Biblical Meaning of Selling Clothes in The Dream


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Last Updated on February 10, 2023 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with Biblical Meaning of Selling Clothes in The Dream.

What Does Selling Clothes in the Dream Means?

When you dream of selling in the dream, it means that your feeling ambitious and want to take in more responsibilities. You feel restless if you’re not doing anything, you just want to help guide people around you on what do to and how they can do it. You feel like you can help people to solve their problems.


Selling in the dream also means you’re working towards achieving a goal and the probability of it being a success is high.
if you dream of yourself selling clothes in the dream, it means that you’re feeling brave and confident enough to start up something.

If you have a project you’re about to embark on and you have this dream, you don’t need to be scared or have doubts, be rest assured and bring in your A game, it definitely will be a success. As an investor, someone looking for a job, a man that is about to take a step to building his career, you can set your best foot forward and try to accomplish your goal, don’t be scared. It also means a new opportunity is about to rise up which you should grab because it’s definitely going to be a success and you will look back and thank God you didn’t let go of the opportunity.

If you dream of selling clothes in your dream, it means that things are about to go well for you, help will arise for you, it could be someone at work, a family member or someone you don’t know, but one things is certain, fortune is about to smile at you. Some around you will lend a helping hand that will assist you towards achieving your goals.

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If you’re trying to get a job or applying for a contract and you dream of this, you need to pray because it might be difficult to achieve your dream and it’s possible you don’t exactly get what you wanted, for instance a job that suits your taste or the exact thing you want.

Biblical Meaning of Selling Clothes in The Dream For A Woman

As a woman if you dream of selling clothes, it means that something is bothering you that you need to let go of, it might be a troubling news, a sad news, you need to distract your mind with things like:

  • Praying and communicating with God
  • Have fun with friends
  • Going on a date or picnic with people you know
  • Asking the Holy Spirit for help
  • You need to seriously reflect on your life style and focus on trying to change what is affecting you and how to change it.

What It Means If You Are A Single Lady

When a woman that is single dreams of selling clothes, it means that she will experience true love soon. It also means that she will be getting good news and not face difficulties.

If you have been depressed, frustrated or unhappy lately because of what’s happening between your close friends or your colleagues at work and you dream of selling clothes, if the relationship between you and some of your close friends is not working or you have some issues to clear up with them, then it’s time to take the initiative and talk to your friends for reasoning and reconciliation. It shows that the dispute is taking tolls on you and it need to be addressed for your sanity sake.

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How to settle this dispute;

  • Just as the Bible says that if you need to settle dispute with a friend an acquaintance, you should call the elders of the church, that’s what you should do, call some people around you that are more wiser and gives food advise to help you settle your disputes.
    Take the initiative and talk to them.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit for help after all only the Holy Spirit can tell us what to say, what to do, what we are not meant to say, and what we are not to do.
  • Pray before talking to your friends so that the Holy Spirit can go before you and settle the disputes even before you talk about it

As a man if you dream of selling clothes in the dream it means that you should respect the opinions of people working with you or for you in other to get good results as fortune will be smiling on you soon. But you need to respect people’s opinions to get a better result.

As an investor if you dream of selling clothes in the dream it means that you have to be careful and not be impulsive in your spending so that you won’t regret your actions later and then it will be too late to rectify it. Be wise when planning on how to invest and go through every information given to you about an investment before you go for it. As an investor, you need to plan carefully and be careful of not making mistakes so as not to loose a lot of money

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Prayer points to pray when you see yourself selling clothes in the dream;

  • Thank God for not leaving you alone and always revealing things to you, He deserves to be praised because He promised not to leave us comfortless and He fulfilled it.
  • Ask for Forgiveness of sins that might hinder your prayers for getting answered
  • According to what you saw In your dream, pray about it, tell God to reveal to you on what next to do, the steps you need to take to achieve the positive side of the dream and what to do to stop the negative side of the dream from happening
  • Pray to God to help you make wise decisions always and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit
  • Thank the Lord for answered prayers.



Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.



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