour toi sur la terre. Tout se que je désire . c’est ta grâce dans ma vie . merci mon Dieu de pour ta grâce dans la vie. Je t’aime mon papa Jésus. Amen

  29. Père Éternel, je t’en supplie, aide-moi. Tu vois toutes ces luttes en moi, mes chutes et rechutes parce que je ne veux pas arrêter ce péché puisqu’il a toujours fait partie de ma vie. Aujourd’hui, je te donne ma volonté afin qu’elle puisse s’accorder à la tienne. Je fais de mauvais rêves et j’ai constamment des pulsions inassouvies. Je renonce à l’impureté et je prie pour que tu me donnes la force de persévérer. Aie pitié de tes enfants fragiles et faibles Seigneur. Merci à l’avance pour ce que tu feras en moi.

  30. Pastor please pray for me…..I have been masturbating for so long and I can’t get rid of it….plsss I need ur prayers pastor….am tired of this masturbation…..I have been praying….

  31. My name is bright from Kenya I have been under the urge for nine years I have tried my best to leave masturbation but it all prove futile. I tried to leave it for weeks and months but the urge becomes stronger and stronger to avert. I confess in Jesus name that today I have renewed strength to avoid this evil desire of the weaked Satan. Ooh God give me strength to leave it in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  32. Please pray for me man of God and also into this masturbation
    Anytime I plan to overcome it I won’t know when I will still find myself doing it again
    Please I really need your prayer please pray for me

  33. Man of God please save me from this masturbation. Am just 14yrs old and i have been masturbating for 3yrs now. Am tired of it, sometimes i even feel like God has turned away from me. Am trying to pray for something and i feel like God will never answer me because he has turned away. please help me i feel like my soul is dying. ialways try to stop but i cant take a week without doing it. Please help me and deliver me from this evil act

  34. Am tried of masterbation I have done it now 6 years am really tried if it ever time I try going away for it something pulls me back to it 🙏Lord have mercy today am here by confirm to you lord never to do it again oct/18/2021 I have stop it God pay for u help to clear my mind to cleary soul it’s not now in me I have said it out all let that demon go back to hell I command it 😪😪😭so I am here by confining that Sin left it for the world to know that it’s bad and on one really likes it 😭😭🙏🙏😪 pray for protection against the sin ever again

  35. Hello guys we all here are humans and we can’t hide our sins from our God in Heaven, i am addicted to the spirit of Masturbation but i don’t do it all the time most time i Masturbation two times a week or three or at times i don’t even think of it through out that wee, and the most of it all i hate myself after doing it and my eyes will be clear when i am done with Masturbation that moment i have fast and pray and even complain to people of what i am going through in my Life the worst part is that i have promise our God not to go back to Masturbation again but trust me i can’t hold myself back, my people this Spirit of Masturbation is really strong for me to handle myself but i strongly believe that my God will help me some day because is not easy to overcome it at all, so what i am trying to say is that Masturbation is really evil and not good to our Health, it will take the Grace of God to over come it in our Lives.
    I watch porn videos and also love to watch girls twerking online and after that my mind will begin to think of Masturbation and i can’t control myself anymore i must go and Masturbate then after the Masturbation my eyes will clear and i will start to ask my God for mercy again, like seriously this thing need to stop in my Life
    If there is anyone to help me to overcome it or teach me hoe to overcome it please i will be happy and i can’t wait to get reply from anyone here please i need help this Masturbation is killing me inside i need to stop it. Thank you guys for reading my story about Masturbation and i also thank who will help me out. God bless all of us and also save us from this Masturbation stuff in Jesus Name Amen. This is my number on Whatsapp +2330239852085 my name is Kelvin and i am from Nigeria but currently in Ghana now. God bless you guys.

  36. Syalom Teman-teman pak pendeta
    Saya juga mengalami hal yang sama dan saya sangat membutuhkan bimbingan sebab saya sudah kecanduan terlalu lama bertahun tahun dan selalu melakukan masturbasi, dan saya selalu berusaha untuk berhenti tapi ternyata selalu gagal 😭 dan ketika saya membaca artikel ini sangat luar biasa semoga poin poin doanya saya lakukan dan Saya percaya Tuhan akan menolong saya Amin. Saya butuh bimbingan mu pa pendeta 🙏

  37. I pray that everyone suffering from this habit, God heals you by His Grace.
    I have suffered from this act from a very young age, before I even knew its meaning.
    But am very Grateful that after Praying this Prayer, By God’s am free.
    Thank You Lord.

  38. I hv been doing this for over 7/8 years
    Always trying to stop it
    Maybe I might stop for a month and start again
    Have tried so hard to go away with this
    But It seems resisting it is not the right solution
    Cause it doesn’t work
    I pray gods grace to overcome this in Jesus name
    I take the boldness today

    Masturbation will destroy your future

    Masturbation will stop your progress
    This is what I find out

  39. Ireland.
    I suffer from this torment, self stimulation,one is to many a thousand not a enough.
    Please pray for me to have it removed by the grace of God, I will pray for ye as well, to ask God to have it removed from ye.

  40. Je réponds au nom de Bénédicte,j’écris ce message en pleurant car cette vie de masturbation ne cesse de me ronger le coeur,j’ai perdue ma joie ça fait des années que je suis dans ça,je sais que c’est un péché mais je ne me comprends pas à chaque fois que je prends la décision s’arrêter avec ça l’envie devient de plus en plus fort j’ai bon essayer mais je n’y arrive pas,cela me dérange vraiment je ne veux plus de cette vie seigneur j’implore ta grâce dans ma vie afin que j’arrête avec ça je crois en toi mon Dieu et merci pour ton amour Amen

  41. Thomas
    I am mastruebating and stimulation, sense I was young, I stoped for 12 years been in a programme of sexaholic Anonymous, but I am at it again.
    I read your letters, it is a epidemic, it is just shocking, with all the praying 🙏 🙂 😊 😌 that it won’t go away. It is very frustrating when God won’t help us,..??

    ??? What’s going on Jesus Mary and the Holy spirt.what is going on..?
    Thinking up a woman feeling my balls, and I feeling 🤔 her pussy,
    Imagination of having intercourse with her.
    Phonography, on line dating.
    I pray for ye I discovered 0n the Internet words. When I Google in a prayer for mastruebating. This Evening this mighty fix me.mi lost my smartphone, just to up set me more.

  42. Svp aidez moi je sais que la masturbation est un péché grave mais je n’arrive a l’abandonner même quand je me discipline ça revient toujours

  43. Thank you man of God. Am Felix Akudzi from Ghana. Please l have been in this pornography and masturbation for about 10 years now. I tried all l could but All to no avail. Please pray for me so that God can have mercy on me.
    I have few ways to share with those who are also victims in this acts regardless. There are some apps on Play store which can help.
    1: Bulldog blocker- when you active this app on your phone, it will automatically block all pornography sites from your phone and that can prevent you from watching it anytime you are tempted.
    2: Pornography reboot – this app will send you daily messages and advices concerning the hazardous effects of watching pornography and why you need to stop.
    3: Lock my phone: this app will Lock your phone within the time period you set by yourself. This simply means that you can let your phone lock from 12:00am to 6:00 am since people normally watch the movie in the midnight.
    4: Stay away lock: is also another phone locking app which can look your phone for a specific period of time. For example, you can let the phone lock for 6 hours. This can also help when you know the time that you are tempted to watch the movie.

  44. je suis fiancée et mon conjoint me comble de tout sans exception. depuis quelques temps j’ai pris plaisir à l’auto stimulation. je veux arrêter ça mais ça persiste. et sans vous mentir quand je fais un jour sans cette pratique, je me sens légère et très libre.
    j’en souffre

  45. Bonjour, Bonsoir à tous et suis Juste Amour de nationalité Gabonaise et je suis dans ce pêché depuis plus de 10ans cette année 2022 j’ai pratiquement fait plus de 5mois sans me masturber mais aux mois de Novembre et Décembre j’ai pas compris comment je me suis encore retrouver dans cet acte…
    mais j’ai la fois que la seul solution que nous avons c’est Dieu et je propos que chacun ici se mette a prier pour les uns pour les autres et Dieu nous fera grâce de briser ce Démon qui nous tient prisonnier depuis des années

  46. Je me masturbe et j’ai très mal au cœur s’il vous plaît aidez moi a prier l’Éternel pour qu’il puisse me délivrer de cela sa m’énerve vraiment je ne veux même plus pensée à sa aidé moi homme de Dieu 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  47. Hello I’m Sarah…
    I have an addiction to porn and masturbation, its been like this for a year… Every single day I masturbate, it distracts me from my school bcz I sometimes get the urge to during class, In the name of Christ Jesus I would like to stop.
    If its okay, May you please pray for me because I need all the prayer to overcome this addiction. Thank you

  48. thanks Jesus for delivery me fro spirit of masterbation and restore my glory and my wife joesphine osayand back to me in Jesus mighty name Amen. oh Lord purge out every sinful nature in me and cleaning me with ur precious blood and let’s ur mercy prevail over my life in Jesus mighty name Amen and heal all my private organs system including my manhood in Jesus mighty name Amen

  49. I have been masturbating for so long now and have made up my mind many times to stop but i still see myself doing it,
    please sir i need your help in prayers.


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