10 Powerful Catholic prayer for healing stomach pain


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Last Updated on December 18, 2023 by Fiverr Fiverr

Catholic here means the universal body of Christ. We have compiled powerful catholic prayer for healing stomach pain.This prayers are powerful and most be prayed with faith. We serve a God that heals and he heals everyday those who call on him in prayers. If you are suffering from stomach problems such as ulcers, abdominal pains, severe mentrual pains, stomach infections etc. This prayers can healing you today.

Here at prayerguide, we don’t discourage people from taking medications, but we encourage them to put there trust in God more than medicine. We have seen from experience that many afflictions of our health are spiritual, so why you may take your medications, see to it that you also pray this prayer to destroy the sicknesses from the root in order to avoid recurrence. Keep praying this prayers untill you see results in your life. My prayer for you is as you engage this powerful catholic prayer for healing stomach pain, that pain will dissapear from your life forever in Jesus name.


10 Powerful catholic prayer for healing stomach pain

1). Father in the name of Jesus , I declare that by your stripes I am healed, therefore I command this stomach pain to come out!! Of my body in Jesus name.

2). Father, I command every pain in my upper and lower abdomen to cease now in Jesus name

3). Father, I command that sore in my intestines that causes me unbearable pains to heal permanently now in Jesus name.

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4). Father I declare that I am totally healed from ulcers in Jesus name.

5). Father, I rebuke any stomach upset in my belly, I command it to stop forever in Jesus name.

6). Father, every stomach related infection that is causing this pains, I command it to dissapear in Jesus name.

7). Father I declare that every pain in my stomach as a result of food poisoning is totally healed in Jesus name

8). Oh pains, here the word of the lord, get out of my stomach now in Jesus name.

9). Oh Lord, let your healing power overwhelm me and heal me totally in Jesus name.

10). Father thank you for healing me of this stomach pain in Jesus name.


Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. tengo un dolor en la boca del estomago junto a una quemason, y a veces como retorcijones en los costados. los medicos no encuentran que tengo, gracias

    • Pase años en mí juventud yendo y viniendo a diferentes médicos con algo similar a lo que me comentas. No me daban con un diagnóstico.

      Al final era puro estrés y recién se me fue la molestia cuando comprendí eso e hice cosas para alejar el estrés de mí. No es fácil, pero me funcionó.

      El bicarbonato como algo a corto plazo me calmaba el dolor, pero no lo curaba.

      • Mi niña de 8 años pasa con dolor de estómago a veces le arde se llena de gases e visitado 20 médicos ninguno a podido decirme exactamente q tiene estoy desesperada como madre q me aconseja hacer
        Como saber si es estrés porq ella se aburre fácilmente
        Ayudeme por favor

  2. DIOS , UNIVERSO , VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE : hagan que mis dolores de la estomago y otros que estén relacionados con este como lo son enfriamiento , miedo , dolor de pecho , vómitos etc , se alejen de mi ser y puedan conseguir una paz interior , mental y física PORFAVOR GRACIAS

  3. How to stop diarrhea from my stomach pain and please come down to my fenural and the church and please stop the water diarrhea and formed poo and my diarrhea to stop it from this prayer and come down to me please

  4. My brother is suffering from stomach area pain and suffering stools not passing and getting pain and stomach area and legs and hands are swelling know is crying for pain pls pray for him in Jesus name Amen.

  5. Hello Pastor,
    To God Be The Glory For The
    Great Things He Have Done, I’ll was sick this pass weekend, The Doctor’s
    told me that I have Diverticulitis and sometime it Flares up and makes me feel sick on the stomach, diarrhea throwing up, so I had to end up leaving my job last Thursday and going to the Doctor…they are sending me to see a specialist, so that they can go in my mouth to look in my stomach with a light, but the Lord laid on my heart to look up Prayer For Healing For The Stomach
    and we’re on my phone looking at different ones praying…but He stop
    me, Immediately it stop right to your Prayers For Healing Stomach Sickness, I’ll knew it won’t but the
    Lord that lead right to your prayers, I’ll lay my hands on my stomach as you say and repeating everything that you told me to do, The Holy came in my Body and Told Me, I’ll give all the Honor and praise to my God and to you, Thank you so much for being a Man Of God…May God continue to Bless your ministering and you and your family, Be Bless🙏


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