Biblical Meaning of Old Clothes in The Dream


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Last Updated on February 10, 2023 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with Biblical Meaning of Old Clothes in The Dream.

There are different interpretations to dreams, depending on what was revealed to you, there’s a deep warning to each dream and you have to be careful and pay attention to details.


Most times when we dream about clothes, it shows that you need rest because clothes symbolises rest. You probably have not been taking care of yourself for a while, it could be due to work, handling the home as a house wife, working for the family as a breadwinner of the home, having dreams like this is a way of telling you to find time to rest.

Biblical Meaning of Seeing Old Clothes in The Dream

If you have this type of dream, it means that you’re struggling with some things that you need to let go of so that you can have your peace of mind. It is said that have peace of mind can never be over rated , especially inner peace, the one Only God can give, the dream is letting you know that you’re struggling with things God can handle and you should leave to Him to handle them after all He told you to cast your cares on Him.

Deal with every negative vibes around you that is costing you your peace of mind and rest after all you have just yourself to take care of your mental health. Work on building yourself mentally and not allow what people do or say get to you easily. Buying old clothes means you need to work on yourself since most times old clothes are worthless as they’re being used as rags.

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If you’re with someone that is toxic or you’re in a toxic relationship then it’s time to walk away. Old clothes takes space and don’t allow you create space for your new clothes, just as your toxic relationship, they’re around to give you bad energy as drain you and not allow you go for better opportunities and create space for positive energy, so definitely it’s time to do away with them just as what you saw in your dream.

Another meaning of wearing old clothes in the dream is you’re walking and lost in the works of the flesh that’s is you’re manifesting the works of the flesh such as lust, manipulation,greed,covetousness violence, pride, hatred, deceit all the works of the flesh that was, mentioned in Gal 5.

To walk with God you need to let go of all old things and allow God take over your life and purge you away of every manifestation of the flesh. You need to make God the centre of your life and your main goal. No one can go to the Father that is God except through the Son Jesus Christ and that is if we accept Jesus as our lord and savior.

Dreaming of old clothes means you need to let go of your attitudes that doesn’t give glory to God and doesn’t show that we are believers. New clothes represents the works of the spirit, Jesus Christ died for us and has purge us with His blood we have been adorned with new garments, that was why it was mentioned in the Bible that the people clothed in white are those that have won the battles and are conquerors. If you see yourself wearing old clothe in the dream as a believer you need to seek God diligently, if you are no longer in alignments with Jesus then you need to pray these prayers;

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Lord Jesus I want to know you more and more. I want to walk according to your will and purpose for my life . Have made you my standard and my pathfinder , help me find my way back to you. I accept and re dedicate my life to you. Take over. I accept you as my lord and personal savior

Do not sleep on these confession as tomorrow might be too late and procrastination has no benefits for us as Christians.

What to do after accepting to follow Jesus Christ or after re dedicating your life to Jesus;

  • Ask him for directions and continuity. There’s no point following Him as a cold Christian. You need to be useful.
  • Pray always. The Bible says watch and pray, the days are filled with evil, only prayer can redeem you.
  • Avoid evil and corrupt communications as you don’t want to fall into temptations again
  •  Peer pressure corrupts good manners. Stay away from your old ways as Jesus has already changed your garment to a new one . Old things have passed way and you’re now a new creation
  • Look for a study Bible group, even the Bible supported this when it told us not to forsake the gathering of the brethren.

Lessons are learnt, how to move closer to God is learnt and and how to hear from God

Prayer Points to Strengthen Your Relationship With God;

  • Bless God for your redemption and the grace to be in His presence again.
  • Bless him for dieing for you and loving you even before you met Him.
  • Ask Him to help you journey with Him until your last breath. Concern it our dreams tell God you want to stop wearing old garments and be born a new that He should help you and not allow you fall short of His glory
  • Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to survive this harsh world.
  • Tell God to help you overcome temptations at all times.
See also  Biblical Meaning of Menstrual Blood in Your Dreams  

Read The Following Bible Verses That Help to Strengthen Your Faith

  • Mathew 5
  • Romans 11
  • John 3
  • Hebrew 11
  • Galatians 5
  • Romans 12
  • Mathew 19
  • Romans 8

These Bible verses above to mention a few will help strengthen your faith and through the help of the Holy Spirit you will get more directions and help.


Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.



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