5 Signs To Show You Are Far From God


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Last Updated on November 26, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be teaching the 5 signs to show you are far from God. As Christians we need to be on the look out daily. We need to be watchful remember the bible warned us to be watchful too. Watch and pray is what the bible said. There are lot of things in this world that can sweep us off our feet if we’re not careful, material things, the things we love and can go all out for can easily lead us into temptation. Even as we go about searching for our daily bread, the devil can lead us into temptation and if we’re not careful we might fall for the tricked of the devil. In today’s discussion we will be talking about signs that will show us if we’ve taking far away steps from God. We might have been noticing that things are not as smooth and easy as it used to be when we were riding with God. Have you been noticing that your journey with God has backslided ? and you don’t seem to have a particular thing to say about how your journey went from one who used to be the upright man and followed the scripture with all his might changed to one who doesn’t get goosebumps anymore when the word of God is discussed and also find no delight in praying. This topic is for you. Let’s talk about five signs below;

5 Signs To Show You Are Far From God

1. Weak prayer life 

Do you remember how you use to pray that God should increase the fire upon your altar?
Do you remember how you use to pray that God should keep on refreshing the power uoon your altar?. Do you still do that? Have you gone from praying for your altar fire not to go down to I will come back for my altar later,I’m busy at the moment. Your healthy prayer life has now become unhealthy.


Spending time with God will reveal alot of things to us , it quicken the spirit mind, it reveals your happy side and make you excited when the things of the kingdom are discussed about. Our relationship with God is no different. Spending time with the God by reading his word and praying is a great privilege and tool to strengthen our faith and keep our hearts focused. Your prayer life has drastically reduced and you notice that you have no desire to revive it back, it’s best now to start rekindling the dead man in you.

Prayer has its benefits, the evil days are redeemed with prayers. You need to get back on your feet and rekindle the fire that was once burning and lost.

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Reduced interest in evangelism

A good example is that of Demas in the bible,he was a very good and debited Christian and later when Paul was talking to him, it was so obvious he had backslided. As followers of Christ, Jesus has commanded us to go into the world and preach the gospel, you used to find interest in doing things like this but you noticed you changed and never find joy in telling your neighbours about Christ. We are meant to tell people about how God loved us even before we met Him and has died for us just to set us free , then you notice you begin to even doubt if any one ever died for you. You need to check yourself

3. You begin to doubt what the scripture says about salvation

We shouldn’t think that God has completed his mission of saving sinners. He wills that that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). If we are indifferent to this deep desire of God, it’s time for a heart checkup. Since you’ve started doubting if Jesus ever died for you, you begin to question what the purpose of salvation is and you forget that after the fell of the first man, Jesus has come as an advocate for us and save us. Then when you’re with your thoughts alone, you begin to ask yourself if you’re worthy of being saved. The best way the devil can attack one’s faith is by making you doubt if God ever loved you , this can even make you feel guilty and your conscience starts disturbing you so much that you begin to run away from God . But do not forget that the bible has commanded that we come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy from God. He (God) will hear us.

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Walking in the counsel of the ungodly
Have you been noticing that all your past attitudes that you’ve promised yourself to be done with has been what you’ve been taking interest into lately. You’ve been dealing with your old man that you said you were done with. You know follow gangs that tell you it’s okay to do some things that go against your morals. You’ve allowed peer pressure take over your godly behavior.

You might not have noticed this , but this can be a sign that you’re backsliding. Not only are we missing important opportunities to serve, we are missing opportunities to demonstrate our faith practically. And if we are not willing to demonstrate our faith practically, we are saying our faith is not important to us. You’re denying your faith by wearing the old garments you’ve promised God to pull off the day you accepted God as your personal Lord and savior. You’re supposed to be a career of the gospel ,but when the bringer of good news is the one leading others out of the kingdom of God ,you see there’s a big problem right ?. So if you notice you’ve been doing this lately you need to retrace your steps.

4. You stop attending fellowship gatherings

Do not be against the gatherings of the brethren where you talk about the scriptures, this can help revive your old prayer life. If you’ve been noticing lately that you don’t even want to go to church or you don’t even find interest in relating with people that can help your prayer life ,my dear there’s something wrong. If you prefer going to your friends birthday over night party than attending your fellowship programs which will hold for about two hours and you weren’t like that before,you need to start praying to God to help revive your prayer life.

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Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


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