Deliverance prayer from the spirit of gambling


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Last Updated on September 24, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with deliverance prayer from the spirit of gambling. People see gambling as something normal, and they believe people have the free will to enter into gambling and exit from it. However, we have heard and seen cases of rich men and rich women who went broke due to their addiction to gambling. You must understand that for everything that a man gets addicted to, there is a spirit behind it. Just like fornication and adultery have a spirit behind them, so also is gambling.

When the spirit of gambling possesses the life of an individual, such a person will have no other thing to spend money on except to gamble. And because the thief doesn’t come unless to steal and destroy, such a person will go on like that until they are rendered useless by that spirit. Just like we have published a prayer article on delivering husbands from gambling, this time, God wants to deliver everyone who has been tormented by the spirit of gambling. I decree by the mercies of the Lord; whether it is you or the person close to you, you shall be delivered from the spirit of gambling in the name of Jesus. By the authority of heaven, I announce your freedom from such spirits in the name of Jesus. From today, they will have no more power over you and your existence by the power in the name of Jesus.


The spirit of gambling destroys the financial success of people because they will be made to spend the money they don’t have on gambling. Many of them will be badly indebted all in the name of gambling. When the enemy wants to destroy the plans of God in the life of a man, one of the things they send his way is the spirit of gambling, and once this spirit possesses an individual, their financial life is in great danger. It takes the power of God to deliver a man from the spirit of gambling. I pray that today, the power of God will locate you. As many of you that are tired and want out from gambling, I decree that the power of God Almighty will descend mightily upon you, and through that power, you will be liberated from that evil spirit of gambling that is staged to destroy your life and destiny.

Take your time to study this prayer article. I do not doubt in my mind that the Holy One of Isreal will perform great wonders through this prayer.

See also  How To Be Delivered From The Spirit of Lust

Prayer Points:

  • I destroy every demon of gambling that has been positioned in my life to destroy my finances. I decree that the fire of God Almighty will come down and consume them in the name of Jesus. Lord, I free myself from every bondage of gambling, I ask that the power of God Almighty will down even to the Bitterroot of darkness where I have been chain down by the spirit of gambling, I ask that the hands of God that perform wonders will free me today in the name of Jesus.
  • Father Lord, for it, has been written that he that the son has set free is free indeed. I announce my freedom from the spirit of gambling in the name of Jesus. I ask that the power of God Almighty will come upon my life and give me the strength to overcome every or urge to go back into it in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, I pray that you will set a wall between me and gambling today in the name of Jesus.
  • Father Lord, I decree that in the name of Jesus, every power and principalities that have rendered the people ahead of me useless due to gambling, the power that possesses them with gambling in my father’s house, the demonic forces that possess destiny child with gambling in my mother’s house, I decree that over my life you will lose your power today in the name of Jesus. I denounce my allegiance to you today, by the precious blood of Christ over my life, I decree that I’m free from you in the name of Jesus. Every demonic power that has been sent from the kingdom of darkness to destroy my destiny, every power that has been sent to destroy the plans and agenda of God concerning my life, every negative that has been said over my life which is affecting my destiny, I come against you in the name of Jesus.
  • The scripture says, Arise Oh God and let your enemies be scattered. Let those that stand against you in judgment be condemned before you. Lord I pray that you will arise for my sake, I pray that you will not hold your peace concerning my life, until I’m free from the bondage of slavery that gambling has kept me, Lord, I pray that you will not rest. I pray that by your mercy, you will restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with a free spirit. Father in heaven, I pray for my deliverance today from the power of gambling. I decree that the holy spirit of God will descend into my life and sanitize my spirit being; every evil possession in my heart and mind is destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
  • I come against every power of slavery over my and destiny. I raise myself high above the spirit of gambling. I decree that it shall not have power over me anymore in the name of Jesus. From now, I begin to bask in my contentment, the evil covetousness in my eye is taken away by the blood of the lamb, I bask in my freedom from the spirit of gambling in the name of Jesus.
    I pray for every man and woman whose life and destiny has been disturbed by this great demon of gambling. I decree that the hands of God will free them right now in the name of Jesus.
See also  Prayer Points Not To Fail Purpose

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. I have prayed the deliverance prayer for gambling and I believed now I am free. Please continue to pray for me for restoration. God bless you are more grace

    • I too a
      Have prayed this prayer and continue too. Thank you for the direction and praying on my behalf and for all of us who have been struggling.

  2. This gambling is like the devil himself you get money you need more i lost around 4000sh in the machine n job just wondering sleeping all day long cos of stress

  3. I too have prayed the prayer for gambling and I know God will and has delivered me as of today. Thank you God for the whom ever put this prayer in here. Thank You God for loving us so that you have made a way of escape. In Jesus name I pray.

  4. Lieber Gott vielen Dank, dass du mir hilfst und mir zuhörst. Ich will von den Bösen weg und zu dir wieder nach Hause kommen. Jesus Christus bitte befreie mich von den Bösen.

  5. Today 22.July.2022 is my day of salvation. Betting causes depression and financial loss. I pray that God the Almighty delivers me totally from this bondage, I am done.

  6. Hôm này ngày 19-08-2022
    Lạy chúa xin hãy thiêu cháy tinh thần cờ bạc trong con..con xin chúa giê su hãy giải thoát linh hồn của con xin hãy ngăn cách con khỏi cờ bạc.giúp con làm việc theo ý chúa theo chương trình của ngài..amen

  7. Lạy chúa , xin ngài cứu con ra khỏi cờ bạc , con muốn làm người bỏ hoàn toàn linh cờ bạc ra khỏi con , con xin chúa giúp con trả sạch nợ nần , cho con là người con ngoan , vợ tốt , mẹ đức hạnh , con nguyện 1 lòng thờ phượng chúa

  8. I been gambling 40 years and suffered horrendous depression over it please god from today set me free of this sick disease of gambling that no one should go through


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