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Last Updated on August 1, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we shall be engaging in prayer for the nation of Botswana. Bordered by the country of South Africa to the South and Southeast is the Republic of Botswana. The country became a free republic in 1966 after it gained independence from the British government. Since the country gained independence, it has enjoyed a sustainable economy and peaceful and stabilized transition of government. Botswana is currently regarded one of the safest countries to be in Africa. Many battle and challenges that has rendered many African countries has spared the nation of Botswana.

The economy of Botswana is strongly built on exportation of diamonds, also, tourism is rapidly becoming one of the biggest source of revenue to the country. Owing to the fact that the country possess some of Africa’s largest areas of wilderness, Safari-tourism is largy becoming an household tourists attraction sites in Botswana.


Although, ghe country has had her own bad share of the gory and horrible attack of the deadline immune virus, HIV. As a matter of fact, the country was named to have the highest number of people affected with HIV in 2014. However, the country has one of Africa’s most-advanced treatment programmes, however, and medicine for the virus is readily available.

During those pathetic moments of being the highest with infected people of HIV and AIDS, the country went through a gory experience, even among neighboring Africa countries that shared border with it. The people of Botswana were always greatly scrutinized before they are granted pass into another country. There is no gainsaying that the country does not and would never wish to experience that phase of life anymore.
So if there was anything the people of Botswana would pray for, it will be never to experience such occurrence again. You all might still wonder why and how can you say a prayer for the nation of Botswana.


The Bible instructed that we should always pray without ceasing. Also, the devil is always roaming about like a roaring lion looking for whom or what to devour. When there is a slack in the place of prayer, the tormentor can easily step in to frustrate the effort of people.
That is why it is important to always pray at all time, whether the time is good or not, it is expected that we pray.

Furthermore, it is important to make a prayer for the nation of Botswana so that the good thing which God has started in the country can be permanent. Also, to avoid evil occurrences from befalling the nation of Botswana. Because, technically, Botswana is not as poor as some nations in Africa, but that doesn’t mean that it can not be better than what it is presently. The poverty level is quite minimal, but it can be completely eradicated if the place of prayer for the nation of Botswana is very hot.


History has made it known that the nation of Botswana was formerly confronted by the biggest and deadliest syndrome HIV and AIDS, but it was easily curbed. This shows that the government of Botswana is active and ready to save the nation.

No wonder the scripture says Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. This means no matter the size of the problem that may confront a nation, the people will always smile and rejoice when the righteous are in power.
Therefore, while saying a prayer for the nation of Botswana remember her government, God must not stop in installing a leader after His own heart into office. A man who will have the love of people at heart must always triumph in any electoral process. The seat of government in Botswana must be made abominable for any man who is not of God.


Many a times, when their is enough prosperity in the land, the devil is always trying to roll an evil stone on the road to avoid good thing. When praying for the nation of Botswana, remember her economy. What ever plans or agenda of the enemy to penetrate into the economy of Botswana must not stand. The scripture says John 11:39: “Jesus said, Take ye away the stone”. Christ understand that bringing Lazarus from the dead isn’t hard, but there is an obstacle that must be taking out before the miracle happens. Most times that is what the devil do, when there is good in land, when the spiritual border of a country is opened for good things to happen, the devil can roll a stone to hinder more blessing from coming in.

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There is a great need to pray for the people of Botswana that they may be holy. HIV is a communicable disease that is most transmitted through blood contact. But the most common means of transmitting the deadly syndrome is through an unprotected sex. It is glaring that what the scripture commanded is not being followed in Botswana Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge”. If the bed is undefiled, the transmission of HIV would reduce drastically. Sexual immorality is the biggest cause of HIV and AIDS. It has becoming compelling to always pray for the holiness of the people as commanded by the scripture in 1 Pet 1:15-1 6: “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” The people of Botswana must be spiritually sanitized.


The church is the intercessory unit of any nation. If a nation will succeed or fail, the church plays a pivotal role in it. This will not happen when the church doesn’t know it place in nation’s building. The churches in Botswana needs to birth the fire of revival that will free people from sexual immorality that has once dented the well being of the nation.
Conclusively, we a prayer for the nation of Botswana will birth the Africa of our dreams.


1). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy and lovingkindness that has been upholding this nation since independence till date – Lamentations. 3:22

2). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us peace by all means in this nation up till now – 2Thessalonians. 3:16

3). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

4). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for setting in disarray every gang-up of hell against the growth of the church of Christ in this nation – Matthew. 16:18

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church – Act. 2:47

6). Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the elect, deliver this Nation from utter destruction. – Genesis. 18:24-26

7). Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14

8). Father in the name of Jesus, send your rescue angel to deliver Botswana from every force of destruction arrayed against her – 2 Kings. 19:35,Psalm. 34:7

9). Father, in the name of Jesus, save Botswana from every gang-up of hell aimed at destroying this Nation. – 2kings. 19:32-34

10). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from every trap of destruction set by the wicked. – Zephaniah. 3:19

11). Father, in the name of Jesus, hasten your vengeance upon the enemies of peace and progress of this nation and let the citizens of this nation be rescued from all the assaults of the wicked – Psalm. 94:1-2

12). Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense tribulation to all that trouble the peace and progress of this nation even as we pray now – 2 Thessalonians. 1:6

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13). Father, in the name of Jesus, let every gang up against the continuous growth and expansion of the church of Christ in Botswana be crushed permanently – Matthew. 21:42

14). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked against this nation come to an end even as we pray now – Psalm. 7:9

15). Father, in the name of Jesus, vent your anger upon all the perpetrators of wanton killings in this nation, as you rain up on all them fire, brimstone and a horrible tempest, thereby granting permanent rest to the citizens of this nation – Psalm. 7:11, Psalm11:5-6

16). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the rescue of Botswana from the powers of darkness contending against her destiny – Ephesians. 6:12

17). Father, in the name of Jesus, release your instruments of death and destruction against every agent of the devil set to destroy the glorious destiny of this nation – Psalm 7:13

18). Father, by the blood of Jesus, release your vengeance in the camp of the wicked and restore our lost glory as a nation. -Isaiah 63:4

19). Father in the name of Jesus, let every evil imagination of the wicked against this nation fall upon their own heads, resulting in the advancement of this nation – Psalm 7:9-16

20). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree speedy judgement against every force resisting the economic growth and development of this nation – Ecclesiastes. 8:11

21). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree supernatural turnaround for our nation Botswana. – Deuteronomy. 2:3

22). Father, by the blood of the lamb, we destroy every force of stagnation and frustration militating against the advancement of our nation Botswana. – Exodus 12:12

23). Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the re-opening of every closed door against the destiny of Botswana. -Revelation 3:8

24). Father in the name of Jesus and by the wisdom from above, move this nation forward in all areas thereby restoring her lost dignity. -Ecclesiastes.9:14-16

25). Father in the name of Jesus, send us help from above that will culminate in progress and development of this nation –Psalm. 127:1-2

26). Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and defend the oppressed in Botswana, so the land can be liberated from all forms of injustice. Psalm. 82:3

27). Father, in the name of Jesus, enthrone the reign of justice and equity in Botswana so as to secure her glorious destiny. – Daniel. 2:21

28). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring all the wicked to justice in this nation thereby establishing our lasting peace. – Proverbs. 11:21

29). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the enthronement of justice in all the affairs of this nation thereby establishing peace and prosperity in the land. – Isaiah 9:7

30). Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver Botswana from all forms of illegality, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation. -Ecclesiastes. 5: 8, Zechariah. 9:11-12

31). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your peace reign in Botswana by all means, as you silence all perpetrators of unrest in the land. -2Thessalonians 3:16

32). Father, in the name of Jesus, give us leaders in this nation that will usher the nation into realms of greater peace and prosperity. -1 Timothy 2:2

33). Father, in the name of Jesus, grant Botswana all-round rest and let this result in ever-increasing advancement and prosperity. – Psalm 122:6-7

34). Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every form of unrest in this nation, resulting in our economic growth and development. -Psalm. 46:10

35). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your covenant of peace be established over this nation Botswana, thereby turning her to an envy of the nations. -Ezekiel. 34:25-26

36).;Father, in the name of Jesus, let saviours arise in the land that will rescue the soul of Botswana from destruction- Obadiah. 21

37). Father, in the name of Jesus, send us leaders with the required skills and integrity that will lead this nation out of the woods – Psalm 78:72

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38). Father, in the name of Jesus, position men and women endowed with the wisdom of God in places of authority in this country, thereby ushering this nation a new into realm of peace and prosperity- Genesis. 41:38-44

39). Father, in the name of Jesus, let only divinely positioned individuals take the reigns of leadership in this nation at all levels from henceforth – Daniel. 4:17

40). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise wise-hearted leaders in this country by whose hand the barriers standing against the peace and progress of this nation shall be taken out of the way- Ecclesiastes. 9:14-16

41). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against the scourge of corruption in Botswana, thereby rewriting the story of this nation- Ephesians. 5:11

42). Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver Botswana from the hands of corrupt leaders, thereby restoring the glory of this nation- Proverbs. 28:15

43). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise an army of God-fearing leaders in this nation, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation- Proverbs 14:34

44). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fear of God saturate the length and breadth of this nation, thereby removing shame and reproach from our nations – Isaiah. 32:15-16

45). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn your hand against the adversaries of this nation, that are blocking the way forward to our economic growth and development as a nation – Psalm. 7:11,Proverbs 29:2

46). Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the economy of this nation and let this land be filled with laughter again – Joel 2:25-26

47). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring an end to the economic woes of this nation thereby restoring her past glory – Proverbs 3:16

48). Father, in the name of Jesus, break the siege over this nation, thereby terminating our age-long political turmoils – Isaiah. 43:19

49). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from the scourge of unemployment by stirring waves of industrial revolution in the land -Psalm.144:12-15

50). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise political leaders in this nation that will usher Botswana into a New realm of glory- Isaiah. 61:4-5

51). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of revival continue to burn across the length and breath of this nation, resulting in the supernatural growth of the church – Zechariah. 2:5

52). Father, in the name of Jesus, make the church in Botswana a channel of revival across the nations of the earth – Psalm. 2:8

53). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord continue to consume the hearts of Christians across this nation, thereby taking more territories for Christ in the land -John.2:17, John. 4:29
54). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every church in this nation into a revival centre, thereby establishing dominion of the saints in the land – Micah. 4:1-2

55). Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every force militating against the growth of the church in Botswana, thereby leading to further growth and expansion – Isaiah. 42:14

56). Father, in the name of Jesus. let the 2019 elections in Botswana be free and fair and let it be void of election violence all through – Job 34:29

57). Father, in the name of Jesus, scatter every agenda of the devil to frustrate the electoral process in the forthcoming elections in Botswana- Isaiah 8:9

58). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every device of evil men to manipulate the 2019 elections in Botswana-Job 5:12

59). Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be hitch-free operations all through 2019 electoral process, thereby ensuring peace in the land- Ezekiel. 34:25

60). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against every form of electoral malpractices in the forthcoming elections in Botswana, thereby averting post-election crisis – Deuteronomy. 32:4.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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