Prayers Against Anxiety And Worry


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Last Updated on September 25, 2020 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Anxiety and Worry are an adjunct of fear. If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you are worried about something, you fear that something would happen, then you will understand the importance of this prayer.

If Queen Esther had been defeated by anxiety and worry, she would not have taken that bold step of entering the king’s court with been invited. Worry and anxiety will not bring solutions to a problem, it will only compound the problem.


While the children of Israel were on the verge of taking the land of Canaan, Moses had sent out some youths in Israel to spy the land and see what the land is made of. Reasonably, of all the young men sent out as spies, only Joshua and Caleb return with a positive report.
Yes, the rest also saw the riches of the land, they saw its water, the fertile land, and rich vegetation and they also saw the giants and the military preparedness of the people in the land. Unfortunately, they affirmed that though the land is good, but we cannot take it because of the strong military preparedness of the people. They brought a negative report because they worry about what will become of them if they decide to go into war with the people of Canaan.

However, Caleb and Joshua saw something else, something different, something that somehow gave hope to the common man of Israel.
One of the greatest misdeeds of worry and anxiety is that it takes away the strength and courage of an individual. A man who worries too much will no longer believe in the promises of God, especially when they are not forthcoming.

If Abraham has been overpowered by worry and anxiety, perhaps he would not have become the father of faith and now nations will not be able to tap from the blessings of God upon the life of Abraham. If there was one thing we need to overcome as Christians, it is worry and anxiety, because it blinds a man from seeing that God is capable to do all things.

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Some of the things that happen to a man that worries too much are fear of the unknown, fear that the worst might happen, inability to stay up and fight, inability to resist the spirit of fear. And the Bible instructed that fear not for I’m with you, be not dismayed because I’m your God.

How Do I Overcome Anxiety And Worry

The study of the word and an effective prayer life is the solution to Anxiety and worry. The word of God gives us hope, it strengthens our faith and it enables us to take hold of all our inheritance in Christ. When you are filled with the word of God, you cannot be a victim of anxiety and worry. Mark 9:23 tells us that anything is possible for the one that believes in the word, Matthew 17:20, tells us that with faith in the word of God, we can move all mountains.

When you are full of Gods word in your inner man, you cannot be a victim of anxiety and worry. Prayers also is another antidote to anxiety and worry, a prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian. And a powerful Christian cannot be a victim of anxiety and worry. I have compiled some powerful prayers against anxiety and worry to help you overcome worry and the spirit of fear in your life. I encourage you to engage these prayers with all your heart, I see you living a worry free life in the name of Jesus Christ.


• Heavenly Lord, the scripture says, be worry for nothing but in everything, through prayers, supplication and thanksgiving make your request known unto God. Lord I ask that you will give me the strength not to be wash away by the flood of worry and anxiety, father help me maintain my hope and trust in you, grant me the grace to never lose my faith in you, give me a strong will spirit that will overcome every fear, worry, and anxiety in the name of Jesus.

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• Heavenly Father, you know the thoughts that run in my heart, you know my fears and worries, even though many people think I’m still standing top and raised above my predicament, but you alone know that this thing is rapidly consuming me. Lord, I seek your help, father sends me help in the name of Jesus.

• Lord Jesus, the Bible says, for the spirit that God gave us does not make us timid but gave us power, love, and self-discipline. Lord I hunger for that spirit that will wipe away my worries, I thirst for that spirit that will give me power over all my fears and worries in the name of Jesus.

• Heavenly King of glory, the Bible says for you have not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of sonship to cry Abba Father. Lord, when the storm of life rages at me, when the road trudging seems uphill and I cannot but take a deep sigh, Lord, instead of worry and anxiety, grant me the grace to cast all of my cares upon you. It was you who have died on the cross for my sin, you were the one who laid down your own life for the atonement and redemption of my soul from the pit of hell, what more trust and proof do I need to believe that you will help me? Lord, I ask that when my worry and anxiety Increase, you will grant me the grace to cast all of my problems on you in the name of Jesus.

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• Lord Jesus, the scripture says, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Lord I ask that by your mercies you will grant my soul rest, I pray that you will comfort me in the name of Jesus. The book of Isaiah 41:10 When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Lord Jesus, you are the prince of peace I ask that you will make my home your humble place of abode and you give peace to my troubled mind in the name of Jesus.

• Lord Jesus, the Bible made me understand that you care a lot about me and I can cast all of my anxiety and worry upon you that sits upon the throne. Father, I put all of my worries upon you, I cast all my cares upon you, please do not let me be put to shame. You have never made a promise without fulfilling it, the Bible made me understand that you lift your word above your name, Lord, I ask that you will fulfill all your promises concerning me in the name of Jesus.

• Jehovah God, I pray for men and women whose soul is greatly troubled by worry and anxiety, I ask that your spirit will comfort them. I ask that you will open their eyes of understanding and you will make them see how much you care for them and how much you love them. Grant them the grace to cast all their worries and anxiety upon you and I pray that you will give them joy in return in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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