Warfare Prayers To Destroy The Forces Of Violent Spirits


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Last Updated on September 20, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

  1. Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Life is warfare, and only the violent in Spirit survives. The system of this world is controlled by the devil and his demons, who manifest themselves through human vessels in a facets of life. Today we shall be engaging in warfare prayers to destroy the forces of violent spirits. As believers in Christ, God has giving us authority over all devils. Violent spirits cannot stop any Christian that knows his or her spiritual identity from succeeding. We have the authority to crush and destroy them anytime the come near our dwelling place.

These warfare prayers are offensive prayers, prayers that will forcible resist these violent forces that are fighting against our destiny and take back our posessions by force. Before we go into these warfare prayers, lets learn somethings about violent spirits.


What Are Violent Spirits?

Violent spirits are wicked and evil forces of darkness, out to resist Gods children from making progress in life. This spirits are behind every form of hindrances you and i experience on our way to the top. Violent spirits are spirits behind ups and downs, failures at the point of breakthroughs and all kinds of setbacks in life.

This spirits also are spirits of confusion, they will always bring chaos into your life when you are fast approaching your breakthrough in life. As believers, we must be sensitive to know when these evil spirits are at work. We must resist them violently through prayers and the word of God.
However, there are some signs to watch out for, in other to know when you are a victim of violent spirits. We shall be looking at these signs in a moment.

7 Signs Of Violent Spirits

1. Hinderances: The first sign of a violent spirit you experience in your life are hinderances. You just discover that there is a force trying to stop you anytime you are about to make headway in life. These hinderance can manifest through a person, a group or association or an addiction. As long as this forces remain in your life, progress will remain farfetched. Today you shall be set free in Jesus Christ name.

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2. Stagnation: Violent spirits can keep you in the same spot for a very long time. Stagnation is a state of no progress. And we all know that nothing remains the same in life, its either it is progressing or retrogressing. This means these spirits can keep you in a constant state of suffering. When you take a look at your life and you discover that you are not making any headway, know that you need to deal with this violent spirits.

3. Disappointment: This means promise and fail. Disappointment in relationship, marriage, carreer, business etc are all the handiwork of violent spirits. People promising you and failing you can be very frustrating. The truth is this, the people who are promising to help you are really sincere, but what these violent spirits do is to resist your helpers, so that the wont have they resources at the time to fulfill there promises. This can be a very terrible experience, i see you overcoming in Jesus name.

4. Frustration: Every victim of violent spirits is always frustrated. Failure in everything you attempt to do will definitely lead to frustration. A lot of believers have gone astray and put there hands in iniquity because of frustrations of life. This is the work of violent spirits. But tonight, every knee must bow in Jesus name.

5. Conflicts: Conflicts simply means stirring up problems between you and all those who can help your destiny. What this spirits do is to make sure that you are not at peace with all those that can help you in life. Its either, you find fault in them or they find fault in you. This evil forces are also behind all many of conflicts in the family and other areas of your life. Today the God of heaven shall give you victory in Jesus Christ name

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6. Depression: The spirit of depression is a violent spirit. Depression is a state where your problems overwhelm you.Depression leads to suicide and these is the spirit of violent at work. But today is your day of deliverance.

7. Discouragement: This is the primary goal of violent spirits, to discourage you from God and everything. The state of discouragement is why alot of believers backslide and go back to the world of sin and sorrows. The most unfortunate man on earth is not a poor man but a discouraged man. The moment you are discouraged, you give up, the moment you give up, then your battle is over, the goodnews is this, today you shall overcome the devil in Jesus Christ name.

How Do I Overcome Violent Spirits?

You overcome violent spirits by violent faith and warfare prayers. You must resist this forces by a die hard faith in the word of God and intense warfare prayers.The devil will always flee from your life when he meets fierce resistance. These warfare prayers to destroy the forces of violent spirits is your spritual weapon to scatter every violent spirits fighting your destiny. Today,through this warfare prayers, you are going to pursue the devil, overtake him and take back everything that he has stolen from you. You shall be taking it back sevenfold in Jesus Christ name. Your deliverance have come.

Prayer Points

1. Father, I thank You for giving me power over dark forces in Jesus Christ name

2. Father, forgive me all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness in Jesus Christ name

3. I destroy the gates of violent spirits working against me in Jesus Christ name

4. I pull down every stronghold of violent spirits in Jesus Christ name

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5. I dismantle all the forces of violent spirits in Jesus Christ name

6. I crush the head of every violent spirits in Jesus Christ name

7. I arise and take my possessions by force now in Jesus Christ name

8. Every demonic chain holding my destiny scatter by fire in Jesus Christ name

9. Every grave cloths fighting my destiny, i burn you to ashes now in Jesus Christ name

10. I sience every evil pronouncement over my life in Jesus Christ name
11. Every negative prayer targetted against me backfire by fire in Jesus Christ name

12. Every ancestral chain holding my life be scattered by fire in Jesus Christ name

13. I disconnect myself from every demonic attachment in Jesus Christ name

14. I release myself from every ancestral cage in Jesus Christ name

15. Oh Lord, multiply my breakthroughs in Jesus Christ name

16. Every evil plantation in my body, be flushed out in Jesus Christ name

17. Every covenant made with my placenta be consumed by fire now in Jesus Christ name

18. Every herbalist working against me be destroyed now in Jesus Christ name

19. Every stubborn enemies in my life, attack yourselves now in Jesus Christ name

20. I terminate afflictions in my life in Jesus Christ name

21. I terminate sicknesses in my life in Jesus Christ name

22. I terminate poverty in my life in Jesus Christ name

23. Every goodness that has passed me by, return now in Jesus Christ name

24. I destroy the devourer in my life in Jesus Christ name

25. Foundatonal hardship, be destroyed in Jesus Christ name

26. Every evil cycle of hardship, be broken in Jesus Christ name

27. I reject backwardness in my life in Jesus Christ name

28. This is my year of supernatural speed of progress in Jesus Christ name

29. I declare that i am delivered in Jesus Christ name

30. I declare that i am free in Jesus Christ name

Thank You Jesus Christ.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


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