Prayer Points Against Evil Ancestral Connections


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Last Updated on September 20, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Colossians 1:13: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

Everyone on this planet came from somewhere, that place is called your root. Your root means your ancestral lineage, the lineage or genealogy of your fathers. Today we shall be engaging in prayer points against evil ancestral connections. This prayer points will open our eyes to see all the wrongs and evils in your foundation and it will also empower you to overcome them and possess your possessions by force.


Why Pray Against Evil Ancestral Connections?

This prayer points is very important, because your root is what determines your fruits. When your root is corrupt, your fruit will also be corrupt, when your roots is cursed, your fruits will also be cursed. A lot of believers today are suffering, not because of any wrong thing that they have done but because of their evil ancestral connections. Their ancestors as a result of their evil practices have knowingly or unknowingly placed a curse or limitation on the destiny of their children from generation to generation.

In cases like this it doesn’t matter whether you are good or bad, kind or wicked, these ancestral evil will still work against you. This is why as believers, we must be as wise as serpents, we must Endeavour to learn as much as we can about our ancestral link. The more we know, the better we are going to be spiritually equipped to overcome ancestral forces. For instance when you discover that in your lineage there is a long list of native doctors and idol worshippers, you don’t need common sense to know that you must prayerfully deliver yourself from every connections with the demons your ancestors worshipped. This must be done, if you want to succeed in life.

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The Great Misconception

One of the major challenges believers have today is what I call “the new creation complex”. They think that they are new creations according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, and because of that they are automatically separated from evil ancestral connections. This is a great misconception, while it is true that salvation separates you from evil connections and translates you to the kingdom of light, Colossians 1:13. This simply means that you are no longer in the camp of darkness, you are now a child of God and a citizen of heaven. This holds true as far as your relationship with God is concerned.

The challenge now is this, your heaven is guaranteed because of your salvation, but if you must possess your possessions on earth, you must contend with this ancestral forces. Ancestral forces may not have power of your salvation and your new creation status, but they will resist you anytime anyday you want to make meaningful progress in life. There primary purpose is to make your life a living hell until you come back to them fully. These evil powers will attack your finances, marriage, marital destiny, fruitfulness, health and even your faith, all in a bit to frustrate your life and destiny.

Therefore, do not be fooled, resist the devil or else the devil will resist you. You must fight them violently with prayers and fasting. In life only the spiritually violent takes his or her possessions by force. I carefully selected this prayer points against evil ancestral connections to help you take the battle into the camp of the enemy.

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Every ancestral force fighting against your progress shall, be destroyed permanently in Jesus Christ name. I encourage you to engage this warfare prayer points with faith and receive your freedom in Jesus Christ name.


1. Father, I thank you are the God of everything, In Jesus Christ Name

2. Father, I thank you for all powers belongs to you in Jesus name

3. Father, have mercy on me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness in Jesus name.

4. Every evil foundational curse in my life scatter by fire in Jesus Christ Name

5. Every evil foundational covenant in my life scatter by fire Jesus Christ Name

6. I separate myself from every demonic idol from my ancestral lineage in Jesus Christ Name

7. Every foundational strongman fighting my destiny, be destroyed now in Jesus Christ Name

8. Every evil plantation planted in my foundation be uprooted now in Jesus Christ Name

9. Every witchcraft operating in my ancestral line be consumed by fire in Jesus Christ Name

10 Every serpentine spirit warring against my destiny be destroyed now in Jesus Christ Name

11. Every scorpion from my fathers house be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

12. Let God arise and let every ancestral powers working against my life be scattered in Jesus Christ Name

13. Every seed of witchcraft in my foundation be destroyed by fire now in Jesus Christ Name

14. Every spirit of poverty working against my life be flushed by the blood of Jesus Christ now in Jesus Christ Name

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15. Blood of Jesus Christ, purge my foundation in Jesus Christ Name

16. Dear Holy Spirit, Repair my foundation in Jesus Christ Name

17. Every ancestral marine force working against my marital destiny be destroyed now in Jesus Christ Name

18. Every evil attached to my family name be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

19. Every satanic harassment harassing my life and destiny be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

20. Every oracle speaking against my destiny be destroyed in Jesus Christ Name

21. Every idol working against my progress be destroyed now in Jesus Christ Name

22. Every evill dream working against me I command it to cease now in Jesus Christ Name

23. I declare that I shall continually make progress in Jesus Christ Name

24. No more delays in my life anymore in Jesus Christ Name

25. No more setbacks in my life anymore in Jesus Christ Name

26. By faith, I command all my mountains to be moved in Jesus Christ Name

27. I declare today that I am free from every ancestral curse in Jesus name

28. I declare that I am separated from every evil ancestral link in Jesus Christ Name

29. I take total charge of my Life in Jesus Christ Name

30. Thank You Jesus Christ for answers to my prayers in Jesus Christ Name.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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