Exam Success Prayers For Students


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Last Updated on July 15, 2023 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with exam success prayers for students. Are you a student preparing to write exams? Have you been experiencing failure countless times every time you write exams? If yes, this prayer is for you. By praying the exam success prayers for students, you are gaining mastery over failure and other obstacles that could stop your success. Many times your failure is not as a result of not preparing well, it is as a result of not praying well. You have ascribed hard work to success to an extent that you no longer see a need to pray to God.

Even when you have prepared well, you still need prayers. In today’s article, we will highlight numerous exam success prayers for every student reading this blog.


Exam Success Prayers For Students

  • Your word says in James 1:5 ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, let Him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally’ Father I ask for wisdom in Jesus name. Grant me success in this exam in your mighty power.
  • Lord, grant me the grace to express myself with charm in the examination hall. I come against every spirit of forgetfulness. I decree that the grace of the Almighty will go with me in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord God, you are the creator of all things. I pray that you will let your light of understanding shine through the darkness of my knowledge, grant me the grace to be exact in all my explanations in the name of Jesus.
  • I pray that the grace of Jehovah will speak for me where my mortal knowledge has ended. In the sight of the marker, Lord, please grant me grace in the name of Jesus. 
  • Just as Esther found Favor in sight of the king, help me oh Lord to find favor in sight of my examiners.
  • Your grace that speaketh better things than the blood of Abel will speak for me in Jesus name
  • I soak my papers with the blood of Jesus.
  • I join my hands with yours, I will not fail because you never failed in Jesus name.
  • Grant me retentive memory in Jesus name.
  • I will never be implicated in the exam hall in Jesus name
  • I bless your name Lord for exam success is mine in Jesus name.
  • As nothing is impossible for God to do, this exam shall be impossible for me to fail in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus, I pray for the grace to understand things correctly and fundamentally. I pray that by the authority of heaven, success is mine in the name of Jesus.
  • I come against every form of implications, let it be destroyed in the name of Jesus. I sanctify all the computers by the precious blood of Christ. I pray that on that day, they will not malfunction in the name of Jesus.
  • I come against every spirit of failure in my life, I pray that it is destroyed in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord Jesus, I plead that beyond the past questions and syllabus that your spirit will guide me on things to read in the name of Jesus. 
  • I come against every form of distraction in my way, let them be destroyed in the name of Jesus. I come against every plans of the enemies to implicate me, I destroy them by the fire of the holy ghost.
  • Lord, I pray that your holy spirit will come mightily upon me.  I receive the grace to be successful in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, I come against every spirit of forgetfulness inside me in the name of Jesus. From today, when I read something I will understand them correctly and fundamentally. The spirit of forgetfulness, I break your yoke over me in the name of Jesus. 
  • I decree by the authority of heaven that this attempt will be the last time I will write jamb again in the name of Jesus. I pray for spiritual acceleration in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord Jesus, I pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding from above, I pray that you grant them to me in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord Jesus, I decree by the authority of heaven that when I read and study as preparation for the examination, you will grant me the grace to grasp things fast in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord Jesus, I pray that even in the examination hall, you will grant me the grace to express myself with thoroughness in the name of Jesus. 
  • Father Lord, please grant me the grace to be exact in my explanations. I come against the spirit of mistakes in my examination, let it be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord Jesus, I pray that you will grant me the grace to remember everything that I read correctly in the name of Jesus. I come against every spirit of forgetfulness in the name of Jesus. 
  • I pray that the holy spirit of God will quicken my mortal body against forgetfulness. The grace to remember things correctly, I pray that it comes upon me right now in the name of Jesus. 
  • The scripture says we have not been given the spirit of fear but of sonship to cry Ahba father. Lord I shall not be consume by fear in the name of Jesus. 
  • Lord Jesus, I come against the spirit of failure hovering round me in this examination, let it be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. 
  • I pray for the grace of the Lord Almighty. The grace and mercy of God that will begin to speak for me where my mortal knowledge has ended, I pray that such grace is made sufficient over my life in the name of Jesus. 
See also  Short Deep Morning Prayers

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. Heer wees mij genadig.
    Geef mij de wijsheid om de juiste zaken neer te pennen in Jezus naam.
    Heilige Geest ik ben afhankelijk van u. Laat mij de juiste zinsconstructies formuleren en opschrijven in mijn thesis.
    Laat mij dit tot een goed einde brengen zodat ik succesvol kan afstuderen in de wonderbaarlijke naam van Jezus Christus.
    Dank u Jezus.
    Amen .


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