Biblical Meaning of Black Clothes in a Dream 


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Last Updated on February 10, 2023 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with Biblical Meaning of Black Clothes in a Dream

Significance of Dream

The days are full of evil and can only be redeemed with prayers and fasting. The devil is roaming around looking for who to kill, consume and destroy but only God can save us. God always warn us to prevent us from falling into temptations and going astray. God’s warning comes in different forms.


Through dreams, our spiritual leader, ministering of the Holy Spirit and so on. If we happen to see ourselves wearing black dress in the dream and you don’t understand what’s going on or how to interpret the dream, todays article is for you. Since you’re here already, we will be explaining what it means and some prayer points to pray to avert evil.

Biblical Meaning of Wearing Black Dress In The Dream

Black signifies evil, danger, calamity, or something bad. When you see yourself wearing black in the dream it means that you seriously need to pray as it means that evil is around or temptations is around which you need prayer to fight against it and overcome it.

Symbolic Meanings of Wearing Black Clothes in a Dream

Someone around you is planning to hurt you. It could be someone in your family, a friend at work, someone you know, someone you must have offended intentionally or unintentionally, can even be someone who is just jealous of your growths.

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We meet different people everyday, no one knows what the other person is thinking, but we have evil people around who are jealous of our happiness just as Joseph’s brothers were jealous because he was his father’s favorite.

Some friends even hate you for no reason, they might be planning to hurt you. God doesn’t want His children to get hurt so He sends warning to you through the dream. Dreaming of a black clothe signifies that you need to pray to God so that He can ruin the plans of the devil concerning your life before it to late.

Are you in distress? Are you sad? Are you unhappy? Are things not going smoothly with you?. Seeing yourself wearing a black dress in the dream shows that you’re not satisfied with your life. You’re feeling unhappy and sad. If you feel this way you need help. People that can help you are;

  • Can visit a therapist
  • Can seek help from spiritual fathers
  • Have fun so it can distract you from your depressed state of mind
  • Do things you love to do such as playing games, visiting friends
  • Meet friends that you trust and can stand in gap for you in place of prayers and fast together with you
  • Above all, ask the Holy Spirit for help

Feeling of depression can make you look older than your age and distant you from people you love, before you lose your sanity ask for help from God and He will definitely see you through.

Another meaning of wearing a black dress in the dream is that you need to be prayerful because the evil ones are planing your death or trying to steal your blessings. These clothes have caused many calamities for some people, it is a symbol of evil,bad news, and so on. When you see yourself wearing black clothes in the dream, it means untimely death, sorrow and mourning. These are the symptoms of satanic bondage. These dream is a bad omen and needs to be addressed in a place of prayer.

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Black shows mourning and a state of distress. Wearing it in your dream means you’re under spiritual attack and bondage which can affect your physical life. Might have setbacks financially, career wise, naturally, delay,demotion. You will notice that once you have this type of dream things begin to drastically look bad for you and you start experiencing setbacks.

The evil ones do not want us to succeed so they do everything possible to hinder us from achieving our goals. Many people are wearing black clothes spiritually and are experiencing failure and backwardness.

If you see yourself or someone you know wearing black dress in the dream pray for the person and also pray for yourself. The devil does not want us to excel and be happy but Jesus already told us that we should be of good cheer He has conquered the world on our behalf.

Prayer Points To Pray When You See Yourself Wear Black Clothes In a Dream

Here are some prayer points to pray when we see ourselves wearing black in the dream;

  • Bless God for revealing the plans of the evil ones to you and making you a conqueror already. You need the faith of a mustard seed the one mentioned by Jesus to pray these type of prayer, as you’re dealing with spiritual forces that are powerful and are not physically seen.
  • Ask for forgiven of sins and tell Gd to deal with every princes and princesses or Persia that wants to hinder your prayers from getting answered and delivered.
  • Pray to God to deal with every setbacks you have been experiencing from a long time such as backwardness, depression, failure, demotion and barriers. 
  • Tell God to remove you from the evil cage you’ve been locked and kept in. Ask God to fight these battle for you as it is beyond your power and might
  • Pour out your heart cry to God and tell Him you seriously need His help just as the man in the Bible that was told he was going to die but he immediately told the angel of death that he won’t die but live, and his bad news was changed.
  • Pray against any bad accidents and evil circumstances that might happen and affect you negatively
  • Thank Jesus for the answered prayers. Praise the Lord. 
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Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.



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