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Prayer For The Nation of Uganda

Today we are engaging in prayer for the nation of Uganda. Uganda is one of the countries located in the east of Africa. It was one of the African countries that was never fully colonized, as non- Africans were not allowed to acquire freeholds. It is regarded as the Pearl of Africa because of its unique natural destination as compared to other African countries basically because of its large forested area composed of natural parks and wildlife reserves giving home to a large number of primates including Chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, butterflies and birds.

Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, small deposits of copper, gold and other minerals and recently discovered oil. Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy, employing more than one-third of the work force.
They have however been recorded to have a high level of poverty, infact, they were regarded to as the poorest country at some point. Diseases are a major cause of poverty in Uganda, infant and child mortality rates remain high, wit 131 deaths per 1,000 births. They have also been recorded to have one of the smallest churches in the world


When things go wrong and when things go right we are expected to pray. God is not a purposeless God, everything He does, He does for a reason. God’s major design for prayer is to allow His will to be done at every point ( Matthew 6). If we find ourselves living below God’s standard for our lives and our nations, living in poverty, living in darkness, living in constant sickness and death, then it means we have not stayed with God in prayer to right the wrongs and to bring God’s purpose to pass.
Looking at the nation of Uganda for instance, we can see that God’s purposes is not playing out in their lives, economy and health, it is therefore very important that we find out in the place of prayer the will of God for the nation of Uganda and what to do for its fulfilment in their lives.


We are meant to pray for the nation of Uganda as well as pray for its government. Leadership as admirable as it is, is one major position where extra effort has to be employed in order for success to be guaranteed. in other words, no man in a place of leadership finds it so funny being there, this is why it is important for those who are under their leadership to constantly stand in gap for them in the place of prayers. As much as we sometimes believe that our leaders are bad and selfish, the truth remains that they desire to give in their best for the benefit of the nation, its just that they are limited by so many forces, some of them are seen while others are unseen, but when we pray for them, God can lead them in the path of righteousnes (Ps 23).

More so, God speaking through His prophet John in the book of (3 John), says that His desire is for us to prosper and be in health, this is much more than a desire for individuals but also for nations This means therefore, that if we pray for the government of Uganda, he can release upon them the wisdom with which to make the land a place of prosperity and good health.


The nation of Uganda is so blessed with so much natural resources which serves as a great economic advantage to them, they however seem not to know how to convert these resources into wealth for themselves.
One of the times Jesus was recorded to have shed tears in scripture was when He looked at the city of Jerusalem and was sorrowful because they didn’t know and understand the provision He had made for their peace (Luke 14). God has made several provisions for the peace and prosperity of Uganda, some of which are the natural resources that they have.

It is possible that a nation can become ignorant of their advantages and because of that wallow in poverty. This is why it is important to pray for the nation of Uganda, that the eyes of their understanding will be flooded with light, so that they will know how to convert their resources into wealth.


One of the major gifts of God to the earth is the gift of man. The earth today cannot be functional when there is an absence of man in it. God embedded so much in the entity called man to the point where he gave him dominion over all things.
The citizens of Uganda, just like the citizens of any other country need to come to the realization of who they have been designed to be, this will to a large extent help them to come out of the shackles of poverty that has eaten them up. Lots of Ugandans live below their potentials and die without coming to their realization, many have even accepted it as the norm and because of this, no longer strive for a life of fulfilment.

It is therefore very important that as we engage in  prayer for the nation of Uganda, we also pray for its citizens so that they can realize that God wants the best for them and that he can bring them out of poverty and diseases that has held them bound long before now.


The nation of Uganda is said to have one of the smallest Churches in the world, it means that the light of God has not spread mightily to those areas. More so, if we say the Church is the major channel through which God can birth His purposes, then it means that the Ugandan Church must be alive and alert for Him to do that. This is why we cannot but pray for the Church in Uganda for God to enlarge them and enable them to do His will even in the face of oppositions.

In conclusion, it is important that we understand all the reasons why we should pray this  prayer for the nation of Uganda, this will help us to channel our prayers rightly and to also help us get the desired results.


1). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy and lovingkindness that has been upholding this nation since independence till date – Lamentations. 3:22

2). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us peace by all means in this nation up till now – 2Thessalonians. 3:16

3). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

4). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for setting in disarray every gang-up of hell against the growth of the church of Christ in this nation – Matthew. 16:18

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church – Act. 2:47

6). Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the elect, deliver this Nation from utter destruction. – Genesis. 18:24-26

7). Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14

8). Father in the name of Jesus, send your rescue angel to deliver Uganda from every force of destruction arrayed against her – 2 Kings. 19:35,Psalm. 34:7

9). Father, in the name of Jesus, save Uganda from every gang-up of hell aimed at destroying this Nation. – 2kings. 19:32-34

10). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from every trap of destruction set by the wicked. – Zephaniah. 3:19

11). Father, in the name of Jesus, hasten your vengeance upon the enemies of peace and progress of this nation and let the citizens of this nation be rescued from all the assaults of the wicked – Psalm. 94:1-2

12). Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense tribulation to all that trouble the peace and progress of this nation even as we pray now – 2 Thessalonians. 1:6

13). Father, in the name of Jesus, let every gang up against the continuous growth and expansion of the church of Christ in Uganda be crushed permanently – Matthew. 21:42

14). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked against this nation come to an end even as we pray now – Psalm. 7:9

15). Father, in the name of Jesus, vent your anger upon all the perpetrators of wanton killings in this nation, as you rain up on all them fire, brimstone and a horrible tempest, thereby granting permanent rest to the citizens of this nation – Psalm. 7:11, Psalm11:5-6

16). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the rescue of Uganda from the powers of darkness contending against her destiny – Ephesians. 6:12

17). Father, in the name of Jesus, release your instruments of death and destruction against every agent of the devil set to destroy the glorious destiny of this nation – Psalm 7:13

18). Father, by the blood of Jesus, release your vengeance in the camp of the wicked and restore our lost glory as a nation. -Isaiah 63:4

19). Father in the name of Jesus, let every evil imagination of the wicked against this nation fall upon their own heads, resulting in the advancement of this nation – Psalm 7:9-16

20). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree speedy judgement against every force resisting the economic growth and development of this nation – Ecclesiastes. 8:11

21). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree supernatural turnaround for our nation Uganda. – Deuteronomy. 2:3

22). Father, by the blood of the lamb, we destroy every force of stagnation and frustration militating against the advancement of our nation Uganda. – Exodus 12:12

23). Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the re-opening of every closed door against the destiny of Uganda. -Revelation 3:8

24). Father in the name of Jesus and by the wisdom from above, move this nation forward in all areas thereby restoring her lost dignity. -Ecclesiastes.9:14-16

25). Father in the name of Jesus, send us help from above that will culminate in progress and development of this nation –Psalm. 127:1-2

26). Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and defend the oppressed in Uganda, so the land can be liberated from all forms of injustice. Psalm. 82:3

27). Father, in the name of Jesus, enthrone the reign of justice and equity in Uganda so as to secure her glorious destiny. – Daniel. 2:21

28). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring all the wicked to justice in this nation thereby establishing our lasting peace. – Proverbs. 11:21

29). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the enthronement of justice in all the affairs of this nation thereby establishing peace and prosperity in the land. – Isaiah 9:7

30). Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver Uganda from all forms of illegality, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation. -Ecclesiastes. 5: 8, Zechariah. 9:11-12

31). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your peace reign in Uganda by all means, as you silence all perpetrators of unrest in the land. -2Thessalonians 3:16

32). Father, in the name of Jesus, give us leaders in this nation that will usher the nation into realms of greater peace and prosperity. -1 Timothy 2:2

33). Father, in the name of Jesus, grant Uganda all-round rest and let this result in ever-increasing advancement and prosperity. – Psalm 122:6-7

34). Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every form of unrest in this nation, resulting in our economic growth and development. -Psalm. 46:10

35). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your covenant of peace be established over this nation Uganda, thereby turning her to an envy of the nations. -Ezekiel. 34:25-26

36).;Father, in the name of Jesus, let saviours arise in the land that will rescue the soul of Uganda from destruction- Obadiah. 21

37). Father, in the name of Jesus, send us leaders with the required skills and integrity that will lead this nation out of the woods – Psalm 78:72

38). Father, in the name of Jesus, position men and women endowed with the wisdom of God in places of authority in this country, thereby ushering this nation a new into realm of peace and prosperity- Genesis. 41:38-44

39). Father, in the name of Jesus, let only divinely positioned individuals take the reigns of leadership in this nation at all levels from henceforth – Daniel. 4:17

40). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise wise-hearted leaders in this country by whose hand the barriers standing against the peace and progress of this nation shall be taken out of the way- Ecclesiastes. 9:14-16

41). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against the scourge of corruption in Uganda, thereby rewriting the story of this nation- Ephesians. 5:11

42). Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver Uganda from the hands of corrupt leaders, thereby restoring the glory of this nation- Proverbs. 28:15

43). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise an army of God-fearing leaders in this nation, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation- Proverbs 14:34

44). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fear of God saturate the length and breadth of this nation, thereby removing shame and reproach from our nations – Isaiah. 32:15-16

45). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn your hand against the adversaries of this nation, that are blocking the way forward to our economic growth and development as a nation – Psalm. 7:11,Proverbs 29:2

46). Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the economy of this nation and let this land be filled with laughter again – Joel 2:25-26

47). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring an end to the economic woes of this nation thereby restoring her past glory – Proverbs 3:16

48). Father, in the name of Jesus, break the siege over this nation, thereby terminating our age-long political turmoils – Isaiah. 43:19

49). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from the scourge of unemployment by stirring waves of industrial revolution in the land -Psalm.144:12-15

50). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise political leaders in this nation that will usher Uganda into a New realm of glory- Isaiah. 61:4-5

51). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of revival continue to burn across the length and breath of this nation, resulting in the supernatural growth of the church – Zechariah. 2:5

52). Father, in the name of Jesus, make the church in Uganda a channel of revival across the nations of the earth – Psalm. 2:8

53). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord continue to consume the hearts of Christians across this nation, thereby taking more territories for Christ in the land -John.2:17, John. 4:29

54). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every church in this nation into a revival centre, thereby establishing dominion of the saints in the land – Micah. 4:1-2

55). Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every force militating against the growth of the church in Uganda, thereby leading to further growth and expansion – Isaiah. 42:14

56). Father, in the name of Jesus. let the 2021 elections in Uganda be free and fair and let it be void of election violence all through – Job 34:29

57). Father, in the name of Jesus, scatter every agenda of the devil to frustrate the electoral process in the forthcoming elections in Uganda- Isaiah 8:9

58). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every device of evil men to manipulate the 2021 elections in Uganda-Job 5:12

59). Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be hitch-free operations all through 2021 electoral process, thereby ensuring peace in the land- Ezekiel. 34:25

60). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against every form of electoral malpractices in the forthcoming elections in Uganda, thereby averting post-election crisis – Deuteronomy. 32:4


Today we shall be engaging in prayer for the nation of Cameroon. Carefully seated in the heart of Central Africa is Cameroon. This country used to be the pride of central Africa in terms of bouyant economy, favorable life expectancy, peace and unity. A country where the life and blood of men was sacred. A country where natural death was the only means of meeting God. A place where the blood of people was not used to paint the street red. There was indeed a country, an haven of peace, transquility and unity. What has happened to the once joyous nation of Cameroon, where is the peace and unity that the nation of Cameroon once enjoyed without hindrance. These and many more were the questions begging for answers from the Cameroonian.

Oh, I know a country where moral decadence was never heard or known, a place where negative social vices were not visible. Law and order with the fear of the Lord was the benchmark in which the nation was built upon. However, things have gone from bad to worse. This peaceful home of Africa has lost it vibe, moral and social decadence has attacked the entire nation of Cameroon. The weak is being made slaves to serve the strong forever until he is fit to free himself.

Judging by the natural framework behind the creation of man, God made man to have Dominion over every other thing that has been created as explained in Genesis 1:26. God didn’t create man to have dominion his fellow man. It is obvious that greed has consumed the heart of most Cameroonians and this is the cause of catastrophe on the land, Proverbs 28:25 A greedy person stirs up a fight, but whoever trusts the LORD prospers.
Just a moment of prayer for the nation of Cameroon can restore the country back to her former state.


Firstly, for the love of Cameroon, you are expected to say a Prayer for the nation of Cameroon. When you live something dearly, you wouldn’t want that thing to spoil. In the same vein, love your country wholeheartedly, love the continent of Africa dearly and you wouldn’t need someone to propel you to pray for it. God needs you and I to stand in gap for Cameroon, as explained in book of Ezekiel 22:30, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” We are to be those who stand in the gap, who lift up our nation with all it favors and faults before the throne of God, and pray that He continues to work in our midst.

Moreso, as a believer, we are fighters, survivors and conquerors through Christ Jesus. We should not just fold our arms when things happen, we have witnessed quite a number of people even believers running out of their country because of the hardship. What has happened to our altar of prayer, James 5:16b the effectual prayer of righteous availeth much.


One problem with human being is that we believe our leaders are omnipotent, hence, they are good all by themselves and do not need prayers. The Bible was not mistaken when it made emphasis on praying for our leaders. Most of us are swift to condemn thier plans just because we feel they are not supposed to be in position of authority.

Note: There is no authority or power that will be without the consent of God Almighty, Romans 13:1  Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. So the best you can do is stop worrying whether they are or not the right persons and start praying for them.


The moral bank of Cameroonians especially the youths has gone bankrupt. Just like the youth are the glory of the Church, so are they the glory of every nation. The founding fathers have limited time to spend here, sooner or later, the youths today will be in the sphere of power tomorrow. There is a need for the things of God to dominate the hearts of youth in Cameroon.
Social decadence has taken the nation by storm. Cameroonians are no longer patriotic as they used to be. This is one of the devices of the devil to bring this nation down, let’s all endeavor to say a prayer for the nation of Cameroon.


There is no gainsaying that Cameroon pride herself for being one of the fastest-growing economies in sub-saharan Africa. The nation’s bigger source of revenue is the exportation of oil and gas, timber, mining, agriculture and many others. Also, Cameroon invest more money into healthcare than any other country in the sub-saharan region. However, scores of Cameroonians still die from the lack of basic health care due to lack of money. This has dent the properous economy of this country. A prayer for the economy of Cameroon will save other Cameroonians from dieing from the snares of poverty.


It appears that the degeneration that has affected Cameroon also find it way into the Church. There are no more genuine Christians in Cameroon like it used to be. The fire of revival in the minds of men is dying rapidly. People are beginning to turn their heart against God because the Church is rapidly losing it grip from the spiritual realm.
The undiluted firebrand revival must happen again in churches in Cameroon. The spirit of God must have it way in the churches once more, more than ever before, Cameroonians must feel the powerful touch of God.

If all these will happen, the Churches in Cameroon must rise up and take their position. That’s is exactly where the church need your prayers.
In conclusion, our prayers for the nation of Cameroon will help them live up their true potentials and bear the image that God truly wants for them.


1). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy and lovingkindness that has been upholding this nation since independence till date – Lamentations. 3:22

2). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us peace by all means in this nation up till now – 2Thessalonians. 3:16

3). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

4). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for setting in disarray every gang-up of hell against the growth of the church of Christ in this nation – Matthew. 16:18

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church – Act. 2:47

6). Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the elect, deliver this Nation from utter destruction. – Genesis. 18:24-26

7). Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14

8). Father in the name of Jesus, send your rescue angel to deliver Cameroon from every force of destruction arrayed against her – 2 Kings. 19:35,Psalm. 34:7

9). Father, in the name of Jesus, save Cameroon from every gang-up of hell aimed at destroying this Nation. – 2kings. 19:32-34

10). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from every trap of destruction set by the wicked. – Zephaniah. 3:19

11). Father, in the name of Jesus, hasten your vengeance upon the enemies of peace and progress of this nation and let the citizens of this nation be rescued from all the assaults of the wicked – Psalm. 94:1-2

12). Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense tribulation to all that trouble the peace and progress of this nation even as we pray now – 2 Thessalonians. 1:6

13). Father, in the name of Jesus, let every gang up against the continuous growth and expansion of the church of Christ in Cameroon be crushed permanently – Matthew. 21:42

14). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked against this nation come to an end even as we pray now – Psalm. 7:9

15). Father, in the name of Jesus, vent your anger upon all the perpetrators of wanton killings in this nation, as you rain up on all them fire, brimstone and a horrible tempest, thereby granting permanent rest to the citizens of this nation – Psalm. 7:11, Psalm11:5-6

16). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the rescue of Cameroon from the powers of darkness contending against her destiny – Ephesians. 6:12

17). Father, in the name of Jesus, release your instruments of death and destruction against every agent of the devil set to destroy the glorious destiny of this nation – Psalm 7:13

18). Father, by the blood of Jesus, release your vengeance in the camp of the wicked and restore our lost glory as a nation. -Isaiah 63:4

19). Father in the name of Jesus, let every evil imagination of the wicked against this nation fall upon their own heads, resulting in the advancement of this nation – Psalm 7:9-16

20). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree speedy judgement against every force resisting the economic growth and development of this nation – Ecclesiastes. 8:11

21). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree supernatural turnaround for our nation Cameroon. – Deuteronomy. 2:3

22). Father, by the blood of the lamb, we destroy every force of stagnation and frustration militating against the advancement of our nation Cameroon. – Exodus 12:12

23). Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the re-opening of every closed door against the destiny of Cameroon. -Revelation 3:8

24). Father in the name of Jesus and by the wisdom from above, move this nation forward in all areas thereby restoring her lost dignity. -Ecclesiastes.9:14-16

25). Father in the name of Jesus, send us help from above that will culminate in progress and development of this nation –Psalm. 127:1-2

26). Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and defend the oppressed in Cameroon, so the land can be liberated from all forms of injustice. Psalm. 82:3

27). Father, in the name of Jesus, enthrone the reign of justice and equity in Cameroon so as to secure her glorious destiny. – Daniel. 2:21

28). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring all the wicked to justice in this nation thereby establishing our lasting peace. – Proverbs. 11:21

29). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the enthronement of justice in all the affairs of this nation thereby establishing peace and prosperity in the land. – Isaiah 9:7

30). Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver Cameroon from all forms of illegality, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation. -Ecclesiastes. 5: 8, Zechariah. 9:11-12

31). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your peace reign in Cameroon by all means, as you silence all perpetrators of unrest in the land. -2Thessalonians 3:16

32). Father, in the name of Jesus, give us leaders in this nation that will usher the nation into realms of greater peace and prosperity. -1 Timothy 2:2

33). Father, in the name of Jesus, grant Cameroon all-round rest and let this result in ever-increasing advancement and prosperity. – Psalm 122:6-7

34). Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every form of unrest in this nation, resulting in our economic growth and development. -Psalm. 46:10

35). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your covenant of peace be established over this nation Cameroon, thereby turning her to an envy of the nations. -Ezekiel. 34:25-26

36).;Father, in the name of Jesus, let saviours arise in the land that will rescue the soul of Cameroon from destruction- Obadiah. 21

37). Father, in the name of Jesus, send us leaders with the required skills and integrity that will lead this nation out of the woods – Psalm 78:72

38). Father, in the name of Jesus, position men and women endowed with the wisdom of God in places of authority in this country, thereby ushering this nation a new into realm of peace and prosperity- Genesis. 41:38-44

39). Father, in the name of Jesus, let only divinely positioned individuals take the reigns of leadership in this nation at all levels from henceforth – Daniel. 4:17

40). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise wise-hearted leaders in this country by whose hand the barriers standing against the peace and progress of this nation shall be taken out of the way- Ecclesiastes. 9:14-16

41). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against the scourge of corruption in Cameroon, thereby rewriting the story of this nation- Ephesians. 5:11

42). Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver Cameroon from the hands of corrupt leaders, thereby restoring the glory of this nation- Proverbs. 28:15

43). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise an army of God-fearing leaders in this nation, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation- Proverbs 14:34

44). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fear of God saturate the length and breadth of this nation, thereby removing shame and reproach from our nations – Isaiah. 32:15-16

45). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn your hand against the adversaries of this nation, that are blocking the way forward to our economic growth and development as a nation – Psalm. 7:11,Proverbs 29:2

46). Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the economy of this nation and let this land be filled with laughter again – Joel 2:25-26

47). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring an end to the economic woes of this nation thereby restoring her past glory – Proverbs 3:16

48). Father, in the name of Jesus, break the siege over this nation, thereby terminating our age-long political turmoils – Isaiah. 43:19

49). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from the scourge of unemployment by stirring waves of industrial revolution in the land -Psalm.144:12-15

50). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise political leaders in this nation that will usher Cameroon into a New realm of glory- Isaiah. 61:4-5

51). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of revival continue to burn across the length and breath of this nation, resulting in the supernatural growth of the church – Zechariah. 2:5

52). Father, in the name of Jesus, make the church in Cameroon a channel of revival across the nations of the earth – Psalm. 2:8

53). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord continue to consume the hearts of Christians across this nation, thereby taking more territories for Christ in the land -John.2:17, John. 4:29

54). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every church in this nation into a revival centre, thereby establishing dominion of the saints in the land – Micah. 4:1-2

55). Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every force militating against the growth of the church in Cameroon, thereby leading to further growth and expansion – Isaiah. 42:14

56). Father, in the name of Jesus. let the 2020 elections in Cameroon be free and fair and let it be void of election violence all through – Job 34:29

57). Father, in the name of Jesus, scatter every agenda of the devil to frustrate the electoral process in the forthcoming elections in Cameroon- Isaiah 8:9

58). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every device of evil men to manipulate the 2020 elections in Cameroon-Job 5:12

59). Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be hitch-free operations all through 2020 electoral process, thereby ensuring peace in the land- Ezekiel. 34:25

60). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against every form of electoral malpractices in the forthcoming elections in Cameroon, thereby averting post-election crisis – Deuteronomy. 32:4

Prayer For The Nation Of South Africa

Today we shall be engaging in prayer for the nation of South Africa. South Africa is a country on the southern most part of the African continent, marked by several distinct ecosystems. Inland safari destination Kruger National Park is populated by big game. The Western Cape offers beaches, lush winelands around Stellenbosch and Paarl, craggy cliffs at the Cape of Good Hope, forest and lagoons along the Garden Route, and the city of Cape Town, beneath flat-topped Table Mountain.

The South Africans have a very large history, however in giving the basics, they were captured by the British in 1795 and handed over to the Dutch in 1803 to be taken back again in 1806. The Dutch settlers however resented the British rule and in the long run, war broke out.
From the start black people were very much second-class citizens in South Africa. Most lived in tribal reserves and laws of 1913 and 1936 prevented them owning land outside certain areas. Most blacks were not allowed to vote and the whites had an upper hand.The south Africans are blessed with so much resources yet they are still victims of high unemployment rate, corruption, power crises, poverty and poor education system.


There are numerous reasons why we should pray for the nation of South Africa because they are the apple of God’s eye. The south Africans have a rich cultural diversity showing God’s creative ability in them. They however can be taken advantage of by the forces of darkness to the point where that advantage becomes a disadvantage for them, just as it already is now.

We must also pray for the nation of South Africa because the very first mandate given to man was for him to be fruitful and this talks about every man that makes up a nation. In other words no nation can be fruitful if its inhabitants are not fruitful. However Christ speaking in the book of John 15 also lets us know that we cannot bear fruit except we abide in Him.
This therefore tells us that if the nation of South Africa will reach the peak of God’s mandate for them and bear fruit, then they will have to abide in Him through prayers.


We are meant to pray for the government of South Africa for God to establish His kingdom and enthrone the right set of people there because it is only when the righteous are in power that the people can rejoice.Bible records that there is power in our tongue and more so, it says that if two or three shall agree on a thing it shall be established.

How far our government perform is in our hands as the citizens. If we speak evil of them, that is what exactly we will see, but if we collectively pray for them, then God can through our prayers cause them to lead us aright.Also corruption has really eaten deep into the nation of South Africa so much that it is affecting all sectors of the nation. Corruption is a wrong mindset playing out in the mind of our leaders, we must therefore pray that such thoughts of corruption will be brought captive in the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10).


If the nation of South Africa is recorded to be suffering from a high rate of poverty, then it means that their economy like the economy of most African nations is in need of the help of God.
The nation of South Africa as well as their economy have to be constantly prayed for, do that God can restore to them all that the plague called poverty has previously stolen from them and also help them to see and make good use of all the economic advantages He has provided for them.


One of the major things we should pray for in the lives of the South Africans is that God will teach them to love. This is because of the high rate of Xenophobia in that nation, members of other societies residing in their land do not seem to have any form of security.
This is highly disheartenung because every one of us need ourselves to survive, it therefore means that if we can live with ourselves, then we cannot get the fullness of the benefits God has blessed each of us with.

The rate of unemployment in the nation also calls for concern and is a major reason why the people of south Africa must be prayed for, because if the people are left idle they would be victims of all forms of sin and the enemy will take great advantage of them.


One of the most effective prayer for the nation of South Africa is praying for the church. We must pray for the church in South africa, first that God will strengthen them by His Spirit.
We owe ourselves the duty of praying for ourselves in the body knowing that we are members of one family, not minding what our physical location is. In the book of Hebrews, scripture encourages us to strengthen the weak hand and the feeble knees. In other words, God wants us to help one another in the place of prayer, strengthen ourselves so that none will fall out of the faith.
We should also understand that the race of the faith is not an easy one. Bible says that we are to contend for the faith, this means that it is not an easy task, we therefore need to keep praying for and encouraging one another.

We should also pray for unity in every of our churches. Christ praying for the body in the book of John pleaded with the Father to keep them that ‘they may be one’, we must also pray this if we must experience unity in the church.
Conclusively, judging by the demonic xenophobic attack by South Africans against other Africans in their country, this shows that the people of South Africa needs prayer.


1). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy and lovingkindness that has been upholding this nation since independence till date – Lamentations. 3:22

2). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us peace by all means in this nation up till now – 2Thessalonians. 3:16

3). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

4). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for setting in disarray every gang-up of hell against the growth of the church of Christ in this nation – Matthew. 16:18

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church – Act. 2:47

6). Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the elect, deliver this Nation from utter destruction. – Genesis. 18:24-26

7). Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14

8). Father in the name of Jesus, send your rescue angel to deliver South Africa from every force of destruction arrayed against her – 2 Kings. 19:35,Psalm. 34:7

9). Father, in the name of Jesus, save South Africa from every gang-up of hell aimed at destroying this Nation. – 2kings. 19:32-34

10). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from every trap of destruction set by the wicked. – Zephaniah. 3:19

11). Father, in the name of Jesus, hasten your vengeance upon the enemies of peace and progress of this nation and let the citizens of this nation be rescued from all the assaults of the wicked – Psalm. 94:1-2

12). Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense tribulation to all that trouble the peace and progress of this nation even as we pray now – 2 Thessalonians. 1:6

13). Father, in the name of Jesus, let every gang up against the continuous growth and expansion of the church of Christ in South Africa be crushed permanently – Matthew. 21:42

14). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked against this nation come to an end even as we pray now – Psalm. 7:9

15). Father, in the name of Jesus, vent your anger upon all the perpetrators of wanton killings in this nation, as you rain up on all them fire, brimstone and a horrible tempest, thereby granting permanent rest to the citizens of this nation – Psalm. 7:11, Psalm11:5-6

16). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the rescue of South Africa from the powers of darkness contending against her destiny – Ephesians. 6:12

17). Father, in the name of Jesus, release your instruments of death and destruction against every agent of the devil set to destroy the glorious destiny of this nation – Psalm 7:13

18). Father, by the blood of Jesus, release your vengeance in the camp of the wicked and restore our lost glory as a nation. -Isaiah 63:4

19). Father in the name of Jesus, let every evil imagination of the wicked against this nation fall upon their own heads, resulting in the advancement of this nation – Psalm 7:9-16

20). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree speedy judgement against every force resisting the economic growth and development of this nation – Ecclesiastes. 8:11

21). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree supernatural turnaround for our nation South Africa. – Deuteronomy. 2:3

22). Father, by the blood of the lamb, we destroy every force of stagnation and frustration militating against the advancement of our nation South Africa. – Exodus 12:12

23). Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the re-opening of every closed door against the destiny of South Africa. -Revelation 3:8

24). Father in the name of Jesus and by the wisdom from above, move this nation forward in all areas thereby restoring her lost dignity. -Ecclesiastes.9:14-16

25). Father in the name of Jesus, send us help from above that will culminate in progress and development of this nation –Psalm. 127:1-2

26). Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and defend the oppressed in South Africa, so the land can be liberated from all forms of injustice. Psalm. 82:3

27). Father, in the name of Jesus, enthrone the reign of justice and equity in South Africa so as to secure her glorious destiny. – Daniel. 2:21

28). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring all the wicked to justice in this nation thereby establishing our lasting peace. – Proverbs. 11:21

29). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the enthronement of justice in all the affairs of this nation thereby establishing peace and prosperity in the land. – Isaiah 9:7

30). Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver South Africa from all forms of illegality, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation. -Ecclesiastes. 5: 8, Zechariah. 9:11-12

31). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your peace reign in South Africa by all means, as you silence all perpetrators of unrest in the land. -2Thessalonians 3:16

32). Father, in the name of Jesus, give us leaders in this nation that will usher the nation into realms of greater peace and prosperity. -1 Timothy 2:2

33). Father, in the name of Jesus, grant South Africa all-round rest and let this result in ever-increasing advancement and prosperity. – Psalm 122:6-7

34). Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every form of unrest in this nation, resulting in our economic growth and development. -Psalm. 46:10

35). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your covenant of peace be established over this nation South Africa, thereby turning her to an envy of the nations. -Ezekiel. 34:25-26

36).;Father, in the name of Jesus, let saviours arise in the land that will rescue the soul of South Africa from destruction- Obadiah. 21

37). Father, in the name of Jesus, send us leaders with the required skills and integrity that will lead this nation out of the woods – Psalm 78:72

38). Father, in the name of Jesus, position men and women endowed with the wisdom of God in places of authority in this country, thereby ushering this nation a new into realm of peace and prosperity- Genesis. 41:38-44

39). Father, in the name of Jesus, let only divinely positioned individuals take the reigns of leadership in this nation at all levels from henceforth – Daniel. 4:17

40). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise wise-hearted leaders in this country by whose hand the barriers standing against the peace and progress of this nation shall be taken out of the way- Ecclesiastes. 9:14-16

41). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against the scourge of corruption in South Africa, thereby rewriting the story of this nation- Ephesians. 5:11

42). Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver South Africa from the hands of corrupt leaders, thereby restoring the glory of this nation- Proverbs. 28:15

43). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise an army of God-fearing leaders in this nation, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation- Proverbs 14:34

44). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fear of God saturate the length and breadth of this nation, thereby removing shame and reproach from our nations – Isaiah. 32:15-16

45). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn your hand against the adversaries of this nation, that are blocking the way forward to our economic growth and development as a nation – Psalm. 7:11,Proverbs 29:2

46). Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the economy of this nation and let this land be filled with laughter again – Joel 2:25-26

47). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring an end to the economic woes of this nation thereby restoring her past glory – Proverbs 3:16

48). Father, in the name of Jesus, break the siege over this nation, thereby terminating our age-long political turmoils – Isaiah. 43:19

49). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from the scourge of unemployment by stirring waves of industrial revolution in the land -Psalm.144:12-15

50). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise political leaders in this nation that will usher South Africa into a New realm of glory- Isaiah. 61:4-5

51). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of revival continue to burn across the length and breath of this nation, resulting in the supernatural growth of the church – Zechariah. 2:5

52). Father, in the name of Jesus, make the church in South Africa a channel of revival across the nations of the earth – Psalm. 2:8

53). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord continue to consume the hearts of Christians across this nation, thereby taking more territories for Christ in the land -John.2:17, John. 4:29

54). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every church in this nation into a revival centre, thereby establishing dominion of the saints in the land – Micah. 4:1-2

55). Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every force militating against the growth of the church in South Africa, thereby leading to further growth and expansion – Isaiah. 42:14

56). Father, in the name of Jesus. let the 2023 elections in South Africa be free and fair and let it be void of election violence all through – Job 34:29

57). Father, in the name of Jesus, scatter every agenda of the devil to frustrate the electoral process in the forthcoming elections in South Africa- Isaiah 8:9

58). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every device of evil men to manipulate the 2023 elections in South Africa-Job 5:12

59). Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be hitch-free operations all through 2023 electoral process, thereby ensuring peace in the land- Ezekiel. 34:25

60). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against every form of electoral malpractices in the forthcoming elections in South Africa, thereby averting post-election crisis – Deuteronomy. 32:4


Today we shall be engaging in prayer for the nation of Sudan. Ever since the Nation gained her independence from Anglo-Egyptian rule in 1956, the country’s government has been an Islamic oriented military regimes. Sudan is a country predominantly occupied by Muslims. Months after the impeachment of the country’s president, Omar al-Bashir, the country is still unstable as the fight for civilian rule continued still following the take over of a Transitional Military Council (TMC).
For the nation Sudan to know peace and transquility, we as men and women should say a prayer for the Nation of Sudan. When things go wrong in a country, the answers and solutions should not be left to those at the political sphere alone. We (Christians) at the center of spirituality should seek the face of God concerning our nation.

The book of 2 chronicle 7:14, says if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Maybe, the unrest upon the Nation of Sudan was brought by sin, don’t you think it is time we raise an altar of prayer for the nation of Sudan?


With years of active service in ministry, I have discovered that, most people know that they are supposed to pray for their nation, but they don’t pray, because they believe that only one man prayer can not solve the problem of an entire nation.
Allow me to correct this wrong perception. God doesn’t need all the people to pray before he answers, He only the need the sincere intercession of one man. The book of Genesis 18:22-26, 22 So the men turned from there and went toward Sodom, but Abraham still stood before the Lord. 23 Then Abraham drew near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city. Will you then sweep away the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous who are in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” 26 And the Lord said, “If I find at Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”
This passage of the Bible made us understand how one man (Abraham) stood in gap for a whole nation, interceding on behalf of Sodom. Your prayers and my prayers might just be what God need to save the Nation of Sudan.
When you want to pray, make sure you structure your prayers in the following categories:


Presently the government of Sudan is being led by the head of the Transition Military Council, Lieutenant General General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, he vowed never to release the government to a democratic one until after two years. Meanwhile, the people of Sudan are clamouring for a democratic leadership.

Pray that the present government of Sudan sees the need to heed the people’s cry. Over last few days, death count in Sudan has been on high side after series of protest by the democratic movement group.
If all of these should persist, it wouldn’t take time before the entire sudan populace is wiped out completely. If there was one country that needs Jesus, the Prince of Peace, that country is Sudan.


As long as there is unrest in the country, as long as the lifeless body of Sudanese still floods the street after protest, the economy of Sudan will never rise. The economy of a nation will not thrive until the people are in peace.
While praying for economy of Sudan, pray that the peace of God Almighty should dwell in Sudan. The Grace to steer the wheel of the nation’s economy in the right way, God should grant it to them.

While saying a prayer for the nation of Sudan, do not forget her people. If Sudan will be great tomorrow, it is in the hands of people who dwells in Sudan. The people consist of the government and the governed, pray that the love of God Almighty should dwell in the heart of every man and woman in Sudan.

Not until the love of Christ dwells in the heart of Sudanese will they see themselves as one, and try to help one another. The underserved people in Sudan are going through a whole lot of stress, a prayer for Grace will help them scale through.


Sudan is in a state of desolation, when people turn their mind against God Almighty because of tribulations. Do not forget that a consistent war is waged against the Christians in Sudan. Pray that the light of God Almighty wipe out in entirety the darkness in the mind of people.
A prayer of revival for the church, the fire of revival that will spring forth from the church and will spread across the length and breadth of the country until the entire nation come to the realization that Christ alone is God.

At this perilous time, the church needs strength, the strength forge ahead not minding the circumstances that may arise from opposition. It will be a catastrophe if darkness overcomes the church. The Bible says the light shines and darkness comprehend it not, the light of God should shine so bright in the churches in Sudan. Light that will confound the enemy, God should bring it forth through the fire of revival.
Without much ado, brethren, believers and saints. This is a clarion call to us all, our faith will stand in Sudan, but it all depends on how much prayers we can say for the nation of Sudan.


1). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy and lovingkindness that has been upholding this nation since independence till date – Lamentations. 3:22

2). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us peace by all means in this nation up till now – 2Thessalonians. 3:16

3). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

4). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for setting in disarray every gang-up of hell against the growth of the church of Christ in this nation – Matthew. 16:18

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church – Act. 2:47

6). Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the elect, deliver this Nation from utter destruction. – Genesis. 18:24-26

7). Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14

8). Father in the name of Jesus, send your rescue angel to deliver Sudan from every force of destruction arrayed against her – 2 Kings. 19:35,Psalm. 34:7

9). Father, in the name of Jesus, save Sudan from every gang-up of hell aimed at destroying this Nation. – 2kings. 19:32-34

10). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from every trap of destruction set by the wicked. – Zephaniah. 3:19

11). Father, in the name of Jesus, hasten your vengeance upon the enemies of peace and progress of this nation and let the citizens of this nation be rescued from all the assaults of the wicked – Psalm. 94:1-2

12). Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense tribulation to all that trouble the peace and progress of this nation even as we pray now – 2 Thessalonians. 1:6

13). Father, in the name of Jesus, let every gang up against the continuous growth and expansion of the church of Christ in Sudan be crushed permanently – Matthew. 21:42

14). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked against this nation come to an end even as we pray now – Psalm. 7:9

15). Father, in the name of Jesus, vent your anger upon all the perpetrators of wanton killings in this nation, as you rain up on all them fire, brimstone and a horrible tempest, thereby granting permanent rest to the citizens of this nation – Psalm. 7:11, Psalm11:5-6

16). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the rescue of Sudan from the powers of darkness contending against her destiny – Ephesians. 6:12

17). Father, in the name of Jesus, release your instruments of death and destruction against every agent of the devil set to destroy the glorious destiny of this nation – Psalm 7:13

18). Father, by the blood of Jesus, release your vengeance in the camp of the wicked and restore our lost glory as a nation. -Isaiah 63:4

19). Father in the name of Jesus, let every evil imagination of the wicked against this nation fall upon their own heads, resulting in the advancement of this nation – Psalm 7:9-16

20). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree speedy judgement against every force resisting the economic growth and development of this nation – Ecclesiastes. 8:11

21). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree supernatural turnaround for our nation Sudan. – Deuteronomy. 2:3

22). Father, by the blood of the lamb, we destroy every force of stagnation and frustration militating against the advancement of our nation Sudan. – Exodus 12:12

23). Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the re-opening of every closed door against the destiny of Sudan. -Revelation 3:8

24). Father in the name of Jesus and by the wisdom from above, move this nation forward in all areas thereby restoring her lost dignity. -Ecclesiastes.9:14-16

25). Father in the name of Jesus, send us help from above that will culminate in progress and development of this nation –Psalm. 127:1-2

26). Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and defend the oppressed in Sudan, so the land can be liberated from all forms of injustice. Psalm. 82:3

27). Father, in the name of Jesus, enthrone the reign of justice and equity in Sudan so as to secure her glorious destiny. – Daniel. 2:21

28). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring all the wicked to justice in this nation thereby establishing our lasting peace. – Proverbs. 11:21

29). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the enthronement of justice in all the affairs of this nation thereby establishing peace and prosperity in the land. – Isaiah 9:7

30). Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver Sudan from all forms of illegality, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation. -Ecclesiastes. 5: 8, Zechariah. 9:11-12

31). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your peace reign in Sudan by all means, as you silence all perpetrators of unrest in the land. -2Thessalonians 3:16

32). Father, in the name of Jesus, give us leaders in this nation that will usher the nation into realms of greater peace and prosperity. -1 Timothy 2:2

33). Father, in the name of Jesus, grant Sudan all-round rest and let this result in ever-increasing advancement and prosperity. – Psalm 122:6-7

34). Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every form of unrest in this nation, resulting in our economic growth and development. -Psalm. 46:10

35). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your covenant of peace be established over this nation Sudan, thereby turning her to an envy of the nations. -Ezekiel. 34:25-26

36).;Father, in the name of Jesus, let saviours arise in the land that will rescue the soul of Sudan from destruction- Obadiah. 21

37). Father, in the name of Jesus, send us leaders with the required skills and integrity that will lead this nation out of the woods – Psalm 78:72

38). Father, in the name of Jesus, position men and women endowed with the wisdom of God in places of authority in this country, thereby ushering this nation a new into realm of peace and prosperity- Genesis. 41:38-44

39). Father, in the name of Jesus, let only divinely positioned individuals take the reigns of leadership in this nation at all levels from henceforth – Daniel. 4:17

40). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise wise-hearted leaders in this country by whose hand the barriers standing against the peace and progress of this nation shall be taken out of the way- Ecclesiastes. 9:14-16

41). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against the scourge of corruption in Sudan, thereby rewriting the story of this nation- Ephesians. 5:11

42). Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver Sudan from the hands of corrupt leaders, thereby restoring the glory of this nation- Proverbs. 28:15

43). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise an army of God-fearing leaders in this nation, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation- Proverbs 14:34

44). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fear of God saturate the length and breadth of this nation, thereby removing shame and reproach from our nations – Isaiah. 32:15-16

45). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn your hand against the adversaries of this nation, that are blocking the way forward to our economic growth and development as a nation – Psalm. 7:11,Proverbs 29:2

46). Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the economy of this nation and let this land be filled with laughter again – Joel 2:25-26

47). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring an end to the economic woes of this nation thereby restoring her past glory – Proverbs 3:16

48). Father, in the name of Jesus, break the siege over this nation, thereby terminating our age-long political turmoils – Isaiah. 43:19

49). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from the scourge of unemployment by stirring waves of industrial revolution in the land -Psalm.144:12-15

50). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise political leaders in this nation that will usher Sudan into a New realm of glory- Isaiah. 61:4-5

51). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of revival continue to burn across the length and breath of this nation, resulting in the supernatural growth of the church – Zechariah. 2:5

52). Father, in the name of Jesus, make the church in Sudan a channel of revival across the nations of the earth – Psalm. 2:8

53). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord continue to consume the hearts of Christians across this nation, thereby taking more territories for Christ in the land -John.2:17, John. 4:29

54). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every church in this nation into a revival centre, thereby establishing dominion of the saints in the land – Micah. 4:1-2

55). Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every force militating against the growth of the church in Sudan, thereby leading to further growth and expansion – Isaiah. 42:14

56). Father, in the name of Jesus. let the 2020 elections in Sudan be free and fair and let it be void of election violence all through – Job 34:29

57). Father, in the name of Jesus, scatter every agenda of the devil to frustrate the electoral process in the forthcoming elections in Sudan- Isaiah 8:9

58). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every device of evil men to manipulate the 2020 elections in Sudan-Job 5:12

59). Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be hitch-free operations all through 2020 electoral process, thereby ensuring peace in the land- Ezekiel. 34:25

60). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against every form of electoral malpractices in the forthcoming elections in Sudan, thereby averting post-election crisis – Deuteronomy. 32:4.

Prayer For The Nation of Nigeria

Today we shall be engaging in prayer for the nation of Nigeria. Located in West Africa along the Atlantic Ocean’s Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria is known as the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world, which is a major reason it is called the Giant of Africa. Prior to its independence in October 1960, it was under the colonial rule of the British during the second half of the 19th century.

The nation has always been a rich one and very great in economic resources, this was what the colonial masters saw and took advantage of. It is rich in oil and gas, deposits of coal, iron ire, limestone, tin and zinc as well as land and water resources that are efficient for agricultural exploitation. Though multi-ethnic and highly religious, the people of Nigeria are very industrious, intelligent and morally upright.However, with all of these obvious advantages, the Nation seems to be very backward in all it’s dealings especially when placed side by side with other nations of the world. Nigeria sure need our prayers, therefore, let’s say a prayer for the Nation of Nigeria.


Prayer in itself is very advantageous. Jesus Christ stressed its necessity in the book of Luke 18:1, when He says ‘Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Also in the book of James 5:13, it says the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.When a nation like Nigeria prays tirelessly, it is easier for them to birth the purposes of God for them time and again. No matter how bad things become in any nation, there will always be a way out if they keep seeking the face of God in the place of prayer. In essence, we must really begin to pray for the nation of Nigeria if we want to witness any positive changes.


It is our duty as Nigerians to pray for the nation of Nigeria as well as it’s government. Most people are too quick to criticize the government of their nations, most especially when those in power are not their personal choice, this however is not what the Bible teaches us. Whether the government is giving in their best or not, it is our duty to pray for them. speaking ill of them will not make them any better rather it will even make their leadership worse because there is power in our tongue.
The Bible teaches in the book of Romans 12:1, that there is no authority that is not appointed by God whether we like them or not. It further teaches that we must subject ourselves to them and not resist their ordinances, when we are truly subject to a person or a government then we will never speak ill of them but we will rather pray for them.

Also when we pray for the nation of Nigeria, we are praying for ourselves too, because there is no nation without the individuals that reside in it, it doesn’t matter whether we are direct citizens of that nation or not.This tells us that if our nation is at its best, the government will be at its best, and if our government is at its best, we the citizens will be at our best.


Every time the economy of a Nation is poor, it greatly affects the people and cause them to engage in all forms of unthinkable acts. There is a record in scripture of a great famine in the city of Samaria, so severe that the women began to cook their children as food to satisfy their hunger (2 Kings 6).
Most of the consistent complaints of immoral activities like corruption, terrorism, kidnapping and the likes in our nation is because of the poor state of the economy. It is even more disheartening when we think of the fact that Nigeria is a nation blessed with so much economic advantage.
This is why we need to pray earnestly that God will revive the economy of Nigeria and restore it to the original plans that He has for it.


The people of Nigeria need a lot of prayers for them to get to the peak of God’s counsel for their lives. It was previously stated that there is no nation without the people in it, if this is therefore the case it means that if we don’t pray for the people of Nigeria then we are really not praying for the nation of Nigeria.
There continues to be a recurrent report of Nigerians leaving their country seeking for a better life else where, this is largely because of the state of their economy and also the level of insecurity that their country is faced with. A large bulk of Nigerians die almost everyday leaving loved ones with pain and tears to live with. Mere talks can’t put an end to these things, but prayer can.
The Bible teaches us to love ourselves, Christ in His teaching says to us that the greatest love is when a man lays down his life for his friends (John 15), that is, giving himself for the benefit of others , and one of the ways this is demonstrated is by praying for others.


When we have a thorough understanding of the role that the Church has been called to play both in our nations and in the world generally, then we will begin to pray with all sincerity.
The Church is not just a building but a gathering of believers regardless of their number, and they are a direct representation of God and His purposes on the earth. God can only find expression on the earth when there are believers who can avail themselves for Him to do so, however the devil also tries to distract the Church from their specific purposes and therefore limit God from finding expression through them.

As we pray for the nation of Nigeria, we must not rule out the place of the Church. Jesus understood this principle, that was why in John 17:6 He prayed earnestly for His disciples who were then the physical representation of the Church, so as to enable them bring forth His purposes in Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.


1). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy and lovingkindness that has been upholding this nation since independence till date – Lamentations. 3:22

2). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us peace by all means in this nation up till now – 2Thessalonians. 3:16

3). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

4). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for setting in disarray every gang-up of hell against the growth of the church of Christ in this nation – Matthew. 16:18

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church – Act. 2:47

6). Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the elect, deliver this Nation from utter destruction. – Genesis. 18:24-26

7). Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14

8). Father in the name of Jesus, send your rescue angel to deliver Nigeria from every force of destruction arrayed against her – 2 Kings. 19:35,Psalm. 34:7

9). Father, in the name of Jesus, save Nigeria from every gang-up of hell aimed at destroying this Nation. – 2kings. 19:32-34

10). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from every trap of destruction set by the wicked. – Zephaniah. 3:19

11). Father, in the name of Jesus, hasten your vengeance upon the enemies of peace and progress of this nation and let the citizens of this nation be rescued from all the assaults of the wicked – Psalm. 94:1-2

12). Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense tribulation to all that trouble the peace and progress of this nation even as we pray now – 2 Thessalonians. 1:6

13). Father, in the name of Jesus, let every gang up against the continuous growth and expansion of the church of Christ in Nigeria be crushed permanently – Matthew. 21:42

14). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked against this nation come to an end even as we pray now – Psalm. 7:9

15). Father, in the name of Jesus, vent your anger upon all the perpetrators of wanton killings in this nation, as you rain up on all them fire, brimstone and a horrible tempest, thereby granting permanent rest to the citizens of this nation – Psalm. 7:11, Psalm11:5-6

16). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the rescue of Nigeria from the powers of darkness contending against her destiny – Ephesians. 6:12

17). Father, in the name of Jesus, release your instruments of death and destruction against every agent of the devil set to destroy the glorious destiny of this nation – Psalm 7:13

18). Father, by the blood of Jesus, release your vengeance in the camp of the wicked and restore our lost glory as a nation. -Isaiah 63:4

19). Father in the name of Jesus, let every evil imagination of the wicked against this nation fall upon their own heads, resulting in the advancement of this nation – Psalm 7:9-16

20). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree speedy judgement against every force resisting the economic growth and development of this nation – Ecclesiastes. 8:11

21). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree supernatural turnaround for our nation Nigeria. – Deuteronomy. 2:3

22). Father, by the blood of the lamb, we destroy every force of stagnation and frustration militating against the advancement of our nation Nigeria. – Exodus 12:12

23). Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the re-opening of every closed door against the destiny of Nigeria. -Revelation 3:8

24). Father in the name of Jesus and by the wisdom from above, move this nation forward in all areas thereby restoring her lost dignity. -Ecclesiastes.9:14-16

25). Father in the name of Jesus, send us help from above that will culminate in progress and development of this nation –Psalm. 127:1-2

26). Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and defend the oppressed in Nigeria, so the land can be liberated from all forms of injustice. Psalm. 82:3

27). Father, in the name of Jesus, enthrone the reign of justice and equity in Nigeria so as to secure her glorious destiny. – Daniel. 2:21

28). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring all the wicked to justice in this nation thereby establishing our lasting peace. – Proverbs. 11:21

29). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the enthronement of justice in all the affairs of this nation thereby establishing peace and prosperity in the land. – Isaiah 9:7

30). Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver Nigeria from all forms of illegality, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation. -Ecclesiastes. 5: 8, Zechariah. 9:11-12

31). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your peace reign in Nigeria by all means, as you silence all perpetrators of unrest in the land. -2Thessalonians 3:16

32). Father, in the name of Jesus, give us leaders in this nation that will usher the nation into realms of greater peace and prosperity. -1 Timothy 2:2

33). Father, in the name of Jesus, grant Nigeria all-round rest and let this result in ever-increasing advancement and prosperity. – Psalm 122:6-7

34). Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every form of unrest in this nation, resulting in our economic growth and development. -Psalm. 46:10

35). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your covenant of peace be established over this nation Nigeria, thereby turning her to an envy of the nations. -Ezekiel. 34:25-26

36).;Father, in the name of Jesus, let saviours arise in the land that will rescue the soul of Nigeria from destruction- Obadiah. 21

37). Father, in the name of Jesus, send us leaders with the required skills and integrity that will lead this nation out of the woods – Psalm 78:72

38). Father, in the name of Jesus, position men and women endowed with the wisdom of God in places of authority in this country, thereby ushering this nation a new into realm of peace and prosperity- Genesis. 41:38-44

39). Father, in the name of Jesus, let only divinely positioned individuals take the reigns of leadership in this nation at all levels from henceforth – Daniel. 4:17

40). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise wise-hearted leaders in this country by whose hand the barriers standing against the peace and progress of this nation shall be taken out of the way- Ecclesiastes. 9:14-16

41). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against the scourge of corruption in Nigeria, thereby rewriting the story of this nation- Ephesians. 5:11

42). Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver Nigeria from the hands of corrupt leaders, thereby restoring the glory of this nation- Proverbs. 28:15

43). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise an army of God-fearing leaders in this nation, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation- Proverbs 14:34

44). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fear of God saturate the length and breadth of this nation, thereby removing shame and reproach from our nations – Isaiah. 32:15-16

45). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn your hand against the adversaries of this nation, that are blocking the way forward to our economic growth and development as a nation – Psalm. 7:11,Proverbs 29:2

46). Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the economy of this nation and let this land be filled with laughter again – Joel 2:25-26

47). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring an end to the economic woes of this nation thereby restoring her past glory – Proverbs 3:16

48). Father, in the name of Jesus, break the siege over this nation, thereby terminating our age-long political turmoils – Isaiah. 43:19

49). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from the scourge of unemployment by stirring waves of industrial revolution in the land -Psalm.144:12-15

50). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise political leaders in this nation that will usher Nigeria into a New realm of glory- Isaiah. 61:4-5

51). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of revival continue to burn across the length and breath of this nation, resulting in the supernatural growth of the church – Zechariah. 2:5

52). Father, in the name of Jesus, make the church in Nigeria a channel of revival across the nations of the earth – Psalm. 2:8

53). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord continue to consume the hearts of Christians across this nation, thereby taking more territories for Christ in the land -John.2:17, John. 4:29

54). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every church in this nation into a revival centre, thereby establishing dominion of the saints in the land – Micah. 4:1-2

55). Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every force militating against the growth of the church in Nigeria, thereby leading to further growth and expansion – Isaiah. 42:14

56). Father, in the name of Jesus. let the 2032 elections in Nigeria be free and fair and let it be void of election violence all through – Job 34:29

57). Father, in the name of Jesus, scatter every agenda of the devil to frustrate the electoral process in the forthcoming elections in Nigeria- Isaiah 8:9

58). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every device of evil men to manipulate the 2032 elections in Nigeria-Job 5:12

59). Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be hitch-free operations all through 2032 electoral process, thereby ensuring peace in the land- Ezekiel. 34:25

60). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against every form of electoral malpractices in the forthcoming elections in Nigeria, thereby averting post-election crisis – Deuteronomy. 32:4.

Prayer For The Nation of Ghana

  • Today we shall be engaging in the prayer for the nation of Ghana. Formerly called the Gold coast, Ghana is Africa’s biggest good miners after South Africa. It is located along the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean in the subregion of West African. It name come from the ancient Ghana Empire and means “warrior king”. They were the first African country to gain independence from the colonial powers in 1957.

They have for a long time enjoyed increasingly stable and deepening democratic governance, in youth and gender empowerment. They are quite rich in mineral resources and endowed with a good education system and efficient civil service, they,he also made significant progress in poverty reduction.

They however began to have problems when they fell victim to corruption and mismanagement soon after independence. They still suffer constraints of basic infrastructure such as feeder roads that links their economic activity to urban market centers, hospitals, basic sanitation. Their business climate is still weak and holds back productive investment, and even more disturbing is the issue of malaria epidemic that is a leading cause of morbidity in the nation.


There are numerous reasons why we should pray form the nation of Ghana. The Bible says in the book of Psalm 127:1 says  that except the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it; unless the Lords guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. In other words, no nation can really amount to anything except the Lord himself makes it so. We therefore need to always pray for the nation of Ghana so as to give God the permission to build it.

We should also pray for the nation of Ghana because there are certain age long princes that have laid a hold on the destinies of nations and would not let them ago until they have performed all their evil desires form generations to generations. However by prayer their hold can be loosed and their powers taken away from them.


We are meant to pray for the government of Ghana, for God to enthrone the right set of people there because it is only when the righteous are in power that the people can rejoice.
More so, while they are in power they need the wisdom of God to function efficiently, the famous king Solomon was able to achieve as much results as he did, because the wisdom of God was at work in him.

More so, the Bible says that it is through wisdom that a house is built (Prov. 24). Every nation that will be well built must have. government who possess true wisdom from above and and this is only achievable through prayer.


No nation, no matter their level of education or the availability of mineral resources can by themselves become wealthy except a higher force enables them to do so. The book of Deuteronomy 8:18, says that we should remember the Lord our God for it is Him who can give us power to make wealth. Wealth is much more than finances, it his to do also with the peace and happiness of the people.

If there is poverty in the land, then happiness will be far from the people and so also their peace will be taken away. More so, when a nation is economically bouyant it gives them a voice among other nations. Scripture records that a borrower will always be a slave to the lender, so it is for a nation that have to keep depending largely on other nations for its survival.


We can never cease to pray for people, whether they are directly members of our nation or not. Scripture records that the days of a man are short but full of so much troubles, this therefore means that every man needs lot of prayers to keep him going and also for his safety and survival.
The citizens of Ghana needs to be prayed for so that they can scale through the hurdles and difficulties that come with life itself. And all the citizens of Ghana need to be prayed for so they can fulfill God’s mandate for their lives and posterity.


We owe ourselves the duty of praying for ourselves in the body knowing that we are members of one family, not minding what our physical location is. In the book of Hebrews, scripture encourages us to strengthen the weak hand and the feeble knees. In other words, God wants us to in the place of prayer, strengthen ourselves so that none will fall out of the faith.
We should also understand that the race of the faith is not an easy one. Bible says that we are to contend for the faith, this means that it is not an easy task, we therefore need to keep praying for and encouraging one another.

We should also pray for unity in every of our churches. Christ praying for the body in the book of John pleaded with the Father to keep them that ‘they may be one’, we must also pry this if we must experience unity in the church.
Without much ado, we will be doing a whole lot for the entire continent of Africa by just saying a prayer for the nation of Ghana.

Prayer Points

1). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy and lovingkindness that has been upholding this nation since independence till date – Lamentations. 3:22

2). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us peace by all means in this nation up till now – 2Thessalonians. 3:16

3). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

4). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for setting in disarray every gang-up of hell against the growth of the church of Christ in this nation – Matthew. 16:18

5). Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church – Act. 2:47

6). Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the elect, deliver this Nation from utter destruction. – Genesis. 18:24-26

7). Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14

8). Father in the name of Jesus, send your rescue angel to deliver Ghana from every force of destruction arrayed against her – 2 Kings. 19:35,Psalm. 34:7

9). Father, in the name of Jesus, save Ghana from every gang-up of hell aimed at destroying this Nation. – 2kings. 19:32-34

10). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from every trap of destruction set by the wicked. – Zephaniah. 3:19

11). Father, in the name of Jesus, hasten your vengeance upon the enemies of peace and progress of this nation and let the citizens of this nation be rescued from all the assaults of the wicked – Psalm. 94:1-2

12). Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense tribulation to all that trouble the peace and progress of this nation even as we pray now – 2 Thessalonians. 1:6

13). Father, in the name of Jesus, let every gang up against the continuous growth and expansion of the church of Christ in Ghana be crushed permanently – Matthew. 21:42

14). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked against this nation come to an end even as we pray now – Psalm. 7:9

15). Father, in the name of Jesus, vent your anger upon all the perpetrators of wanton killings in this nation, as you rain up on all them fire, brimstone and a horrible tempest, thereby granting permanent rest to the citizens of this nation – Psalm. 7:11, Psalm11:5-6

16). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the rescue of Ghana from the powers of darkness contending against her destiny – Ephesians. 6:12

17). Father, in the name of Jesus, release your instruments of death and destruction against every agent of the devil set to destroy the glorious destiny of this nation – Psalm 7:13

18). Father, by the blood of Jesus, release your vengeance in the camp of the wicked and restore our lost glory as a nation. -Isaiah 63:4

19). Father in the name of Jesus, let every evil imagination of the wicked against this nation fall upon their own heads, resulting in the advancement of this nation – Psalm 7:9-16

20). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree speedy judgement against every force resisting the economic growth and development of this nation – Ecclesiastes. 8:11

21). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree supernatural turnaround for our nation Ghana. – Deuteronomy. 2:3

22). Father, by the blood of the lamb, we destroy every force of stagnation and frustration militating against the advancement of our nation Ghana. – Exodus 12:12

23). Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the re-opening of every closed door against the destiny of Ghana. -Revelation 3:8

24). Father in the name of Jesus and by the wisdom from above, move this nation forward in all areas thereby restoring her lost dignity. -Ecclesiastes.9:14-16

25). Father in the name of Jesus, send us help from above that will culminate in progress and development of this nation –Psalm. 127:1-2

26). Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and defend the oppressed in Ghana, so the land can be liberated from all forms of injustice. Psalm. 82:3

27). Father, in the name of Jesus, enthrone the reign of justice and equity in Ghana so as to secure her glorious destiny. – Daniel. 2:21

28). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring all the wicked to justice in this nation thereby establishing our lasting peace. – Proverbs. 11:21

29). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the enthronement of justice in all the affairs of this nation thereby establishing peace and prosperity in the land. – Isaiah 9:7

30). Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver Ghana from all forms of illegality, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation. -Ecclesiastes. 5: 8, Zechariah. 9:11-12

31). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your peace reign in Ghana by all means, as you silence all perpetrators of unrest in the land. -2Thessalonians 3:16

32). Father, in the name of Jesus, give us leaders in this nation that will usher the nation into realms of greater peace and prosperity. -1 Timothy 2:2

33). Father, in the name of Jesus, grant Ghana all-round rest and let this result in ever-increasing advancement and prosperity. – Psalm 122:6-7

34). Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every form of unrest in this nation, resulting in our economic growth and development. -Psalm. 46:10

35). Father, in the name of Jesus, let your covenant of peace be established over this nation Ghana, thereby turning her to an envy of the nations. -Ezekiel. 34:25-26

36).;Father, in the name of Jesus, let saviours arise in the land that will rescue the soul of Ghana from destruction- Obadiah. 21

37). Father, in the name of Jesus, send us leaders with the required skills and integrity that will lead this nation out of the woods – Psalm 78:72

38). Father, in the name of Jesus, position men and women endowed with the wisdom of God in places of authority in this country, thereby ushering this nation a new into realm of peace and prosperity- Genesis. 41:38-44

39). Father, in the name of Jesus, let only divinely positioned individuals take the reigns of leadership in this nation at all levels from henceforth – Daniel. 4:17

40). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise wise-hearted leaders in this country by whose hand the barriers standing against the peace and progress of this nation shall be taken out of the way- Ecclesiastes. 9:14-16

41). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against the scourge of corruption in Ghana, thereby rewriting the story of this nation- Ephesians. 5:11

42). Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver Ghana from the hands of corrupt leaders, thereby restoring the glory of this nation- Proverbs. 28:15

43). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise an army of God-fearing leaders in this nation, thereby restoring our dignity as a nation- Proverbs 14:34

44). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fear of God saturate the length and breadth of this nation, thereby removing shame and reproach from our nations – Isaiah. 32:15-16

45). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn your hand against the adversaries of this nation, that are blocking the way forward to our economic growth and development as a nation – Psalm. 7:11,Proverbs 29:2

46). Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the economy of this nation and let this land be filled with laughter again – Joel 2:25-26

47). Father, in the name of Jesus, bring an end to the economic woes of this nation thereby restoring her past glory – Proverbs 3:16

48). Father, in the name of Jesus, break the siege over this nation, thereby terminating our age-long political turmoils – Isaiah. 43:19

49). Father, in the name of Jesus, set this nation free from the scourge of unemployment by stirring waves of industrial revolution in the land -Psalm.144:12-15

50). Father, in the name of Jesus, raise political leaders in this nation that will usher Ghana into a New realm of glory- Isaiah. 61:4-5

51). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of revival continue to burn across the length and breath of this nation, resulting in the supernatural growth of the church – Zechariah. 2:5

52). Father, in the name of Jesus, make the church in Ghana a channel of revival across the nations of the earth – Psalm. 2:8

53). Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord continue to consume the hearts of Christians across this nation, thereby taking more territories for Christ in the land -John.2:17, John. 4:29

54). Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every church in this nation into a revival centre, thereby establishing dominion of the saints in the land – Micah. 4:1-2

55). Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every force militating against the growth of the church in Ghana, thereby leading to further growth and expansion – Isaiah. 42:14

56). Father, in the name of Jesus. let the 2020 elections in Ghana be free and fair and let it be void of election violence all through – Job 34:29

57). Father, in the name of Jesus, scatter every agenda of the devil to frustrate the electoral process in the forthcoming elections in Ghana- Isaiah 8:9

58). Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every device of evil men to manipulate the 2020 elections in Ghana-Job 5:12

59). Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be hitch-free operations all through 2020 electoral process, thereby ensuring peace in the land- Ezekiel. 34:25

60). Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against every form of electoral malpractices in the forthcoming elections in Ghana, thereby averting post-election crisis – Deuteronomy. 32:4

Help Is On The Way

MARK 10: 46-52

In todays Morning devotion we shall be looking at God our helper. Have you ever felt helpless and admitted that you are helpless? No, you are not! God is your Helper . Have you forgotten the counsel of Jesus to ” ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find , knock and it shall be open unto you ” ( Matt. 7:7  Matt. 21:22  & John 14:14)

The Psalmist understood this . When in dire need, he cried ” I wi lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my HELP, my help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth ” ( Psalms 121:1-2 ) . If you have received the Holy Spirit , the hills of God are no longer restricted to your church or a particular meeting place with God.  As long as you worship God in spirit and in truth , you can call upon Him anywhere at any time .

But, sometimes we set our mind on a particular person or place , even after asking God for help because we are so sure that God will use them yo answer out prayers.

Help from men that is not orchestrated by God may bring short term relief and eternal regret, but help inspired by God through men will provide lasting solution and eternal joy .

God alone is the Creator of all.  He can use anyone and anything to help you . Do you need help concerning any issue?

Acknowledge God, not His creatures , as the source of your help.  Now lift up your eyes unto Him with faith , hope , great expectation , desire and confidence . You will not be disappointed.


1. Helper of my destiny , Jesus Christ, arise , send me help from Thy sanctuary in Jesus name

2. My divine helpers from the four corners of the earth , heat the word of the Lord, locate me by fire , IN the name of Jesus

3. Every evil word spoken in my hometown against my destiny , backfire , in the name of Jesus

4. The Salt of my life shall not become sand , in the name of Jesus

5. Every power magnetising me to the pattern of backwardness , I bury you alive, in the name of Jesus

6. Any man born of a woman , speaking evil words and utterances to my destiny , thunder of God, tear them to pieces , in the name of Jesus

7. Any man or woman , sitting on a mat and praying evil prayers against my moving forward , my Father , remove the sand from their legs, in the name of Jesus

8. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers

Bible reading

Jer. 26-29

Memory verse

Isaiah 49:10

Morning Devotion

Good morning people of a great God, let us just repeat what God has said concerning us this morning.


“And this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord . “My Spirit will not leave them, and neither will these words I have given you. They will be on your lips and on the lips of your children and your children’s children forever. I, the Lord , have spoken!

Isaiah 59:21 NLT.



The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

Exodus 15:2 ESV


Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would quake in your presence! As fire causes wood to burn and water to boil, your coming would make the nations tremble. Then your enemies would learn the reason for your fame! When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked! For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him! You welcome those who gladly do good, who follow godly ways…


Therefore, associate yourselves o ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Give ear all ye of far countries ; gird yourselves, take counsel together, it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand : for God is with me. Isa. 8:9-10


As a result of my covenant with my God, and my praise and worship of my God, the Lord will make His face to shine upon me always, He shall be gracious unto me and mine. His light will shine on my path and His Favour will encompass me all my days in Jesus name


From now, when I call upon the name of the Lord, He shall stretch forth His hand and lift me up above all my enemies and their works against me and He delivers me from all of them in Jesus name


Behold, every power/person /demon that are incensed against me shall be ashamed and confounded :they shall be as nothing ; and the power and people that strive with me, shall perish. I shall seek them, and shall not find them even the powers contending with me and mine. They that war against me shall be as nothing in Jesus name


In this times and forever more, no weapon that is fashioned against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me is already condemned, in Jesus name


The children of those who afflicted me, shall come bowing low to me, and all those who despised me, shall bow down at my feet, in Jesus name


When the enemy see the blood of Jesus, they shall pass over, destroyers will not be able to enter into my household because of the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name


Lord we give you thanks for your word that never fails and for answering our prayers in Jesus name



ECCL. 3:1-8

TIME is the most valuable treasure given by God to man to trade with .

TIME could be a season marked by specific activities and events ( Eccl. 3:1-8) . Man is a product of how and what he uses his time for . Beloved, what time of your life are you now? Is it Morning, afternoon or evening ? How much profit have you made with the time God gave you to trade with? How would you redeem your remaining alloted time, to avoid wastage or deficit ? It is high time to conduct a heart-felt search about your life and see how you have fared with your God given time .

The 5 wise virgins knew that the bride groom was coming and they trimmed their lamps! Be prepared! . It’s not what you do once in a while . It’s what you do minute owe minute that makes the difference . The time of the end is at hand , a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time , God’s people shall be delivered , everyone that shall be found written in the book of ( Daniel 12:1) is your name written there?

Let us pray

Any damage done to my destiny, be repaired in the name of Jesus

O Lord, restore me to your original design for my life

O Lord, bless me and enlarge my coast .

I refuse to operate below my divine destiny in the name of Jesus

O lorda noint my eyes , hands and feet to locate my divine purpose in Jesus name

Every power contending with my divine destiny , scatter unto desolation in the name of Jesus

Let the spirit of excellence come upon me in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers

Bible reading
Isaiah 54- 58

Memory verse
Rev. 2:7

Morning Devotion: Precious

PRECIOUS. By Mhlekazi

Matthew 26:26-29:
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 26:27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. 26:29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.

Today, we are going to be looking at the subject Precious in todays devotion.The fact that sin affected the blood of man ( through Adam) made the virgin birth necessary . If Christ was to be the son of Adam, He would not have been a sinless man . He did not have a drop of Adam’s blood in His veins because He did not have a human father. The seed of a man did not get Mary fertilised for Christ’s birth . Hid body was of Mary, but His blood was of the Holy Ghost. And because he had no human father , He was a descendant of David according to the flesh .

Jesus body did not decompose after 3 days , but Lazarus body did after 4 days ( PSALMS 16:10) Every drop of blood that flowed in His body is still in existence and is as fresh as it was when it flowed from his wounds . The blood of Jesus is one of the most powerful weapons we can use in prayer . Plead the blood in prayer and it wi speak for you ( Heb. 12:24) . It speaks life and forgiveness while Abel’s blood cries for death and revenge. Whatever the blood of Jesus is applied or pleaded by faith , satan cannot touch that person or situation to which is applied . He cannot pass by the blood of Jesus .

Satan cannot withstand the blood of Jesus .

As a believer in Jesus Christ , your protection and hiding place is under the blood. It is faith in the blood that gives you victory over the devil and every problem you may encounter. Apply it by faith and you will testify that ” there is Power Mighty in the blood ”

Let us pray

1. Satan , i hold the blood of Jesus against you and declare that you have been defeated permanently in the name of Jesus

2. I enter the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus , in the name of Jesus

3. By the blood of Jesus, I disgrace the spirit of stagnant in any area of my life in the name if Jesus

4. By the power in the blood of Jesus , I command all my delayed testimonies to manifest by fire in the name of Jesus

5. Blood of Jesus, bring the judgement of death upon witchcraft power hindering my laughter and celebration in the name of Jesus

6. Blood of Jesus, restore unto me every good thing the enemy had stolen from me in the name of Jesus

7. I encircle my life and can’t with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus

8. Thank you Lord Jesus for answered prayers

Bible reading
Jeremiah 7:9

Memory verse

Ephesians 1:7