Prayer Points To Destroy Evil Covenant


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Last Updated on June 7, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with prayer points to destroy evil covenant. It is important that we understand the will of God concerning us. He said in Jeremiah that his plan for us is of good and not of evil but to give us an expected end. The plan of God is of good, goodness can only be found in Him. All that happens outside goodness can never be traced to God because God is not found in evil.

What is a covenant?

A Covenant is an agreement between two parties based on well-defined terms and sealed with an oath. We see examples from scriptures how God made covenants with Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was committed to it and kept His promises with them.
An example in scripture is seen in Gen. 31:44-55 and 1Sam. 18:3
As long as there are good covenants, there are also bad covenants; good and evil co-exist in the world we live in today. That is why we would be praying against every form of evil covenant there may be hanging around our lives, that of our children and our families. But we should also understand how these evil covenants come into one’s life.


There are various categories of evil covenant such as include through Inherited Evil Covenant, Conscious Evil Covenant and Unconscious Evil Covenant.

How can it be formed?

Through Blood, through the exposure of sex or through evil Covenants forced via dreams.
To break free, one must surrender his life to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of Our Faith. He is the Only One who is able to save and deliver from all powers of darkness that one is being held down by. In Jesus, there are no evil tidings, in Jesus, there are no evil bindings. To be in Jesus is to be free from curses and evil covenants. Jesus is our Safe Place; He is our Banner and Savior.

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Also, to break free, one must identify His Place in Christ. In Jesus there is no darkness, the bible made us to understand that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places far above principalities and powers. A son of a wealthy woman will only continue to suffer if he doesn’t know what is entitled to him by inheritance.

We see the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-32. He was eating like a peasant until he came to the full realization of who he was. So also in the same vein, we must identify who we are in Jesus, it is then we can maximize our inheritance in Christ Jesus. It is worthy to note that there are forces and evil covenants. Yes. They are in existence. Yes. They have their powers but understand also that you as a born again, has an edge, you have a banner over you that protects you from every evil covenant and the name of Jesus is also enough to deliver from every evil bindings. We are praying for freedom, deliverance. We are breaking free from all that is not of God in our lives.

Let’s sing, ‘Great are you Lord, Great are you Lord, Great are you Lord, Great are you Lord’. God is greater than any mountain.
Imagine that there is a situation before God that seems impossible?
Imagine that evil covenants can challenge God. Impossible.
He’s the Great God. So we are calling upon Our Great God in prayers.



  • Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the grace of prayer and supplication, thank you Spirit of God in Jesus name.
  • Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the love you have towards us, for your kindness that never fails, your mercy over us and your unconditional love, we give you thanks and praise in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Father in the name of Jesus we thank you for the gift of your son Jesus, we say be thou exalted in Jesus name.
  • Heavenly father, thank you because your Will for us is of good and not of evil, thank you because your plans for us are good in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I cancel every evil covenant upon me, upon my children and my families in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I break free from every enchantment of the devil upon my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Every evil covenant that has been passed upon me via dreams, I break free, I declare them null and void over me in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Every evil generational covenant, that has been passed from my family to my parents and wants to take seat in the lives of my siblings and I break free from them in the name of Jesus.
  • Every evil bindings via the exposure of illegal sex, I ask for mercy Lord and I break free from them in the name of Jesus.
  • Every agent of darkness operating in my home, career and business, I break free from such operations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • I nullify every evil covenant that has hitherto brought about stagnation, poverty, frustration, miserableness and depression in my life and family; I declare enough is enough in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Every tongue speaking evil against me, by the drop of blood, is silenced in the name of Jesus.
  • I revoke every ancestral initiations waging war against my family, business, academics, career, I curse them from the root in the name of Jesus.
  • Every evil binding that I must have unconsciously or unconsciously initiated myself into, I break free from them in the name of Jesus. I take my life in God back in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • In the name of Jesus, I destroy the source of misfortunes in my home, in my life, and that of my children in the name of Jesus.
  • Father in the name of Jesus, I destroy and erase from the roots every evil enchantments upon my head, upon my success in business and career, in my marriage and in the lives of my children in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Oh Lord My Father, I declare that enough is enough over every evil covenant, they no longer have their place around me because I belong to Zion, their powers are nullified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • Right now, I break free from every enchantment upon my life, hanging around my household in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Father, I declare that no enchantment will have their place around me and everything that concerns me, I walk in liberation from all eveil enchantment in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Father I thank you for the liberty in Christ that I enjoy, thank you for your covering and protection over me and my household, over my business and my extended families in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • This is the confidence that we have in you that whatsoever we ask in your name, you do unto us, thank you precious Father for the answered prayers in Jesus matchless name. Amen.
See also  30 Prayer Points For Breaking Ancestral Evil Hold

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.



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