Daily Prayer For Conception And Pregnancy


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Last Updated on July 31, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

1 John 5:14-15:
14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

Children are the heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is Gods reward for marriage, Psalm 127:3. When God created man, the first blessing He pronounced on man was for man to be fruitful, Genesis 1:28. This means that as a child of God, you are not permitted to be unfruitful. God has created you and declared you fruitful, no devil can change it. Today we shall be looking at daily prayer for conception and pregnancy, this prayers will empower you to wage a good warfare concerning your fruitfulness. Barrenness is not of God, its an anomaly placed in your body by the devil. It doesn’t matter the medical terms the doctor calls your situation, just know that it is not of God and therefore it must be erased from your body in Jesus name.


Fruitfulness is the birth right of every child of God, It is Gods desire that your marriage be blessed with Children. However, the devil is always out there to corrupt the blessings of God. A lot of Christians today are struggling to have their own children because of demonic manipulations. This demonic manipulations are activities of witches and wizards, satanic powers that stands to stop Gods children from conceiving. Many believers have been trapped in a circle of endless miscarriages because their womb have been caged spiritually, some believers cannot even get pregnant because in the realm of the spirit the have trapped all their children, also some believers cannot have children because they are victims of spirit wives and spirit husbands, they have a lot of children in the marine kingdom, but they have non in the physical realm. Some Christians are also childless because of the sins of there past, sins like abortions and prostitution as a result of this they have either been cursed or they have lost there womb in the process.

All this predicaments will be erased today as we engage in this daily prayers. This daily prayer for conception and pregnancy will bring down the hand of God upon your life, no matter the reason for your unfruitfulness, God is going to deliver you and you shall carry your own babies this year in Jesus name. But before we go into this prayer for conception and pregnancy, there are some steps of faith that you must engage to see your fruitfulness guaranteed. We are going to go through this steps one after the other.

Steps Of Faith For Your Conception.

1). Believe In The God Of Conception: The angel Gabriel told Elizabeth in Luke 1:45, He said “blessed is she that believeth, for there shall be a performance of that which is told her of the Lord”. Our God is a faith God, what you can’t believe, God cannot perform in your life. You must engage this prayers with faith in the God of Conception. Thank God for medical science, but if the root of your unfruitfulness is spiritual, no doctor on this planet can help you. To see God perform His wonders of miracle conception in your life, you must believe in Him. As you believe in the God of conception, you shall conceive in Jesus name.

2). Speak Conception: Mark 11:23-24, tells us that if we speak to our mountains in faith, we shall have what we say. Do not use your mouth to destroy your miracle. You must learn to walk by faith and walking by faith means talking by faith. Every time you wake up in the morning thank God for your children, when somebody asks you, how are your children tell them, ” my children are fine” address yourself as a mother of children. Do not say words like, I am barren, I can’t have children, my womb is damaged, I am unfruitful, God forbid, avoid and reject such words, instead say, I am fruitful, I am a mother of children, my reproductive organs are working perfectly, my children surround my table.What you say is what you see,therefore do not say what you see, rather say what you want to see. Remember life and death are in the power of the tongue.

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3) Start Buying Baby Cloths: Yes you read it right. Start buying baby cloths. If you are believing God for twins, start buying there cloths and preparing for your children. This is an act of faith. Expectation is the mother of manifestation, what you don’t expect, you cannot manifest. So put your faith to work, start preparing for your children before they arrive and they will surely arrive in Jesus name.

4). Keep Praying: Keep praying for conception, don’t stop praying, pray without ceasing, do not give up on God, because God will never give up on you. Every time you arise and pray, your miracles get far closer than you think. Prayer makes tremendous heavenly powers available for you. Also when you pray, you destroy all the works of the devil fighting against your conception, every strongman in your fathers house or mothers house will be destroyed by the power of prayers. When we pray,we take the the battle to the camp of the enemy and we destroy their plans and take back all what they have stolen from us.

5) Give God Thanks: In everything, give God thanks,1Thessalonians 5:18. We must be thankful to God always knowing that He is the doer of all things.Thanksgiving is the will of God for us,and when we thank God for already answering our prayers, we commit Him to do that which we have asked of Him. Thanksgiving is an act of faith and it should be done from the heart as you put your faith to work, keep giving God thanks even if you are yet to see your miracles, just keep thanking Him and you shall see His goodness in your life in Jesus name.

As we go into this prayer for conception and pregnancy, I want you to know that God loves you unconditionally and He will answer you speedily. Pray this prayers with all your heart and I see you carrying your miracle babies according to your heart desires in jesus name.


1. I confess and repent of the sin of bloodshed, committed in my days of ignorance, in Jesus’ name.

2. Lord Jesus, wash away, my sins of the past and their consequences.

3. Father, I thank You for entrusting these children to me.

4. O God, perfect these gifts in me, in the name of Jesus.

5. My babies and I are fearfully and wonderfully made, in the name of Jesus.

6. O God, arise and guide me through this childbearing journey with ease, grace and loving-kindness, in the name of Jesus.

7. As I experience biological, and emotional changes, let Your joy be my strength, in the name of Jesus.

8. Father, be glorified in my life, in the name of Jesus.

9. O God, arise according to Jeremiah 29:11, and give me the expected end of safety and joy, in Jesus’ name.

10. I shield myself with the envelop of divine fire, away from evil observers and evil monitors, in Jesus’ name.

11. O God, give me heavenly care and proper development for my baby, in the name of Jesus.

12. O God, always direct me throughout this process of pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

13. By Your mercy, O God, deliver me and my babies from any harvest of the seeds of iniquity sown in the past, in the name of Jesus.

14. O God, let my case stand out for dumbfounding success, in the name of Jesus.

15. You who caused me to conceive, cause me to bring forth, in the name of Jesus

16. I prophesy that all things must work together for my good, in the name of Jesus.

17. I bind every spirit of error, in the name of ‘Jesus.

18. As a spiritual child of Abraham, I am fruitful and will multiply, in the name of Jesus.

19. My fruit (babies/pregnancy) shall be firmly established and shall not miscarry before the normal delivery time, in the name of Jesus

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20. These children shall serve God’s purpose for me to multiply and subdue the earth, in the name of Jesus.

21. O God, deliver me from morning sickness and any complication, in the name of Jesus.

22. I stand against any birth defect in my babies and claim perfection for them, in the name of Jesus.

23. O God, frustrate any action You do not want me to take, in the name of Jesus.

24. O God, bring the good work You have started in me to a glorious conclusion, in the name of Jesus.

25. I claim proper growth and development for the babies in the womb, and safety for the child and I during childbirth, in the name of Jesus.

26. My expectations shall not be cut off, in the name of Jesus.

27. I declare today that in the next nine months, I shall carry my babies in Jesus name.

28. I receive a divine mandate to enforce my right of conception, in the name of Jesus.

29. Any abnormality in my organs of conception and pregnancy, receive divine correction, in Jesus’ name.

30. Every negative medical report, be converted to positive results, in the name of Jesus.

31. Blood of Jesus, flush out any satanic deposit in my womb, in the name of Jesus.

32. I cover every drug or injection given to me with the blood of Jesus.

33. My womb, become an expressway to conception, in the name of Jesus.

34. I charge every hand, every bed and every test with the blood of Jesus, and the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.

35. Every satanic road-block, mounted against pregnancy development, be dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus.

36: Anything on my way to the miracle of supernatural conception and birth, clear away by the blood of Jesus.

37. My womb and breast, begin to function as ordained by God, in the name of Jesus.

38. Thou creative power of God, move in my womb by Your fire, in the name of Jesus.

39. I withdraw my womb from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus.

40. Every seed of pregnancy failure in my foundation, die, in Jesus’ name.

41. Every satanic transfer or exchange of my womb, die, in Jesus’ name.

42. I bind and cast out every spirit of failure in all procedures, in the name of Jesus.

43. Every word, spoken by the enemy against my conception, backfire, in the name of Jesus.

44. Any evil tree, growing in our family that is working against my conception, die, in the name of Jesus.

45. Any curse, strengthening the enemy of my pregnancy, die by the blood of Jesus.

46. Every strongman, supervising my womb to arrest babies, die, in the name of Jesus.

47. By the power that divide the Red Sea, I obtain my babies by fire, in the name of Jesus.

48. Holy Spirit, make my womb super-conducive for pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

49. I bind and arrest every infection, in the name of Jesus.

50. Blood of Jesus, nullify the after-effect of any drug administered on me, in the name of Jesus.

51. O Lord, make ways for me where there is no way, in Jesus’ name.

52. I break any covenant between me and every evil husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.

53. Any of my clothes, that the enemy has set aside to afflict my conception, roast, in Jesus’ name.

54. Every bow of the mighty, contending with my fruitfulness, break, break, break, in the name of Jesus.

55. Any decoration in my apartment that is bewitched, O Lord, reveal it to me.

56. I destroy, every evil stone or goat, destroying my children in pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

57. Any garment, that the enemy is using to destroy my pregnancy, roast in Jesus.

58. O Lord, let Your strong east wind blow against the Red Sea in my womb now, in the name of Jesus.

59. Every demonic instrument of operation, set aside to abort my pregnancy,break to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

60. O Lord, fight against the destroyer, working against my increase and fruitfulness, in the name of Jesus.

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61. Every demonic doctor/nurse, delegated by satan to destroy my pregnancy, inject yourself to death, in Jesus’ name.

62. Blood of Jesus, wash me and show me mercy, in the name of Jesus.

63. Every evil remote control gadget being used to manipulate my pregnancy, roast by fire, in Jesus’ name.

64. Thou Man of war, save me out of the hands of wicked midwives, in the name of Jesus.

65. I render every weapon fashioned against my pregnancy impotent, in the name of Jesus.

66. Oh Lord, overthrow every Egyptian working against me in the midst of the sea, in the name of Jesus.

67. I close down every satanic broadcasting station, fashioned against my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

68. I prophesy that I will see the great work of the Lord as I deliver my children safely, in the name of Jesus.

69. I refuse to harbour any pregnancy killer, in any department of my life, in the name of Jesus.

70. Every horse and its rider in my womb, family or office, be thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, in the name of Jesus.

71. I bind every spirit of error assigned to my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

72. O Lord, send Your light before me to drive miscarriages away from my womb and life, in the name of Jesus.

73. I bind the spirit of almost there; You will not operate in my life, in the name of Jesus.

74. I cast out every power casting out my children, in the name of Jesus.

75. I break every grip and hold of witchcraft over my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

76. From today, I shall not cast away my young, in the name of Jesus.

77. I prophesy, that I paralyse every opposition to my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

78. I will fulfil the number of the days of this pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

79. Any member of my family, reporting my pregnancy to the evil ones, receive the slap of the angels of God, in Jesus’ name.

80. I shall not cast out my pregnancy before delivery, in Jesus’ name.

81. Every territorial demon, working against my marriage, receive the thunder fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

82. Every spirit of stillbirth and threatened abortion, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.

83. I nullify every satanic threat against my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

84. I shall not bring forth to murderers, in the name of Jesus.

85. Every power/spirit visiting me at night or in the dream, in order to terminate my pregnancy, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

86. Every power of murderers, shatter, in the name of Jesus.

87. I nullify every evil influence of satanic visitation upon my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

88. O Lord, deliver me from the womb that miscarries, in the name of Jesus.

89. You the plug of my womb, receive the power of the Holy Spirit to carry my pregnancy to the point of delivery, in the name of Jesus.

90. Every violence of miscarriage, stop permanently, in the name of Jesus.

91. I reject every manifestation of fever during my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

92. Every evil power, appearing through a dog, a man or a woman, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus’ name.

93. I reject every satanic stress during my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus.

94. You evil children, causing abortion, die, in the name of Jesus. I am loosed from your oppression, in the name of Jesus.

95. I decree death of every spirit husband or spirit wife, killing my children, in the name of Jesus.

96. O earth, help me to conquer the power of miscarriages, in the name of Jesus.

97. O Lord, give me wings of a great eagle to escape from miscarriage, in the name of Jesus.

98. O Lord, give me a male-child, in the name of Jesus.

99. I declare that I am fruitful and I will bring forth in peace, in the name of Jesus.

100. I overcome miscarriage by the power of the Lord, in Jesus’ name

Thank you Jesus for my miracle conception in Jesus name.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. Merci Serviteur du Dieu vivant. Je ferai cette toujours jusqu’à ce je vois le fruit de mes entrailles. Merci. Reste béni pasteur

  2. Merci Serviteur du Dieu vivant pour ces prières prophétiques. J’ai foi qu’à travers votre canal, mon papa Jésus Christ va se laisser émouvoir pour qu’enfin je sois appelé Papa.
    Que Dieu bénisse votre ministère ! Amen!


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