Prayer To Fix Broken Relationship


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Last Updated on May 14, 2023 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with Prayers for Relationship Restoration. Are you struggling with broken relationship? or is your relationship at the verge of collapse? prayer for restoration of broken relationship can help you fix it. When your Relationship is at the verge of collapse, you may feel hopeless and alone. It is may seem like you are a failure and the world is against you. With the right prayers and counsel, your relationship can be fixed.

Do you know that nothing is too broken beyond repair especially for God. The scripture said with God all things are possible. That means it is possible to fix your broken relationship. It doesn’t matter if the relationship is broken already or it is just at the verge of collapse, praying for a relationship to be restored can help you. The enemy understands the essence of godly relationship and that’s why he will do everything to ensure your relationship is broken, but God is with you.


It is important to know that you may feel frustrated and almost depressed when your relationship is not going well. Especially when you have invested a lot into ensuring that the relationship steer off the rock. Prayers can help you find peace, comfort and hope that God will fix the relationship. I pray by the mercy of the Lord, your relationship shall be restored to its former glory in the name of Jesus Christ.

This prayer is not for the restoration of your physical relationship alone. It is also for your spiritual relationship with God. Some of you had a steady relationship with God in the past but as time passes, your relationship with God begin to negative changes. You no longer find the urge to pray. You no longer see reason to study the scripture and the enemy is happy with this new development in your life. I pray that the mercy of God shall locate. Your broken relationship with God shall be fixed in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Prayer To Fix Broken Relationship


  • Lord Jesus, I have come before you with a broken heart, my heart has been shattered by the one whom I had planned to spend the rest of my life with. I have prayed over time about it, I have gone for diverse spiritual counseling but yet, just one day my partner decided to walk away leaving me heartbroken, Lord Jesus, I know you have the touch of healing to all wounds please mend my broken heart.
  • Lord God, many times I will wonder why this has to happen to me, I thought we are good together, I thought my love is enough to keep us going, but how wrong I have been all the while. Jesus, I ask that you will give me the grace to move on with life. Grant the power and strength to forge ahead, give the grace to still love God and never give up on all of his promises to me.
  • I ask God that you will give me the grace to humbly accept the circumstances that I can not change, this broken relationship has created a huge scar in my heart and every time I remember this occurrence, a fresh blood goose out of my scar, grant me the grace to look beyond my scar in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord God, you are my present help in the moment of need, I do not want to be overwhelmed by the pain and trauma of this broken relationship. I do not want to take a senseless decision because someone has broken my heart. Lord Jesus, I ask that you will make me stronger than the pain and trauma that has been caused by his unfortunate incident.
  • Lord God, I ask that you will feel my heart with your love and you will make me forget the past. Because anytime I remember, I feel a sharp pain in my heart, Lord Jesus, help me not to think about it anymore. It has become a thing of the past, please help me so that it won’t affect my present life or destroy my future.
  • Lord Jesus, more than ever before I need your spirit, your spirit that will draw me nearer unto you, your spirit of great companionship, the spirit that will lead me and guide me. Do not allow me to fall into the wrong hands again, I ask that whenever the door of my heart will be opening to love again, please Lord Jesus, let it be to the right person.
  • Lord Jesus, I know this is a phase of life that will still be over soon. Lord I need your guardian, I do not this pain to transient into my future. Do not let me make a decision that will cause you to be disappointed in me. Help me Lord that my broken relationship will not ruin my relationship with you and vice versa, give me the grace to continually be your child.
  • Lord, I pray for as many people who have been struck with the same trauma as mine, I ask that you will strengthen them, you will give them to accept that which they can not change and move on with life. Draw them nearer and nearer unto you, that the devil will not take advantage of their current tribulation to gain their soul. Make them see a friend in you, grant them the grace to be able to confide and trust in you. Let them see a better tomorrow that will help them forget the past and move on with life.
  • Lord I prays concerning the raging storm in my relationship presently, I ask that you speak peace into it in Jesus name. I ask for your hands of healing to be upon every wounded part in my relationship. Lord God, don’t let this temporary storm put a permanent asunder in our midst, give us the grace to act maturely and most importantly spiritually that we may not sin against you in Jesus Christ name.
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Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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