Prayers For Wisdom And Discernment


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Last Updated on September 20, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Proverbs 4:7: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

There is practically nothing as important as walking in wisdom. This is not just Sophia (human wisdom) but the wisdom that comes from above. Several scriptures in the Bible made clear expository statements that support this fact.


The great Apostle Paul in several instances while writing the epistles prayed for the people that they will receive the Spirit and workings of wisdom for them to live their lives to the fullest. The book of Proverbs from the first to the last chapter, spoke extensively about how important it was for an individual to live wisely and to discern rightly.

In fact, one of the proofs that you really have a relationship with Jesus is that you walk in a high level of wisdom, because the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:24 that Jesus is the wisdom of God therefore if He lives inside of you wisdom must be in display in your life.

Wisdom produces discernment, that is, your ability to perceive and always understand things by God’s Spirit and to judge wisely. When you have wisdom, you can understand God’s divine purpose for your life. Which is why Apostle Paul prayed for the church in Ephesus in the book of Ephesians 1: 17, that they may be filled with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they may know the hope of God’s calling for their lives. The Spirit of wisdom also helps you to act in ways that pleases God. Most times we think that because we are engaging in spiritual activities it automatically means that we are pleasing God but the book of Colossians 1:9 tells us that until we are filled with knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom, we will not be able to fully please God.

Also, the Spirit of wisdom helps us to live a struggle free life because it reveals to us those great plans that God has made for our own peace. The book of 1cor: 2 tells us that there is a hidden wisdom that God has reserved for the glorification of His people, but this wisdom can only be revealed by God’s Spirit to us.

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Even Jesus needed the Spirit of wisdom and discernment for Him to fulfil His mission on the earth. The book of Isaiah 11 tells us that a prophecy had already come before the birth of the Messiah revealing that He was going to possess different dimensions of the Spirit, one of which was the Spirit of wisdom.

The Spirit of discernment helps you to make the right judgements and decisions in the face of challenging situations. The book of 1 Corinthians 2:14 tells us that the things that the Spirit of God says to us can only be understood by those who have the Spirit of discernment, this is because the instruction that God gives always appears foolish to the ordinary man.

If you therefore want to operate in a high-level spiritual judgement and to live based on God’s will for you, then you must pray earnestly for the Spirit of wisdom and discernment. The book of James tells us that if we need wisdom, we are at liberty to ask from God, who gives to all and upbraided from none. I have compiled some personal prayers for wisdom and discernment to guide you as you seek to know the will of God for your life. As you pray this prayer by faith today, i see the spirit of wisdom and discernment working in your life in Jesus Christ name.

Prayers For Wisdom

• Heavenly Father, you said in your word, in James 1:5 that if any man lacks wisdom that he should ask of you who gives liberally to all without reproaching. Lord, I therefore acknowledge that I need the wisdom that only you can give, pour upon me your Spirit of wisdom in its fullest measure in the name of Jesus.

• Lord I ask according to the book of Ephesians 1 from verse 16, that you give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the Knowledge of you, the eyes of my heart being enlightened that I may know the hope of your calling and the riches of your glorious inheritance in the saints and the immeasurable greatness of your power towards me who believe according to the working of your great might in Jesus name.

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• Heavenly Father, I don’t want to keep on making mistakes and wrong turns in life, give me the Spirit of wisdom and discernment so that I can know those hidden wisdom that has been prepared for my glory. Sweet Holy Spirit according to the book of 1cor 2, I ask that you search the mind of God and reveal these things to me in Jesus name.

• Father I ask according to the book of Colossians 1:9, I ask that you fill me with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so that I may walk worthy of the lord, fully pleasing Him and increasing in the knowledge of God in Jesus name.

• Lord, I ask that you give unto me a discerning Spirit so that I can make the right decisions at all times, that even when your instructions seem foolish I will obey them nonetheless, knowing that they will help me live directly in the center of your will in Jesus name.

• The book of Luke 2:52 tells us that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature. Heavenly father I therefore ask that you will not just give me the Spirit of wisdom but that you will help me to grow continuously in it, so that I will not fall out of your leading in all seasons of life in Jesus name.

• Lord, your word records that God granted Daniel and the other three Hebrew boys wisdom and understanding in all skills and because of this they stood out among all their peers, I therefore ask that you grant me this same spirit so that I can stand out in every sphere of life that I find myself in Jesus name.

• Scripture tells us that among the people of Israel, there was a tribe who were able to discern times and to know what the children of Israel ought to do. Lord I ask that now and at all times, you will help me to discern times and to know exactly what I ought to do in Jesus name.

• Your word says in Proverbs that with wisdom comes long life. Father fill me with your Spirit of wisdom so that I can live long to fulfil your mandate on the earth in Jesus name.

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• Lord I pray for every member of the body of Christ that you will pour upon them also the Spirit of wisdom so that they will know you heart for them and they will walk in the centre of your will in Jesus name.

Prayers For Discernment

• Father, I thank you for your unconditional love upon my life in Jesus Christ name

• Father, I ask that your mercy prevail over judgement in my life today in Jesus Christ name

• Father, endue me with the Spirit of discernment now in the name of Jesus Christ.

• Father, open my spiritual eyes to see what my physical eyes cannot see in the name of Jesus Christ.

• Father, by the direction of the Holy Spirit, order my steps as I walk through the Journey of life Jesus Christ name

• Father open my eyes to perceive evil before it overwhelms me in the name of Jesus Christ.

• I declare today that my days of confusion are over in the name of Jesus Christ

• I declare that my days of spiritual blindness are over in the name of Jesus Christ

• I declare that the Spirit of discernment at work in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

• From this day henceforth I shall by the Spirit of God always know what to do at the right time in the name of Jesus Christ.

• I declare today that no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper in the name of Jesus Christ

• Every evil friend in my life shall be exposed by the gift of discernment in me in the name of Jesus Christ.

• My days of failure are over Jesus Christ name

• My days of disappointments are over Jesus Christ name

• My days of setbacks are over Jesus Christ name

• Thank you Father for baptizing me with the Spirit of Discernment Jesus Christ name

• Thank you Jesus.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.



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