Prayer Points For Protection During Pregnancy


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Last Updated on March 6, 2023 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with Prayer Points For Protection During Pregnancy. Have you been trying to get pregnant and you lose it the very moment you get it? Have you been constantly having terrible dreams anytime you are pregnant and you notice that you lose the baby everytime you have that dream? Or are you pregnant at the moment but you are scared that you may lose it as a result of the attacks lured at you by the devil? Come let’s pray together.

Children are the heritage of God. The scripture described Children to be a arrow in the hands of a warrior. This means, the arrival of baby brings another level of confidence and happiness to the parents. Interestingly, the first step of having a baby begins with conception also known as pregnancy. Without being pregnant, there can’t be delivery. Reasonably, the devil waits at this point for most women. It is either he hinder them from conceiving or he makes them lose the baby during pregnancy.


Today the Lord wants to deliver all the women experiencing miscarriage. I decree by the authority of heaven, every power suckling out the foetus in your womb, I curse them today in the name of Jesus Christ. That curse in your lineage affecting you from keeping pregnancy, I rebuke that curse for your sake today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points For Protection During Pregnancy

  • Lord Jesus, I thank you for the grace to be married and to conceive. I thank you because you have broken the agenda of the enemy over my life to stop me from getting married. I thank you because you have put the enemy to shame over my marriage, may your name be highly exalted in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Father Lord, for it has been written, He allowed no one to oppress them; he rebuked the king for their sake. I rebuke every demonic power working against the fruit of my womb by the power of the Holy Ghost. I come against every generational curse and evil pattern suckling out my foetus in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Father Lord, I ask for your protection upon the fruit of my womb. As it is still in the womb forming into flesh, you have known him and given him a destiny that is so great and mighty. I ask that your protection will be upon him from this stage to the stage of delivery in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, I shall not lose this pregnancy to the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Lord, I curse every evil eyes monitoring the growth of belly in the name of Jesus Christ. I decree total blindness upon the eyes monitoring my pregnancy for evil in the name of Jesus Christ. Your word has said that you will bless those that bless me and curse this who curse me. Lord I decree by the authority of heaven, anyone who wish me harm or who wish evil on the fruit of my womb, may the angel of death visit them today in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Father, the scripture said, the eyes of the Lord is always the righteous and His ears are always attentive to their prayers. I pray Father, from henceforth, your hands of protection shall be upon me in the name of Jesus Christ. When I step out you shall protect me. When I return your presence shall be with me in the name of Jesus Christ. Even when I’m sleeping, your spirit will not leave my side in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Lord, I curse every evil snake that has been sent from the enemy to swallow my pregnancy. I decree by the authority of heaven, may death come upon such snakes today in the name of Jesus Christ. Every evil dog sent to eat up my foetus in the realm of spirit, I remove your teeths today in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • You serpent of destruction coming to hunt my pregnancy, I set the fire of the holy ghost upon you this moment in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare that I and the baby in my womb are for signs and wonders, no harm shall come near us in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • For it has been written, I know the thoughts I have towards you, they are the thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected end. I decree that the plans of the Lord over my pregnancy shall be fulfilled in the name of Jesus Christ. I come against the plan and scheme of the evil ones over my pregnancy in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Father Lord, the baby in my womb is of the Lord. He carries the mark of Christ, let no harm come near him. I give the angels of the Lord charge over my pregnancy, they shall guide it so that the attack of the enemy shall not prevail over my pregnancy in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Father Lord, as you have made it possible for me to conceive, I ask that by your mercy, you will make my delivery easy too. The baby in my womb is destined for greatness, no harm shall befall him in the name of Jesus Christ. The purpose for which God has created this baby shall be fulfilled in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Father, I decree, every evil arrow sent to harm me or the baby in my womb shall not prosper in the name of Jesus Christ. The scripture said, no weapon fashion against me shall prosper. Every arrow of the enemy sent to kill the baby in my womb, I send you back in seven folds in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Lord, I thank you because you have answered my prayers. I thank you because you are God. I thank you because you have destroyed the plans of the enemy over my pregnancy, may your name be highly exalted in the name of Jesus Christ. 
See also  20 Prayer points for breaking stubborn curses




Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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