Prayers For Sexual Purity


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Last Updated on September 21, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

We live in a free world today, in a world where it is almost difficult or impossible to distinguish between right or wrong, good or bad. In these last days sexual freedom and Liberty have become the order of the day. People no longer see anything bad in expressing themselves sexually, teenagers feel that the only way to be accepted in the community is to give up your sexual  dignity. chastity has become  old school in our generation today.

Today we shall be looking at prayers for sexual purity, sex was created by God To be consummated under the marriage umbrella.  Marriage is the holy union between a man and a woman. If only the world could operate according to the word of god there will be less emotional crisis in the world today. In this article we are going to be looking at what sexual purity is all about and how to keep yourself sexually pure, we are also going to be looking at prayers that will enable you maintain if your sexual life. my prayer for you either by the end of this article the grace to live a sexually pure life rest upon you in Jesus Christ name.


What Is Sexual Purity?

Sexual purity is a state whereby one lives a sexually free life or a sexually faithful life. If  you are single God expects you to leave a sexually free life,  this means God expects you to abstain from all sexual related practices  until you are gloriously married. If you are married God expects you to be faithful to your partner in your marriage. Sexual purity is God’s perfect will for our marriage and lives as his children. As teenagers and young adults sexual purity will help preserve your future, it will enhance your productivity and empower you to succeed in life.

Unfortunately a lot of  people feel that the bible standards  are impossible to keep, they even feel that it is punishment  not to  express one’s sexual desire, so they go about Defiling themselves and committing all kinds of sexual immorality and perversions. Little wonder our world today is filled  with broken homes, broken marriages,damaged teenagers and damaged young adults.  The world we live in today is full of depressed single mothers and runaway fathers. All this chaos in the world today is connected to sexual impurity. The question one may ask now is this, is God punishing us by asking us to abstain from sexual impurity?

Why Cant I Just Have Sex ?

1 Corinthians 6:18: Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

Somebody might ask no why can’t I just have sex? Why can’t I just express my sexual feelings the way I like? The truth is that every product must follow the manufacturer’s manual another for that product to succeed. God is our manufacturer, we are his products the bible is our manual of operation.  The bible tells us to flee from fornication because when we commit fornication or adultery we sin against our own body. I am going to explain what this really means, what it really means to sin against your own body.  sex is a spiritual adventure but most people don’t know they think that it is merely emotional and sensual I want to be sharing a scripture with you shortly before I go ahead to explain to you what it means to sin  against your own body.

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1 Corinthians 6:16: Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For “the two,” He says, “shall become one flesh.”

The above scripture makes us understand that sexual intercourse joins you with your partner in ways that you cannot begin to imagine. I am going to be highlighting to you some of the things that happen to you when you are sexually active.

What Happens When I Have Sexual Intercourse With Someone?

Any time you have sexual intercourse with someone, you become one with that person. Both of you become one flesh. His or her life becomes your life, his or her challenges becomes your challenges, his sicknesses becomes your sicknesses, and most importantly both of you now share the same spiritual connection.

Since sex connects you to the person you are doing it with, it will be wise for you choose wisely whom you want to bond with. That is why sex must be done the right way. Any man or woman whom you see having sex with multiple partners, can never end well in life, these is because there lives have been infested by multiple spirits, spirits that is at work in the lives of there sexual partners. For instance if you commit fornication with a prostitute, you will always find yourself desiring to sleep with any available prostitute all the time. Also if you sleep with married women, you find out that you will always be on the lookout for any available married woman to sleep with, the same goes for teens and widows.  Have you ever heard the news of a cheating wife who with the help of her partner in crime murdered her husband? That is because the woman was sleeping with a murder and a psychopath.

You must understand that you become who you sleep with, the spirit at work in them possesses you the day you share intimacy with them. It doesn’t matter whether you use a condom or not. Solomon started worshipping idols because he started sleeping with idol worshipping women. In the book of Numbers, the children of Isreal, could not be cursed because the were worshipping God, but when King Balak now sent his harlots to seduce the Israelites and they began to have sex with them, the turned away from God and started worshipping idols. See Numbers 31:16.

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So you see, why God wants us to abstain from sex and maintain our sexual purity, is because he doesn’t want us to pollute our spirit and our body with pre marital sex. He wants us to be pure until the day of our marriage, however in case you have fallen short of sexual purity, and believe me most of us have there is still hope for you, our God is an unconditionally loving God, who will cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Below are some steps to take.

How To Repent From Sexual Impurity?

  1. Salvation: It starts with you acknowledging your faults and returning back to God. The moment you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you are saved from sin and cleansed from all impurities that comes with fornication and adultery.  Salvation makes you a New Creation, you become new and clean before God. It doesn’t matter how terrible your sexual life has been in the past, the grace of God will wash it everything away and make you clean again.

2. The Word: The word of God is the will of God, the word of God has the power to help us live a sexually pure life. Now that you are born again, get acquainted with the word of God. According to Acts 20:32, the word of God is able to build us up and give us our God ordained inheritance, also Peter admonished us to desire the sincere milk of the word of God that we may grow in our salvation, 1 Peter 2:2. If you want to grow in Christ and live a sexually pure life? Then get familiar with the word of God. Be a student of the Word of God.

3. Prayers: In Matthew 26:41, Jesus Christ told us to pray so that we do not fall into temptation, Prayers is a major tool that can prevent us from falling into temptations, especially sexual temptations. We must be prayerful, we must pray for spiritual strength and grace to flee from sexual impurity. We must pray for spiritual sensitivity to know when the devil is bringing temptations our way.  Many people have fallen into sexual seen because they where not spiritually sensitive, the devil is cunning and it takes a spiritually sensitive believer to spot the devils tricks. Jesus said, “Watch and Pray” In order wards be spiritually alert and sensitive and pray. I have compiled some powerful prayers for sexual purity, these prayers will help us as we run our christian race with the help of God.

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4. Flee: Run, Run, Run from sexual sin, run from fornication, run from adultery, run from every appearance of sexual sin. When you notice sexual tension in any relationship, you run away from it. You cannot pray away sexual sins, you cannot cast out the devil of fornication and adultery, you can only run away from them. You can only pray for the grace to run away from sexual sins. I see God granting you grace in Jesus Christ  name.

Prayers For Sexual Purity

  1. Father, I thank you for the grace to live  a holy life in Jesus Christ name
  2. Father have mercy for me and cleanse me of all mine  unrighteousness in Jesus Christ name
  3. I receive Grace to live a sexually Pure Life in Jesus Christ name
  4. I received grace  to disconnect  from every ungodly Association in Jesus Christ name
  5. I command the Spirit of lust to be removed from my life and replaced with the Spirit of love in Jesus Christ
  6. Empower me all Lord to flee  from every Appearances of Evil in Jesus Christ name
  7. I disconnect myself from every ungodly relationship in Jesus Christ name
  8. I disconnect myself from every ungodly friend Jesus Christ name
  9. I disconnect myself from every ungodly Association in Jesus Christ name
  10.  Oh lord help me to renew my heart in Jesus Christ name
  11. Father Purge me from every form of sexual impurities in Jesus Christ Name
  12. Father, deliver me from pornography and pornographic materials in Jesus Christ name.
  13. Father, deliver me from masturbation in the name of Jesus Christ.
  14. Father, keep me busy with relevant duties, so that i shall be distracted from sexual sins in Jesus Christ Name.
  15.  I break all evil connections and wash them away with the blood of the Lord Jesus.
  16.  I remove myself from any strange authority exercised over me, in the name of Jesus.
  17.  I remove all mind controlling manipulations between me and any friend or family member, in the name of Jesus.
  18.  I claim deliverance from any negative affection towards anyone, in the name of Jesus.
  19.  Let evil affections towards me be wiped off the mind of demonic seducers in the name of Jesus.
  20.  Lord Jesus, I surrender my affections, emotions and desires and I request that they be in submission to the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


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