Powerful Prayers For Court Cases To Be Won


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Last Updated on September 21, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Psalm 27:1-2,
”The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.”

Winning a court case is not a child play to both the defendant and the accused, to win a court case the level of prayers and fasting must be high. Firstly one must seek the mercy of God and prayer for his glory to radiates over his/her lives so as to receive favor during the trial or court process else there is a tendency to lose the court case.


The ultimate purpose of going to court is for the judges to decide on a case between two parties. As a Christian, Jesus Christ is our greatest Advocate (1 John 2:1-2). An advocate is an attorney or a lawyer in a judicial case. An advocate pleads the case of his client in a court of law. So Jesus defends and represents us in the Courts of Heaven but the frustration of the court process leads to people even Christians to use alternative means of winning like bribery, threatening the other party involved or the judge.

Today we are going to be engaging in powerful prayers for court cases to be won, this powerful prayers are strictly for those people who are faced with difficult court cases also it is for those who have been accused falsely in the court of law, the God of heaven will deliver you in Jesus Christ name.

Our God is a just God. If any of his children are taken to court unjustly he will surely win the case for us. He represents our interest and makes sure that the case is never lost. There are no lawyers or judges that are more powerful and wiser than God. Jesus pleads our case. He argues on our behalf. The Hebrew writer wrote, “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him since He always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25).

See also  Prayer For Examination Success

There are many court cases that have ended many in jail. Some are being persecuted for the crime they did not commit. The expectation of many over the case was to win their opponent, but discover that the case overturned and worked against them. As Christians, there is an assurance that we will win every court case if only we are truthful, transparent and credible in the matter. God cannot win a case of a person who has a history of a red file or has committed a crime or violated the law of a given state or country.

The Bible teaches that every person has sinned. Paul wrote, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). The moment you are guilty of the offense, and you intentionally commit the offense, then there will be consequences, the presence of God will depart and its consequences will result in punishment. The Bible says, ”When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies be at peace with him.” Proverbs 16:7. This means that if you are truthful and not being guilty, Lord Jesus himself will fight your case.

Here are some powerful prayers points for victory in court cases


1. Thank You Lord Jesus is my heavenly Advocate and I trust that in this matter I will soon be fully exonerated and totally vindicated and that there will be no slur on anyone’s character or intentions in Jesus’ name.

2. I pray Lord that you forgive any Sin that I may have committed to warrant this punishment and I pray Lord that you purge me completely and have mercy on me in Jesus name


3. Lord, you know the reason for this court hearing and we pray that you will oversee the whole procedure, and ask that in Your grace that true justice may be carried out, with impartiality in Jesus name

4. Father, make it possible for me to find favor in the sight of the judge, in the name of Jesus, let me find favor, compassion, and loving-kindness with the jury, in the name of Jesus.

5. Let all the demonic obstacles that have been established in the heart of anyone against me be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.

6. Lord, give all the parties concerned, dreams, visions and restlessness that would advance my cause.

7. I bind and put to flight all the spirits of fear, anxiety, and discouragement that can cause frustration in the name of Jesus.

8. Lord, let divine wisdom fall upon all who are involved in this case with me and, I break the backbone of the spirits of conspiracy and treachery, in the name of Jesus.

9. Loving Lord, I ask for Your grace and mercy as I prepare to face the verdict of this court case and I ask that in Your loving kindness and great goodness, all the accusations against me would finally be dropped and permanently dismissed in Jesus Name

10. Lord, only You know the trouble and distress that this has caused me and my heart is anxious and fearful. for I know how fickle people can be – but Lord I am trusting Your amazing grace and perfect timing, and I pray that You would go before me to have this court case dropped completely and fully dismissed, and I will give You all the praise and glory.

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11. I pray that you would go before me and fight for my cause and I ask that I will not be put to shame. Thank You that Your ears are ever open to the cries of Your children and thank You that You have promised to be my Defence and my Defender thank You that Your arm is quick to rescue all those that are trusting in You – and thank You in Jesus name

12. I pray Lord that you put all my enemies to shame and I paralyze the handiwork of household enemies and envious agents in this matter, in the name of Jesus.

13. Loving heavenly Father, thank You that You are a God of justice and the Lord of righteousness and that You are also the source of all truth and the well-spring of all wisdom. I lift up today all those that are involved in court cases, whether it is the one who is being accused or those that are involved in the execution of fairness and justice.

14. I pray that You would lead and guide all those that are involved in the corridors of justice and provide them with the integrity to officiate without bias and bigotry.. and the wisdom and grace to discern the truth and to act upon it, without fear or favor In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


  1. Priez pour que mon conjoint aille pas en prison il a une famille un petit garçon il n’a pas commis de meurtre des petit deli soyez avec lui le 27.01.2021 a 9h priez pr que l’on reste unis tous les 3 svp sont petit garçon à besoin de sont papa amen ❤️

  2. Prière pour que mon frère sort de sa détention provisoire et ne part par en prison , oui il a comit un pêché de prend un arme blanche mais il ne la pa fait cette blessur a la main de la (victime) ,il avait jamais eu de problème avec la justice aucun casiers judiciaire aucune infraction dan sa vie, il sera jugé le 01/02/2021, mon frère es un père de familles marié 2 enfant de lui c’est quel qu’un de bien il a même pris la responsabilité de donné un bon éducation à la fille de sa compagne qu’il considère aujourd’hui comme sa fille aîné, il a son boulot pour venir au besoin de sa familles c’est quelqu’un de croyant il ne mange pas de viande le vendredi , s’il vous plaît priez pour sa liberté que mon frère rentre à la maison et reste près de sa familles au nom de Jésus.

    • Je je vous demande de prier pour mon fils Yoann qui sera jugé le 26 avril 2021qui est en ce moment en détention provisoire et qui ne retourne pas en prison car c’est trop dur pour moi qui suis sa mère

  3. Je demande de gagner mon procès contre le casino de granville ou je dois tombee sur mon bras dans leurs
    Portes tournantes le 15,12,2019 et que mon bras q souffert et dont le chirurgien ne meut tien faire
    Ilx ne veulent pas reconnaître leur responsabilité
    J ai donc pris une avocate en octobre 2020 et je demande qu elle plaide ma cause pour le préjudice subi et que je dois très prochainement indemniser

  4. Bonjour

    Prier pour mon fils Joann pour que les juges ne le recondamne pas pour paiement en retard de son amende dû pour problèmes pénal combat en bande il a un bin boulot et a déjà fait 8 mois ferme
    Priez pour lui svp demandez la grâce de Dieu au nom de Jésus amen

  5. Je je vous demande de prier pour mon fils Yoann qui sera jugé le 26 avril 2021qui est en ce moment en détention provisoire et qui ne retourne pas en prison car c’est trop dur pour moi qui suis sa mère .au nom de Jésus mon sauveur. Amen

  6. Je vous demande de prier pour mon fils Clément qui passe au tribunal aujourd’hui aidé moi stp je suis sa maman je n’en peux plus de le voir en prison amen

  7. Je vous demande de prier pour mon compagnon qui est en prison et demain ces le verdict de la juge. Priez pour qu’il sortent amen

  8. priez pour moi ,que je gagne mon procés contre mon encien employeur
    que le juge décide que je n ai pas démissionn” mais que c’est un licenciement sans cause réelle et sérieuse
    et que j’obtienne les indemnités qui me sont dû

  9. Priez pour ma petite soeur Nadège qui est en détention provisoire en ce moment afin qu’elle obtienne grâce et compassion auprès du juge et de tous ceux qui ont la charge de décidé pour son cas.

  10. Thank you for your posted prayers! Praying for my brother in law who was falsely accused of wrongdoing. He was arrested. It is very stressful for the entire family but we believe Jesus will fight this one for him and that the devil be squished under His heel!

  11. le procès aux assises aura lieu le25et26 novembre 2021 priez pour moi lors de mon audition en tant que victime c’est trop dur merci seigneur de me rendre grâce Amen

  12. victime de tentative de meurtre par mon ex mari le procès aux assises aura lieu le 25 et 26 novembre 2021 priez pour moi lors de mon audition en tant que victime c’est trop dur merci seigneur de me rendre grâce Amen

  13. seigneure prier pour mon fils dorian quil gagne mecredi contre son ex olivia quelle lascuse de chosse qui a pas fait elle lascuse de viole que ces pas vraix mercredi la se confatation avec quelle fait qui et pas pousuivie et que la faire et place sensuit et qui gagne contre elle merci seigneure aide le je vous remerci seigneure au nom de votre fils jesus amen

  14. Je suis jugé aujourd’hui le 28/09/21
    Suite à un don que l’on m’a donné et maintenant chui accuser de vol je suis maman de 4 enfants dont un 👼 ange au ciel depuis 9ans
    Cela fait 5ans que je signe un vendredi sur 2 mon dieu je vous demande la paix car j’ai rien demandé amen

  15. Priez pour moi s’il vous plaît je suis auditionné le 11/11/2021 et je vous demande que cette plainte n’aboutisse pas je suis mère de 3 enfants et je regrette cet acte je vous en supplie que l’affaire soit classée sans suite car mon fils aîné et en détention et c’est déjà très dur pour lui et de le savoir là bas en tant que mère pardonnez moi je vous prie


  17. Priez pour mon époux et sa petite famille qui l’aime tant, afin que tous les pièges causés par ses ennemis tant visibles qui’visibles soient mis à nu

  18. Bonjour Pasteur
    Je vous sollicite de prier pour mon qui sera jugé du 1 décembre au 8 décembre pour qu’il n’aille pas en prison svp.
    Merci pour vos prières


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