Last Updated on September 20, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Acts 12:23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
Today we shall be engaging in a warfare prayer titled My Herod Must Die Prayer Points.Every man or woman that poses as a God in your life shall be put down in the name of Jesus Christ. Who is your Herod? Your herod in life is anyone that deliberately wants to stop you. Anyone that cannot stand to see your progress is your Herod. The herods of life can be very daedly, you must stop them before they stop you. In Acts chapter 12, Herod was envious of the success of the early church, and He took James on of the chief Apostles and he beheaded him with the sword, when he saw the satisfaction, of the Jews, He took Apostle Peter, but this time the church began to pray, the prayed all through the night and God showed up, peter was saved, Herod was killed. As you pray this prayer points today, every herod in your life shall be publicly humilited and disgraced in the name of Jesus Christ.
A lot of great things can happen when we as believers pray, as Christians, we don’t fight back with physical weapons, we don’t carry guns and knives about, our weapon is prayers. make no mistakes about this, prayers is the most dangerous weapon of warfare. The devil knows it that it why he will do everything in His power to stop Christians from praying. The devil knows that if we unite and pray together as believers, we shall move mountains, we shall scatter all his plans on the earth and rain down that unlimited power of God on the Earth in the name of Jesus. As you engage this prayers today, all Herod’s standing against you shall bow to you in the name of Jesus Christ. My Herod must die prayer points shall answer for you today in Jesus name. You are victorious.
1. Holy Spirit, Empower me to pray this destiny changing Prayers in the name of Jesus
2. Let all my prayers today command divine attention in the name of Jesus
3. I withdraw my breakthrough from the hand of herods in the name of Jesus
4. I command all my foes to prostrate before me in surrender in the name of Jesus
5. Every evil river mocking my efforts, dry up now, in the name of Jesus
6. I dismantle every satanic protocol affecting my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
7. No evil guest shall locate my address, in the name of Jesus
8. Let all my marah (bitterness), receive sweetness and my jericho receive demolition, in the name of Jesus
9. I paralyse every merciless tormentor, in the name of Jesus.
10. Let the blood of Jesus rub off every handwriting of poverty in my life, in the name of Jesus.
11. Just as the grave could not hold Jesus, no grave will hold my miracles, in the name of Jesus
12. Let every inherited poison, begin to come out from their hidden places in my life now, in the name of Jesus
13. Oh Lord, bring miracles into my life by ways which herod cannot find in the name of Jesus
14. Let the law of substitution begin to operate to my favour, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every anti-gospel establishment in my work-place and business, crash and disintegrate, in the name of Jesus.
16. Every internal stronghold, be broken now, in the name of Jesus.
17. I pull down every external stronghold that is working against my elevation, in the name of Jesus.
18. Every satanic plan to embarrass me, be dissolved by fire, in the name of Jesus.
19. Every gathering of the ungodly against me, physically or spiritually, be scattered unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.
20. I cancel every report brought against me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
21. I cancel every charge brought against me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
22. I cancel every accusation brought against me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
23. I revoke and nullify every judgement passed upon me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
24. I revoke and nullify every decision passed upon me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
25. I revoke and nullify every condemnation passed upon me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
26. I forbid evil hands to perform their enterprise against me, in the name of Jesus.
27. I abort the operations of the powers of darkness commissioned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
28. I abort the assignments of the powers of darkness commissioned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
29. Every labour of the enemy on my prosperity, receive double failure, in the name of Jesus.
30. Every war waged against my staff of bread, receive double disgrace, in the name of Jesus.
Bonjour, C’est avec joie que de découvre aujourd’hui vos prières et conseils; Je cherchais “prier dans le Ministère de la puissance du Sang de Jésus Christ, moi choix c’est orienté vers vous; J’ai copié les passages qui m’ont interpellés. C’est merveilleux de grandir spirituellement en lisant la Bible.
A la fin de vos messages vous bénissez le lecteur à mon tour ” Je vous bénis à mon nom, soyez fortifier dans votre ministère et votre foi en dieu pour aider les personnes aveuglées par le mal.”