Short Prayer For Healing and Recovery


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Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with short prayer for healing and recovery. There is a clear difference between healing and recovery. Sickness might stop, but it takes the grace of God before a man can get back to his former state before the illness. Sometimes, it will take God to cause a miracle for something like that to happen.

Let’s take a look at the life of Job in the scripture. After God allowed the devil to torment Job, thereby killing these children and losing all his wealth in a jiffy, after he got his healing, Job would have probably ended up dying of depression due to his loss. Someone who used to be very prosperous, he can travel to any city of his choice, he is so wealthy that he could afford anything. Also, he was blessed with beautiful children. In essence, Job was just a perfect replicate of


Prosperous. Being inflicted with terrible sickness is not as catastrophic as losing all his possession within the twinkle of an eye, Job was devastated, his healing process would not have completed if he had not recovered all that was lost.
We can say recovery is the final stage of healing; some healings will never come unless there is a recovery of that which has been lost. Take, for instance, someone who has been barren for years only for the person to have a child and lose the child to the cold hands of death again. Such an individual might not be bedridden, but he or she will carry the pain and burden with them everywhere they go, and the wound will not heal until there is a restoration. There are so many people today that all they need is a restoration of lost blessings, the years that locust and cankerworm have stolen from them to be recovered, that is just the healing that they need. The bible recorded that when the Lord restored the captivity of Zion, they were like those that dream their mouth was filled with Thanksgiving.

God wants to restore the years that locust and cankerworm have stolen away from people, he wants to heal people from their sickness and infirmities completely, there will recovery of stolen glory, wasted years will be restored, the power will recover the glory that has been stolen away in the name of Jesus. That is why you must share the following prayer points with your family and loved ones. We all need the healing of God Almighty, and many to recover from the pain and wound caused by sickness.

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Prayer Points

Father in heaven, I appreciate you for facilitating my healing process. I thank you for saving the clutch of death, and I magnify you for protecting from the deadly pit of hard drugs. I magnify you because you have always proven yourself to be God over my life. I thank you because you are faithful despite all my unfaithfulness. Your faithfulness is a thing of your power and strength, even when I do not merit your mercy, but you still moved by compassion to save me.

Lord, I appreciate your majesty, let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus.
Father in heaven, I pray for the recovery of the stolen years when I was in the bondage of sin and iniquity, Lord Jesus, I pray that by your mercy, you will restore me all the lost blessings by your holy name. Father Lord, I pray for a total recovery from sickness. I pray for a speedy recovery from diseases, let it be made manifest in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, you are.the God of restoration, you restored the blessings of Abraham and made it manifest in the lives of the Israelites. Father Lord, in the same vein, I pray for a recovery of all the lost years, restoration of the stolen glory. I pray that you restore them to me in the name of Jesus. The scripture says when the Lord restores the captive of Zion, they were like those that dream. Lord Jesus, I pray that you will restore my possession in double folds in the name of Jesus.

Everything that has been lost in my life, every glory that has been stolen away through sin, Lord, I pray for a total recovery of all in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, I use this as a point of contact to every man and woman who are currently on the sickbed, I pray for a total recovery, I pray that by your power you will facilitate their healing process, I decree that the angel of healing will visit them on their sickbed today. I decree a speedy recovery upon their lives in the name of Jesus.

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Father Lord, we pray for the world at large, as we are journeying through this critical time, I pray that God will heal the world in the name of Jesus. For every man and woman that is currently battling for their lives due to the novel Covid-19, I pray that they are healed in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, as life has been halted for several weeks due to the emergence of this deadly pandemic, I pray that you will make a recovery for every man in the name of Jesus.

Lord God, I pray that by your power you will have mercy upon the earth, you will cause your angels in charge of the earth to drive away this pandemic out of the land in the name of Jesus. The scripture says, and Jesus was moved with compassion, Lord, we pray that you will be moved with compassion today and will send this pandemic away from the surface of the earth in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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