Prayer points


Today we will be dealing with Prayer against the spirit of stagnation and backwardness. Life is a journey, and God has designed it to be one of growth, progress, and...

Prayer to Break Ancestral Curses and Bloodline Afflictions

Today we will be dealing with Prayer to Break Ancestral Curses and Bloodline Afflictions. Life sometimes feels like...

10 Powerful Midnight Prayers Against Destiny Killers

Today we will be dealing with 10 Powerful Midnight Prayers Against Destiny Killers. Have you ever felt like you...

Prayer Points Against Blood-Sucking Demons and Accidents

Today we will be dealing with Prayer Points Against Blood-Sucking Demons and Accidents. Life is a gift, and...

Powerful Prayer Points Against Untimely Death

Today we will be dealing with Powerful Prayer Points Against Untimely Death. Have you ever felt an unexplainable...

16 mfm Prayer points for exams success

God's will for all his children is for us to have good success, that also includes our exams. I have compiled 16 mfm prayer...

30 Prayer points for help from above

Psalm 121:1-8 1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the Lord, which...

6 Authoritative Prayer points for healing and deliverance

Before you engage in this authoritative prayer points for healing and deliverance sick, there are some recommended steps that you must take to ensure...

10 Prayer points against marriage destroyers

What God has joined together, let no man put them asunder. I have compiled 10  prayer points Against marriage destroyers. Many families are in...

20 daily effective prayer for healing eyes

This 20 daily effective prayer for healing eyes will restore your partial blindness when you pray them in faith. Our God is called Jehovah...

30 Prayer points for healing arm and leg illness

This prayer points for healing of arm and leg illness Is for those who are suffering from leg injuries, arm injuries and paralysis of...

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