20 Prayer Points For Resurrecting A Dead Marriage


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Last Updated on December 18, 2023 by Fiverr Fiverr

Luke 1:37:
37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

A dead marriage is a marriage where the love of the couples have gone cold. They are just existing together, living together but no more love and affection for each other. A dead marriage is a marriage where the couples no longer make love to each other or even sleep together in the same room. There are many marriages  where the couples put up a show in public pretending to be sweet couples, but in private they are far apart from each other. There are also marriages where they couples are only staying together because of there children and nothing more, the list can go on and on. Today we are going to be engaging 20 prayer points for resurrecting a dead marriage. This prayer points will bring to life every dead thing in your marriage.


I want you to understand this, nothing is too difficult for God to do in your marriage. You can still fall in love with your spouse again, no matter how far gone your marriage is, God can still restore your marriage today. I want you to pray this prayers with faith today, this prayer points for resurrecting a dead marriage will resurrect your marriage. Don’t give up on God, don’t give up on your spouse. Believe God for divine intervention and that shall be your portion in Jesus name.

20 Prayer Points For Resurrecting A Dead Marriage

1. Father, I thank you for your resurrection power in Jesus name.

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2. Ask the Lord to forgive you or whoever may be directly or indirectly involved in the death of the marriage.

3. I command my marriage to come alive, in the name of Jesus.

4. Father, by the power of the holy spirit, go through every area of my marriage and heal all the wounds created by the enemy in Jesus name.
5. Let the breath of life enter into the foundations of my marriage and make it whole, in the name of Jesus.

6. Let all satanic forces contributing to killing my marriage be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

7. Let all marriage killers be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

8. Let every activity of household enemies of my marriage be nullified in the name of Jesus.

9. Let my partner begin to have dreams and visions after the order of joseph that would lead to the resurrection of my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
10. Let God arise and let the enemies of my home scatter, in the name of Jesus.

11. I remove my marriage from the grip of powers that put it asunder, in the name of Jesus.

12. Let all the enemies of settled home living around me scatter, in the name of Jesus.

13. Let the spirit of life enter into the blood of my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

14. Let all the glory that has departed from my marriage be restored sevenfold in the name of Jesus.

15. Let all the virtues stolen from my marriage be restored seven-fold, in the name of Jesus.

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16. Let the anointing to prosper maritally fall upon me, in Jesus’ name.

17. Lord, let divine wisdom enter into our relationship in Jesus name

18. I fire back every arrow of the enemy fired at my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

19. Let all the powers sucking the peace of my home be rendered impotent, in the name of Jesus.

20. I retrieve my marriage from the altar of satanic destruction, in the name of Jesus.

Thank the Lord for answered prayer.


Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. Dear Pastor Chinedum.

    I live in Namibia. I have been praying your prayers for my marriage for a week now.
    My husband has an affair with another woman who seduces him to go to her everytime he comes back home. He is staying currently with her. Can you please pray with me that God can bring an end to this ungodly affair and restore our marriage and that my husband comes back to me and his children.

    Thank you for your prayers

  2. I am married to a man that we both are recovering from a life of sin. He never really experienced God the way I have, this far. I been trying to figure out how to win him to Jesus. I need a miracle, he is cheating and does not have remorse or plans to stop. Pray for a miracle of restoration in Jesus powerful name!


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