Prayer Points To Break The Yoke of Slavery and Bondage


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Last Updated on December 29, 2023 by Fiverr Fiverr

Today we will be dealing with prayer points to break the yoke of slavery and bondage.

Bondage is when a Christian or believer is held captive by some evil forces and are enslaved that they can’t do things on their own free will and are not progressing.


The evil forces can hold a believer captive and make them serve them against their will and also are in bondage of the spiritual darkness in which they force people to serve them by holding them as captives without any hope of redemption.

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We saw how the Israelites were held as captives under the Egyptians. Despite God having promised His children to be taken to the land filled with milk and Honey, they were beaten, battered and prosecuted by the Egyptians. When held captive, access to freedom is lost, people are chained and made to do things they don’t want to do, will be treated as if they’re not human beings and some are killed in the process.

When the children of Israel remembered the promise God had made with them and they called upon God we saw that they were freed and their chains were broken. The word we are bringing to us this morning is that we shouldn’t forget God has promised us freedom and that He will make us victorious at all times and free us from all bondages. 

Let’s pray this prayer with faith and we pray that by the time we are done praying our testimonies will be waiting for us in Jesus name.

Prayer Points

  • Father thank you for your protection over my life so far, thanks for guiding me and keeping me safe at all times.
  • Lord Jesus I pray that you forgive me of my sins and give speedy answer to my prayers this morning in Jesus name.
  •  Lord Jesus I pray you destroy any bondage that is holding my life and destiny in Jesus name.
  • I command every evil pattern of every evil altar that has been set in order concerning my life be destroyed in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus I release myself from every evil altar that is holding my destiny and my glory captive in Jesus name
  • Lord, I pray that every evil altar binding my destiny to any evil covenant will be destroyed in the Mighty name of Jesus .
  • I come against every generational curses stopping good things to happen in my life in Jesus name
  • I destroy all the evil people from my father’s side that are holding my glory captive and stopping me from going forward in life in Jesus name
  • Lord Jesus destroy all evil altar that has been raised because of me and my glory in Jesus name
  • My Father protects my destiny in Jesus name and releases me from the hands of the evil forces of darkness in Jesus name.
  • Father I destroy every evil ancestral lineage fighting my destiny and delaying my destiny in Jesus name
  • Father, I pray that every wicked altar binding me to any evil covenant of bondage, catches fire and be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, every wicked ancestral bondage fighting good things in my life and delaying my destiny, scatters and is destroyed by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Lord Jesus destroy every stronghold the devil have on my life in Jesus name
  • Every evil priest that has promised to not make me see good things happen, be destroyed in the mighty precious name of Jesus
  • Lord wherever my life has been dedicated for evil, I destroy it by your precious blood in Jesus name
  • Every evil man assigned by the ancestors of my father’s house and mother’s house , die by the power of the holy spirit in Jesus name
  •  Lord Jesus break every yoke of slavery in my life in Jesus name
  • Lord Jesus wherever my good news is being held captive, release it right now for me in Jesus name and take me to the promised land you have kept for me in Jesus name
  •  Lord Jesus break me free from the yoke of slavery,darkness , evil oppression, evil stronghold in Jesus name
  • Lord Jesus my parents sin that is now affecting my life negatively and holding me captive, I release myself from them now in Jesus name because I have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus
  • Lord Jesus I release myself from every evil sins of my family in Jesus name
  • Father Lord, I release myself from generational curses that is holding me captive and serving as hindrances between me and my life goals in Jesus name
  •  Lord Jesus release me from the yoke of my village and evil oppression in Jesus name
  • Lord every evil ancestral altar that has been put to place because of me that is now affecting my moving forward in life, I destroy them by the power of Jesus in Jesus name
  •  Father, I decree and declare that I’m free  completely from any inherited slavery and  bondage emanating from a faulty foundation I came from in the name of Jesus. 
  • Father, let every ancestral power working against my marital settlement  hear the word of God and free me, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Father every ancestral power that has been put in place because of me to stop me from getting married, moving forward in life and getting my glory I destroy the ancestral power right now by the precious name of Jesus
  • I decree and declare freedom into my life right now in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus I decree that by your mighty hands that you release me from every evil my covenant my forefathers has made that is now affecting my moving forward in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus by your word if freedom I declare restoration of my Lost glory to be found and given back to me in Jesus name
  •  By the power in the precious name of God I am releases from the captive of the devil and set free completely in Jesus name
  •  I command that my hidden glory be given back to me in Jesus name and henceforth I’m no no longer a slave or a captive because Jesus has fought for me .
  • I decree myself as a conqueror henceforth in Jesus name
  • Afflictions shall not rise again in Jesus name
  • Thank you Lord most High because you’re God
  • Thanks Lord Jesus for listening to my outcry and giving my my testimonies and completely destroying the stronghold of the devil upon my life
  •  Lord Jesus thank you for my restoration of my glory and destiny
  • I adore you lord Jesus for everything you’re about to do and for the things you’ve done for me
  • Thanks Lord Jesus for the answered prayers. Hallelujah
See also  100 Deliverance Prayer Against Death And Destruction

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. pastor gracias necesitamos orar por el lugar donde queda nuestra iglesia donde nos congregamos sector de vicios drogas venta de cosas usadas


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