Prayers Against Witchcraft and Jezebel


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Last Updated on March 22, 2022 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

In today’s article we shall be engaging in prayers against witchcraft and Jezebel. Witchcraft is the act of using dark powers to perform miracles and show wonders. The act of witchcraft didn’t just start; it has begun since the times of the early men in the scripture. One of the devices that the devil uses to deceive the people of God is through witchcraft. Little wonder, a person can be posses with an evil spirit and yet perform miracles. Kindly Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel To Watch Daily Powerful Prayer Videos It would be recalled from the scriptures that after the death of Samuel, King Saul, became void of things of the spirit; he could no longer receive spiritual messages like when Prophet Samuel was alive. There came a time King Saul needed the wisdom of God on how to go about the continued battle with the Philistines. At that time, King Saul had consulted different diviners, prophets, and soothsayers, but none could give a quick response to what Saul wanted. And since King Saul was bereft of the spirit of God in his life, he was also blind and deaf to God. Saul’s last option was to summon the spirit of the dead prophet Samuel. King Saul met a witch of Endor to assist him in invoking the spirit of Samuel, just to get answers to his mysteries. (See 1 Samuel  28:6-25). This was an account of witchcraft and sorcery in the scripture. What is worth knowing is that witchcraft possesses people the same way the power of the Holy Ghost intoxicates people. And many times, some people cannot even tell the difference between the unholy Spirit and the real Spirit of truth, which is the Holy spirit. Witchcraft connotes everything evil. While the story of King Saul and the Witch of Endor seemed to be a perfect representation of the darkened activities of Witchcraft, there is another woman that was likened to be a witch in the scripture. Queen Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, the ruler of Northern Isreal, is a perfect example of wickedness. Although she may not possess the demonic powers that could characterize her to be a witch, however, her evil nature made it compelling for her to be called a witch. (See 1 Kings 16:1-33, 1 Kings 19, 1 Kings 21.) Meanwhile, the real meaning of Jezebel is Chaste and free from canal connection. Unfortunately, the woman Jezebel is a perfect contrast of her name. She was a crafty, wicked, and dreadful queen of Northern Isreal. She was highly treacherous, demonically possessive, a die-hard idolater, and corrupt individual. Jezebel was a destroyer, a thief, prostitute, like she never had a good side. She was highly dreadful. Even Prophet that could stand in the presence of the king and declared that there would be no rain in Isreal and the heaven was sealed for three and a half years by the words of the Prophet. Elijah could command the consuming fire from heaven to destroy the Prophets of Baal, but when he saw Jezebel, he took to his heels, 1 Kings 18. This explains the fact that Jezebel was highly feared even more than the devil himself. After queen Jezebel, no one has ever named their child or ward by the name Jezebel. This is not because there is a fault in the name, but because the first person who bared that name was not a character that is worthy of emulation. What this means is that no man ever wants to attach themselves to anything negative. Kindly Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel To Watch Daily Powerful Prayer Videos

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The Spirit Of Jezebel

The Jezebelian Spirit, or the Spirit of Jezebel connotes wickedness, idolatry, prostitution and all kinds of sexual sins and perversions, Revelation 2:20, Revelation 17. This Spirit can manifest through a man or a woman, but it manifests mostly in women.  If Witches are tormenting the life of a man or there is a Spirit of Jezebel in the life of any man, such an individual will amount to nothing. Such a person will not be able to leave up to the full potential which God has destined for such a person. Just like King Ahab was just sitting on the throne and Queen Jezebel held the authority, so it also will be for anyone whose life is being tormented by a Jezebel. That kind of person will have potentials, such an individual will have dreams and aspirations, but none of it will ever come to pass. The worst thing is that such a person will be far from God, just like King Saul and King Ahab were now from God. Ahab was a Hebrew man; they serve Jehovah; however, after he got married to Jezebel, he started serving Baal. There is a need for everyone to break free from the shackles of witchcraft and defeat every Spirit of Jezebel in our lives.


How Do I Overcome Witchcraft And The Spirit Of Jezebel?

These forces can be overcome by prayers. Prayer is the key to oppressing the devil and destroying all the powers of witchcraft and jezebel. When you are a prayerful believer, no witch can come near you. Your life will be on fire for God. No fly perches on a hot stove. Through prayers we generated supernatural powers to subdue the forces of darkness, when we engage in warfare prayers against witchcraft powers, every forces of wickedness bows before us. Beloved, I don’t know how long the devil has tormented you with witchcraft, tonight you shall be set free in Jesus Christ name. I encourage you to take your prayer life seriously and you shall watch the devil fall at your feet.  We have compiled a list of prayer against Witchcraft and Jezebel, find prayers below. Kindly Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel To Watch Daily Powerful Prayer Videos


  • Lord Jesus, I thank you for giving us your name. I magnify you for the power in your name and blood, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus.
  • Father Lord, the scripture says that we have been given a name that is above all names that at the mention of that name every knee must bow and every tongue shall confess that he’s God. I bind every spirit of Witchcraft in my life in the name of Jesus.
  • I come against every power of demonic possession, every power that is not holy trying to dominate my life; I destroy them by the blood of the lamb.
  • Lord, I break into pieces every shackle of witchcraft in my life, I submit myself to the teaching of the Holy Spirit, I give myself to the full possession of the undiluted spirit of God, in the name of the Jesus.
  • Father Lord, I destroy every hold of Jezebel in my life. I come against every human in the form of demonic Jezebel; I destroy them by the blood of the lamb.
  • Father Lord, I announce my freedom from dark powers of hell, I take captive of the forces of darkness in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord God, I come against every spirit of confusion in my life; every manifestation that wants to appear like the spirit of God is consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, I pray that you will guide my thought and reason, and you will take over my entire being in the name of Jesus.
  • I decree my freedom from every power of Jezebel that wants to take control of my life. I announce today that my life belongs to Jesus; therefore, every tree that my father did not plant is uprooted in the name of Jesus.
  • Every demonic Jezebel that has vowed to lead me unto destruction, I decree the vengeance of God upon them in the name of Jesus.
  • The bible says, the voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the is upon the waters, the voice of the Lord is filled with majestic, Lord, I pray that you will speak your word of wisdom into my life today. I will break free from the territory of witchcraft, where I have been held captive in the name of Jesus.
  • For it has been written that he that the son has set free is free indeed. I confess my freedom from sin and iniquities in the name of Jesus. I confess my freedom from witchcraft and sorcery in the name of Jesus.
  • I affirm my re-dedication unto Christ, as from today, I’m no longer a prey to darkness, I’m no longer a slave to Jezebel in the name of Jesus.
  • The scripture says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities in dark places. I take on the full armor of God in the name of Jesus. I take on the weapon of my warfare in Christ Jesus, and I take down the territory of the devil over my life in the name of Jesus.
See also  40 Prayer Points Against Negative Words and Deliverance From Evil Utterances

Amen. Kindly Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel To Watch Daily Powerful Prayer Videos

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. Dejad de decir que la brujería es mala, es una creencia igual de válida que la vuestra, además que a Jezabel la poneís como una mujer manipuladora y malvada cuando simplemente era una reina que no seguía la religión de Israel…No hace falta que “rezeís contra la brujería”. Las personas que siguen esa práctica no son malas y no tienen nada e contra vuestra, vive y deja vivir, estaís super desinformados sobre esta práctica…Informaros antes de hablar.

    • Con el debido respeto que nos merecemos todos, creo que quien tiene que informarse es usted. Tome la palabra de Dios y lea y verá que la brujería está en contra de la voluntad de Dios porque son obras del diablo y el que hace las obras del diablo está en contra del dador de la vida y de nuestra salvación que es Jehová Todopoderoso, Supremo y Soberano Dios

  2. Благодаря много, наистина успявам реално да се изцеля чрез тези молитви, много са силни и от дълго време дяволи се навъртат около мен, а вашите молитви ме спасяват, Вие сте един Ангел , а може би Архангел с голяма сила и съм благодарна на Господ, че има пратеници от Господ като Вас, Вие спасявате измъчените и тези които искат спасение.


  3. Witchcraft was use against me which I never know that my exwife and family was in witchcraft. At one time she said from the pass that people think her mother and her was a witch. Never took her serious have cut ties with her family.

  4. A great prayer for sure! Thank you very much. Only one small issue… the word below — denounce below means to reject — we do not want to reject Christ. The word should be updated to say — affirm — which means accept. Be blessed. JC, Toronto, Canada 🙂

    I denounce my re-dedication unto Christ, as from today, I’m no longer a prey to darkness, I’m no longer a slave to Jezebel in the name of Jesus.

  5. Please pray for me and ask the Holy Spirit to show you. I am in desperate need of prayer. I am dealing with people causing me physical and emotional harm and with them monitoring me. Please if you read this pray for me.


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