Prayer Points on waiting on the lord


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Last Updated on September 24, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with prayer points on waiting on the Lord. Frequently, when God promises to give us something, the manifestation of those things is not spontaneous. Many times it is a test for our faith in the Lord. Drawing a reference from the story of Abraham after God instructed him to leave his father and mother’s house to a place that will be shown to him. After that, God told him to walk before him and be perfect, and he will establish his covenant with Abraham.

The greatest of God’s promises for Abraham was to make him the father of many Nations, whereas Abraham and his wife Sarah were barren. And despite God’s promise and covenant upon the life of Abraham, he remained barren still. There are times when God wants us to exhibit a good character when we are waiting on him. In the structure of God, there is a place called the waiting room. When we have not received the fulfillment of the promise, we will be in the waiting room. Our conduct in that waiting will determine how fast that blessing would come. The story of the Israelites is a perfect example. God promised to take them into the Canaan land, and he has promised that the journey would be for forty days and night, however, due to their bad conduct, the journey ended up becoming forty years.


We also, at one point in time, we will be in the waiting room. We must pray for the grace of God to exhibit a good character while we wait. Some so many people have at one point in time missed the blessings of God because they get impatient while waiting on the Lord, their impatience made them talk back at God asking for assurance if he is still capable of doing what he promised them. I decree that by the grace of God Almighty, you will not miss the blessings of the Lord. The grace to maintain a good character while you wait on the Lord and the grace never to lose hope on all his promises, I pray that God will grant it unto you.

As you read this article, may you find the courage to wait until God answers that prayer in the name of Jesus? Take your time to study these prayers effectively, say them more often for strength, and God will grant it unto you.

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Prayer Points:

  • Lord Jesus, I thank you for your promises to me. I thank you because you counted me worthy to receive from you. I thank you for the blessing you promised me in the scripture, I thank you for the ones you promised me through your prophet, and I thank you for the ones you told me yourself. Lord, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, I know that I’m currently in my waiting room, Lord, please grant me the grace to exhibit good character while I wait on you. Grant them the strength always to give me the grace to never lose hope in you. And until you bring those promises to manifestation, grant me the grace to keep waiting in good faith.
  • Father Lord, I come against every form of distraction, I put every form of temptations under check in the name of Jesus. Every and agenda of the devil to make me shift my gaze away from you. Every scheme of the enemy to make me sort breakthrough elsewhere, Lord Jesus, I destroy such schemes in the name of Jesus. For I know the sufferings and tribulations I’m facing now is nothing compared to the blessings and glory that you have in stock for me, Lord, please help me not to lose it in the name of Jesus. I do not want to miss your blessings because I could not wait a bit longer, grant the patience to keep waiting on you. Just like the three Hebrews vowed not to deny God despite the burning furnace, give me the grace never to bow my faith to the pressure of life.
  • Lord Jesus, I know waiting on you can be quite frustrating, the bitterness of the heart and the nasty condemnations from people can cause any man to backslide. But God, I pray for strength to be steadfast in your presence, grace to continually wait on, grace not be to distracted by the condemnation of people, grace not to be overwhelmed by the success of others, I pray that you will grant me this grace in the name of Jesus.
  • Father Lord, I pray that by your grace you will hasten up the manifestation of those blessings. For the scripture says the earnest expectations of the creature awaits the manifestations of the sons of God. Lord, people are looking up to me, they are looking at me vigorously to sing my praises when I win and to condemn me when I fail. Father, the success of the creature, awaits my manifestation as your son, father, I pray that you will fulfill all your promises over my in the name of Jesus. I cry before you today, I plead with the precious blood of Christ that speaks righteousness than the blood of Abel, I pray that by your mercy that endureth forever you will not let me miss it before you fulfill your promises over my life in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord Jesus, the faith of a man lingers in the cloud when hope and expectations too long. Father, by your mercy, I know you are not a man to lie; neither are you a son of man to repent. I know for sure that you will fulfill those promises upon my life. By your mercy, I pray for a quick fulfillment of those blessings in the name of Jesus. Lord help my hope, strengthen my faith through the manifestation of those blessings in the name of Jesus.
See also  Prayer Points To Improve Your Prayer Life

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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