Biblical Meaning of Feces in a Dream


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Last Updated on February 10, 2023 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with Biblical Meaning of Feces in a Dream.

Today’s articles is about the biblical meaning of seeing feces in the dream. Whether a person calls it defecation, passing stool, or pooping, going to the toilet is an important function and activities that helps the body get rid of waste products.


The process of passing out stool from the body requires the work of the defecation reflex. However, there are some situations where the defecation reflex does not work as it’s intended to. You may need treatment to ensure this reflex can work as it once did.

As this can cause health failure. Excretion is the passing out of waste from the body. It’s mostly termed as dirt because it’s something we don’t want to see or look at.

Feces takes place in the process of metabolism when the liver can no longer accommodate waste, the non useful materials in the body are then passed out as waste. We see people running around, visiting hospitals when they find it difficult to pass out feces as it is dangerous to the body and can cause serious health risk.

The Importance of Passing Out Feces

pooping is of great importance to the body because, when you eat food, you need to get rid of waste and dirt that the body no longer have use for, along with toxins in your body. After a healthy gut has absorbed all usable nutrients from food, you don’t need what remains and it’s essential to get rid of it.

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Feces in the dream has both positive and negative meaning.

Biblical Meaning of Feces in The Dream

Getting rid of feces in the body shows that you have been relieved of your burden therefore it’s showing you that you’re about to be free from your problems and find peace. If you have been afflicted for a long time by spiritual forces from your foundational problems, evil friends, evil load, afflictions from unknown enemies, it means that they’re about to be conquered.

You’re about to be free from your problems, all sorts of evil strangers and evil forces monitoring you are about to be destroyed, long term afflictions is about to leave your life.

If you find your self excreting in the dream it’s a sign of victory as spiritual food, evil food that you’ve eaten if your dreams are washed away and you have been cleansed by the power of God. You’re about to encounter fruitfulness and profitable success. It shows your burden has been taken away

If you’re trying to pass out feces in the dream and you’re getting stopped by someone , it means that you need to pray seriously as someone is stopping you from getting your burden taken away.

Some powers that an try to stop you from getting spiritually cleanse and healed are;

  • Foundational problems
  • Generational curses
  • Evil friends
  • Sins
  • You’re also a factor, because getting yourself involved in bad things and what God is not happy with can make problems come back into your life as to every action we take, there’s a consequence.
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If you dream that you’re finding it difficult to excrete in the dream, it means that the devil doesn’t want you to be freed. Some powers of darkness will do everything possible to stop you from getting your freedom and this will affect your glory and destiny from manifesting.

If you go to the toilet In the dream and you can’t flush or you always find it difficult to flush you should also pray because it’s a sign that you’re facing disappointments. People must have been promising to help you for example; when someone promise to help you secure a job, but the person ends up forgetting about the promise they made to you, you will be left disappointed ad unhappy

If you see feces in your room, it means marital disappointments. It will be difficult for that person to get married early. The person will experience delay in getting married and needs to pray seriously.

If you smell feces in the dream, you should pray against bad luck and curses.

The biblical meaning of feces in a dream is it shows, dirt, uncleanliness, humiliation, spiritual growth, and unhealthy feelings, thinking or mindsets. It is important to know how you feel, your circle of Friends, if they are helping you grow spiritually or dragging you back to the things you denounced when you accepted to follow Jesus , what you were doing and feeling in the dream to further understand the meaning.

If you see yourself clearing and cleaning feces In the dream it means the removal of every unclean and unholy in your life.

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If you dream of seeing feces in the dream it means God is about to expose every hidden sins and bad people around you.

Some prayer points to pray when you see feces in a dream

  • Ancestral powers causing delay die by fire in Jesus name.
  • I purge myself of every uncleanliness in Jesus name.
  • Every evil power of my households die by fire in Jesus name .
  • No weapon formed against me and my household shall prosper in Jesus name.
  • Let all my problems be turned around for me in Jesus name.
  • I take delivery of all my good news and testimonies right now in Jesus name.
  • I come against all form of sicknesses, evil barriers, satanic bondage by the power in the blood of Jesus.
  • I stand on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and decree and declare that all powers of the evil ones making me get disappointed and keep getting unfulfilled promises be burnt down to ashes right now in Jesus name
  • Include your heart desires and pray with faith.
  • Thank the lord for the answered prayers.




Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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