Warfare Prayer Points To Reverse Hidden Curses


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Last Updated on August 19, 2020 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Numbers 23:23 Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought!

Today, we shall be engaging in warfare prayer points to reverse hidden curses. No curse or enchantment can harm a child of God. Numbers 23:23 tells us that we are uncursable, and we cannot be victims of black magic or witchcraft enchantments. A lot of believers out of ignorance, suffer from hidden curses. Many are struggling in life today because the devil or his agents has placed a hidden curse upon them or there families. Every hidden curse speaking against your life must be reversed today in Jesus name.


But what is a hidden curse? This is a curse placed on you secretly by the enemy. Its a curse that you don’t know about. We saw an example of King Balak in the Numbers 23. He sent Prophet Balaam to place a curse upon Isreal behind there back. Many believers today are suffering from hidden curses placed upon them by household wickedness, envious friends and other demonic agents. Hidden curses can come n different types, it could be curses of poverty, death, barrenness, sickness, madness, marital delay, stagnation etc. The only way to overcome hidden curses is through warfare prayers. Through warfare prayers, you have the power to reverse any curse. You have the power to condemn every tongue that has risen up against you. This warfare prayer points to reverse hidden curses will empower you to reverse every curses of the devil at work in your life. I encourage you to pray this prayers with all seriousness, God wants to change your story. I declare you free from curses in Jesus name.


1. Father, i praise You for your redemptive power in the blood of Jesus

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2. Father, i praise you for redeeming us from the curse of the law in Jesus name

3. Father, i confess all my sins and short comings in Jesus name

4. Father, i repent from all my sins and receive grace to overcome temptations in Jesus name

5. i take authority over every curse upon my life in Jesus name

6. I command all curses issued against me to be broken now!!! in the name of Jesus

7. I command all evl spirits associate with any curse to leave me now, in the name of Jesus

8. I take authority over inherited curses and command them to be broken now, in the name of Jesus

9. In the name of Jesus, i break any curse which may be in my family back to ten generations, in the name of Jesus

10. I renounce and break all curses put on my family line and my descendants in the name of Jesus.

11. Every bitter water, flowing in my family from the evil powers of my father’s house, dry up; in the name of Jesus.

12. Any rope, tying my family line to any evil power of my father’s house, break, in the name of Jesus.

13. Every landlord spirit, troubling my destiny, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus

14. Every outflow of satanic family name, die in the name of Jesus.

15. I recover every benefit stolen by the evil power of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.

16. Where is the God of Elijah, arise, disgrace every evil power of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.

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17. Every satanic priest, ministering in my family line, be retrenched, in the name of Jesus.

18. Arrows of affliction, originating from idolatry, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus.

19. Every influence of the evil powers of my father’s house on my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

20. Every network of the evil powers of my father’s house in my place of birth, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

21. Every satanic dedication that speaks against me, be dismantled by the power in the blood of Jesus.

22. I vomit every food with idolatrous influence that I have eaten, in the name of Jesus.

23. Every unconscious evil, internal altar, roast, in the name of Jesus.

24. You stone of hindrance, constructed by the evil powers of my father’s house, be rolled away, in the name of Jesus.

25. The voice of foundational powers of my father’s house will never speak again, in the name of Jesus.

26. Every strongman, assigned by the evil powers of my father’s house against my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

27. Every satanic promissory note, issued on my behalf by my ancestors, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

28. Garments of opposition, designed by the evil powers of my father’s house, roast, in the name of Jesus.

29. Every satanic cloud, upon my life, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

30. My glory, buried by the evil powers of my father’s house, come alive by fire, in the name of Jesus.

31. Thou power of strange gods legislating against my destiny, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

32. Evil powers of my father’s house in my place of birth, I break your chain, in the name of Jesus.

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33. I fire back every arrow of my family idols, in the name of Jesus.

34. Every doorway and ladder to satanic invasion in my life, be abolished forever, by the Blood of Jesus.

35. I loose myself from curses, hexes, spells, bewitchments and evil domination directed at me, through dreams, in the name of Jesus

36. You ungodly powers, release me by fire, in the name of Jesus.

37. All past satanic defeats in the dream, be converted to victory, in the name of Jesus.

38. All tests in the dream, be converted to testimonies, in Jesus’ name.

39. All trials in the dream, be converted to triumphs, in Jesus’ name.

40. All failures in the dream, be converted to success, in Jesus’ name.

41. All scars in the dream, be converted to stars, in Jesus’ name.

42. All bondage in the dream, be converted to freedom, in Jesus’ name.

43. All losses in the dream, be converted to gains, in Jesus’ name.

44. All oppositions in the dream, be converted to victory, in Jesus’ name.

45. All weaknesses in the dream, be converted to strength, in Jesus’ name.

46. All negative situations in the dream, be converted to positive situations, in Jesus’ name.

47. I release myself from every infirmity, introduced into my life through dreams, in the name of Jesus.

48. All attempts by the enemy to deceive me through dreams, fail woefully, in the name of Jesus.

49. I reject evil spiritual husband, wife, children, marriage, engagement, trade, pursuit, ornament, money, friend, relative, etc., in the name of Jesus.

50. Lord Jesus, wash my spiritual eyes, ears and mouth, with Your blood.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. Thank you for sharing this! You just did an amazing work in my life! Thank you Jesus and Holy Spirit for leading me here! Thank you for these prayers! May God richly Bless you!

  2. Gracias por compartirnos estas oraciones ,que nos ayudaran a liberarnos de influencias malignas ,y que nos guiaran y fortaleceran para estar en la batalla basadas en la palabra de Dios .


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