Personal Prayer For Grace In A Difficult Marriage


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Last Updated on September 21, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Have you ever been in a very difficult relationship, you how much frustration, bitterness and pain you have to endure during that period, right? If the trauma of an ordinary relationship could be as severe as that, how much will an individual experience in a difficult marriage? The coming together of man and woman to live together for life is no doubt a marriage of convenience and inconvenience. There will be lots of laughter, smiles, and no doubt cries too.

One important thing that we must know is that no matter how white the sky is, there will always a little dark cloud which will disrupt the uniqueness of the white sky. This simply means that there is no marriages where there is no challenge. However, when challenges and horrible situations arise in marriages, it is not for us to walk out of the relationship in fear of our lives. We are not saying it is better we stay and let toxic relationships kill us, what I am saying is that we should capitalize on our weapon of warfare which is prayer. Today we shall be engaging in personal prayer for grace in a difficult marriage. As you engage this personal prayers in faith, the Hand of God will rest upon your marriage, and every raging storm will be calm in the name of Jesus Christ.


Many times when we are faced with challenges, God Himself might be teach us something through the difficult situation, hence, it is pertinent to always pray for the grace not to miss the lesson that God wants us to learn from it. Recall while God took the Israelites out of Egypt, he led them into the wilderness where there was no food and He fed them with Manna. God did that to teach the people of Israel Patience, Perseverance and humility. So on every downside, as much as we are trying to get out of the difficult situation fast, it is important that we don’t miss the lesson embedded in it.

So whenever we are in a very difficult marriage and it seems the devil is already winning the battle and the once beautiful paradise of our home is gradually turning into a living hell. There is no better time to pray to God than at that time. Maybe you want to pray but you are short of words or you don’t even know the right things to say in prayer. Kindly check below read some of the personal prayers you should say;

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Personal Prayers For My Marriage

Father Lord, I bring the unrelenting difficulty in my marriage to you, it is gradually taking away my peace and happiness. I can no longer concentrate on things anymore, my life is shattered by my uneasy home. I have tried everything within my best to help salvage the situation in my home, but nothing is working. I have been to a diverse marriage counselor but it seems they do not have the solutions to the problem of my family. Lord, with a heavy heart I bring the situation of my marriage to you, I ask that you speak peace to it. Let the raging storm in my home cease by your power in Jesus name.

Heavenly Lord, with the bitterness of heart, have I come to you, the hostility in my home is now worrisome. The peace and tranquility that I once enjoyed have now become a thing of the past. My whole is crumbling with this recent problem in-home, Lord, please by your mercy, dissolve every problematic situation in my home. The scripture says, when the Lord returns the captivity of Zion, we were like those that dream. Lord, by Your mercy, I ask that you restore unto me the peace of my home, I ask that by your mercy you make me happy again.

King of heaven, I beg that you create new hearts in us o God, give us the grace to trace and identify where we have gone wrong because the relationship never started this way. Help us to identify the loopholes that the Lucifer is using against us. Help us to make an amendment that will stabilize the situation in our home.

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Lord, I ask that you give me the wisdom to know when to act and react. Grant me the privilege to always hold my peace when I need to, the grace to know when and how to speak and the time to be quite. I ask that you will guide my heart and lips that the thought that will spring from my heart will be Holy and that my utterance will be Holy and pleasing to you Lord.

Lord, I do not want the devil to take full Possession of my home, I take control of the situation in my home. I speak by the authority of heaven to the difficult situation in my marriage, this marriage belongs to the Lord, therefore, no evil, plans or scheme of the devil should triumph. I make my marriage uncomfortable for the devil to dwell in, I decree that the fire of God Almighty will upon my marriage and it will turn my home into a burning furnace for the devil. In the name of Jesus, I destroy the plans of the devil to break my marriage, for the Bible says what the Lord has joined together let no man or nothing put asunder. In the name that is above every other name, I decree that the devil loses its grip over my marriage.

Father Lord, I ask that you will help my partner to always understand me when I speak I seek for grace for him/her to understand me when I’m quite that they may understand me. I ask for the fresh love, the love that looks beyond faults and errors, the type of love that strikes our heart the first time we met, I ask that God restore it back into our marriage.

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And help us to deal with every situation that may arise. Whether it is lack of money, give us the grace to endure together until the money comes. Grant us the privilege to rely solely on your word that says My God will supply all of my needs according to His riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. Lord, give us the grace to manage every situation in Jesus name.
Lord, at the end of our sojourn on earth, help us reign with you in heaven, let us not destroy our home on high with the present situation in my home, in Jesus name.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. Please pray for my married son who has many vices and is wasting his life with friends and women smoking and drinking and womanizing. His wife is expecting and is very sad and not keeping well. We are very unhappy.We pray a lot but nothing seems to change him. He does not acknowledge what wrong he is doing and does not realise it. Please help us .We sincerely pray. Help him.

  2. S pomocou lorda Zakuzu som bol schopný získať späť môjho bývalého milenca. WhatsApp ho teraz na +1 740-573-9483, aby ste sa dostali späť.


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