Prayer points


Today we will be dealing with Prayer against the spirit of stagnation and backwardness. Life is a journey, and God has designed it to be one of growth, progress, and...

Prayer to Break Ancestral Curses and Bloodline Afflictions

Today we will be dealing with Prayer to Break Ancestral Curses and Bloodline Afflictions. Life sometimes feels like...

10 Powerful Midnight Prayers Against Destiny Killers

Today we will be dealing with 10 Powerful Midnight Prayers Against Destiny Killers. Have you ever felt like you...

Prayer Points Against Blood-Sucking Demons and Accidents

Today we will be dealing with Prayer Points Against Blood-Sucking Demons and Accidents. Life is a gift, and...

Powerful Prayer Points Against Untimely Death

Today we will be dealing with Powerful Prayer Points Against Untimely Death. Have you ever felt an unexplainable...

20 Prayer points against ancestral curses

Ancestral curses are consequences that we suffer as a result of the sins of our forefather's. Do not be deceived, this curses are real....

Deliverance Prayer Against Labouring in Vain

When a Christian is labouring in vain, it is an indication that the devil is at work. When one is working like an elephant...

50 Prayer Points Against Destiny Killers

Are things not moving in your life? , do you sense satanic gang up against your destiny?, is your life filled with disappointments, frustrations,...

Deliverance Prayer against the spirit of fornication

The bible made it clear to us that we should flee from sexual lust. 1 Corinthians 6:18. The spirit of formication is a lustful...

60 mfm prayer points against the spirit of barrenness

Barrenness is not your portion. Exodus 23:25 tells as that as a servant of God barrenness can never be your portion. Barrenness is an...

40 Mfm prayer points for Spiritual Growth

Just like every infant needs to keep growing to become an adult, every child of God needs to grow spiritually to be a mature...

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