Deliverance Prayer From Bedwetting


Last Updated on July 20, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with deliverance prayer from bedwetting. The book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 explained that there is time for everything on earth a time to be born and a time to die. Similarly, there is a time in human life when bedwetting is considered normal. However, when a child clock some certain age and he or she has not stopped bedwetting, then it becomes a problem. When an adult child continues to bedwet, it bring shame to the child and reproach to the parents.

The book of Psalm 20:25 Keep my soul, and deliver me; Let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in You. King David in this scripture is begging God to safe him from shame. Just like the way David has called on God to rescue him from shame and reproach, also you will call on God for help and that shame will be taken away. The shame and stigma that comes with bedwetting especially for an adult can’t be quantified. Sometimes, the devil intentionally uses bedwetting to disgrace some people. How that a full grown man will not be able to hold his or her bladder when they sleep. It brings a total disgrace.


If this happens to you, you should not consider it as something normal. This is the time to raise an altar of prayer against every spirit of bedwetting. The scripture says rebuke the devil and it will flee. You can rebuke the spirit that causes you to bed wet. The scripture says declare a thing and it shall be established. When you pray the lord will answer and the demon that causes you to bed wet will flee from you.


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Prayer Points:

  • Lord Jesus, I have come before this day to register my heart pain. I have come to you to discuss my shame with you. I have been struck by the demon of bed wetting and I have tried every means to free myself from it but all to no avail. I pray that your spirit will will help me today in the name of Jesus. 
  • Father Lord, it has been written, resist the devil and it will flee. I rebuke every demon that causes me to bed wet anytime I sleep in the night. I pray that the fire of God Almighty will destroy such demon before me in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord, I release myself from every demonic shackles that has put in the bondage causing me to bed wet all the time. Lord, for it has been written that the son has set free is free indeed, I speak my Freedom into reality in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord, I pray that the power of God will quicken my mortal body against the demon of bed wetting in the name of Jesus. Lord, I pray that your power will wake me whenever my bladder is full and set to release fluid, I pray that the power of God will wake me from sleep in the name of Jesus. 
  • I come against every generational order in my lineage that causes adults in my family to bed wet and end up in shame. I rebuke such generational order over my life today in the name of Jesus.  
  • Lord, I rebuke every form of ancestral curse that work in my family causing me to bed wet. I decree by the authority of heaven, such curse is destroyed in the name of Jesus. The scripture says Christ has made himself curse for us, because curse us he that is hanged on the tree. I come against every other curse in my life in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord, every demonic affliction of bed wetting that the enemy is using against me. For it has been written, declare a thing and it shall be established. I decree by the authority of heaven such affliction is destroyed in the name of Jesus. The scripture says many are the afflictions of the righteous but God is faithful to rescue him from all. I pray that you shall free me from this affliction in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord Jesus, I rely solely on your name, do not let me be put to shame. I pray that your power will take away my shame in the name of Jesus. I pray that the devil shall be put to shame over my life in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord, I speak my victory over the demon of bed wetting to reality by the power in the name of Jesus. For it has been written, if any man will speak let him speak as an oracle of God. I declare by the authority of heaven, my victory is now in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord, the scripture says, my children and I are for signs and wonders. Lord, bed wetting is not a good wonder. I pray that you shall take it away in the name of Jesus. Everything in my life that will bring dishonour to your holy name, I pray that the fire of God Almighty will bring them down in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord, every battle that has been sent by the devil and his angels to shame me, to disgrace me, I pray that they are destroyed in the name of Jesus. Lord, you are the powerful one, the Holy one of Isreal, I pray that you shall conquer all my battles in the name of Jesus. 
  • Every spirit of bed wetting, I rebuke you today in the name of Jesus. Every curse that is working in my life, making it difficult for me to quit bed wetting, I pray that such curse is broken in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord, every embargo of shame in my life, I decree that they are taken away in the name of Jesus. Everything that is causing me to shed tears secretly, I pray that the power of God Almighty will take it away in the name of Jesus. 
  • Thank you Lord for answered prayers, may your name be exalted in the name of Jesus. 
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My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.



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