Prayer Against The Spirit Of Confusion


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Last Updated on September 21, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

The spirit of confusion is a very powerful Spirit, it is sometimes been neglected and nobody prays seriously against it. Some people just find themselves in the world, with no good idea of what their purpose in the world is. Some are as if they were under a spell or hypnotized by some strange powers. Praying against the spirit of confusion is very important in the life of a Christian. When your heart is focused and void of confusion, you can fulfill the will and purpose of God for your life.

The first question we need to ask is: What is confusion? Confusion is disorder, chaos, purposeless action, etc. When you look at the order, it is a designated pattern determined by the purpose. That is, this thing must go in this order and that is the purpose it has to serve. Anything against the order is confusion.


One of the worst things that can happen to man’s life is to be confused, being confused is to be indecisive, not knowing the way forward. Confusion most times bring a limitation to one’s life because a confused person will not know the way forward.

The spirit of confusion is designed to destroy lives, our relationships with God and man
When God started creation, he has vision and a picture in his mind on how he wants the world to look like even in million years to come, he created man to have dominion i.e he did not create man for suffering but when sin came to the life of man suffering started and every man was left to make decision of the future for himself. God created every man for a purpose and he has planned the way each person should live.

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Psalm 25:12 “what man is he that feareth the Lord? He shall teach him in the way he shall choose.”
God desires to make his plan and purpose known to man, but most people don’t have time to know the plan and purpose of God for them when a man is aligned or walking according to the plan and purpose of God for their life no spirit of confusion can come in.

The so called Christian of nowadays don’t even have time to know the plan of God for their life, everybody wants a miracle, people sometimes even pray the wrong prayer, we no longer rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us and the word of God.

We ask different questions in our hearts like how can I know the will of God?, Does God even answers pray, all this questions birth confusion in our heart and the only way for us to overcome spirit of confusion is not just by praying but by relying on the Holy Spirit and studying the word of God. Through this revelation, we will understand what God has for us.

Sometimes even as born again Christian the spirit of the confusion comes into our life when our spirits do not line up with God’s Spirit.

Here are some prayers we can pray

• Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life and your son Jesus that died for my sins

• Every garment of confusion upon my life, catch fire now, in the name of Jesus and let all confusion from Satan be diverted out of my life in the name of Jesus.

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• O Lord, send confusion into the camp of all my enemies in the name of Jesus

• I pray every arrow of confusion fired into my life, backfire in the name of Jesus and let the resurrection power of God kill every trace of confusion upon my life, in the name of Jesus.

• Lord Jesus, deliver me from every of confusion in the name of Jesus, I refuse to be caged by the spirit of confusion, in the name of Jesus.

• I replace every spirit of confusion in my life with peace of sound mind in the name of Jesus.

• Dear Lord, I desire to be clear-minded in a time when deceit and deception flood into my from so many quarters, and so I pray that you give me power so I can take every spirit of confusion captive in the name of Jesus.

• I pray Lord that you endow me with your holy spirit to guide and teach me so that I may not be tossed about by the many winds of doctrines that can cause such confusion in my mind, and distort the truth of Your word in Jesus name.

• Father Lord, I refuse to be tossed around by wind of uncertainty, I do not want to see things the same way and manner at which the world sees it, I ask that you will give me a clear understanding of my real identity in the name of Jesus.

• Father Lord, I ask that you will let any of your light to penetrate the darkness of my understanding, I ask for the grace and power to spiritually alert at all times, and I seek a discerning spirit in the name of Jesus.

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• A confused mind can be easily tossed around. Father Lord, I ask for the spirit to search all things and bring things to our remembrance, I ask that you will endow it upon me in the name of Jesus.

• I ask for the spiritual vision, a confused mind is a blind mind. I ask for the spirit of God that gives vision to the confused mind, I refuse to be uncertain about my purpose in life in the name of Jesus.

• I rebuke every spirit of deceit and I come against every scheme of the devil to confuse me. I ask for the spirit of truth, Lord God, I ask that you endow me with the spirit of truth in the name of Jesus.

• Father of Heaven, a man becomes a confused person when they stop hearing from you, Lord, destroy everything that may want to hinder me from hearing you when you speak, give the spirit that will make me have the knowledge of your voice and recognize your pattern of communication in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. I’m reading James 4:13-18….the Holy Spirit spoke to me through God. Confusion has been working in my life for over 60yrs. I’m being delivered everyday! I go to church every Sunday, Bible study on Wednesday…yet the enemy was in my house siffting me and my marriage like wheat. Wow!Wow!Wow!

  2. Thank you, I have been with my husband for 15+ years and married for 11 of those years (since I was 18). We have a son together but I have turned my life around since Jesus called on me two years ago! I have been a Christian since then, My husband is an unbeliever and refuses to read the Bible and calls me “crazy, stupid” or mocks me for believing in Christ. I have prayed for him, prayed for his salvation, fasted and everything else but I just can’t be with him any longer. I feel he brings confusion into my life and I cannot see my worth or who I am anymore. While he is a great guy (he works for us), It has become a very lonely life I’m living because I pray by myself, read the bible by myself, Go to church by myself.. He’d rather play video games, smoke weed, and play or talk to his friends…than spend time with me and his son. Again, it’s very confusing because I feel I love him but he pulls me away from God, into the world… I feel a huge calling from God to leave but I have no money, friends, no family… I just need prayers. To help me get through this difficult chapter in my life, Thank you, for these! God bless you!

  3. I am confused and depressed bcos the my fiance started bringing up his character after our introduction, sometimes he calls me name curse me and sometimes beat me up, he doesn’t trust me he believes I have other guys am dating which I don’t, we planned on getting married this December but one of his sister that I was closed to said, I should take my time if he doesn’t change that I should leave him and move on but I don’t know how to explain all this to my family

    • Madame j’espere que depuis vous avez fuit cette relation. Il n y a pas de question à se poser, quitter fuyez avant qu’il ne soit trop tard

  4. Ich habe die Erkenntnis gewonnen, vom Geist der Verwirrung geplagt zu sein. Er verwirrt mich in der Wahrnehmung und lässt mich viele Dinge falsch denken, wobei ich Leuten Dinge unterstelle die nicht wahr sind, zudem verwirrt dieser Geist meine sexuelle Orientierung schon sehr lange. Ich bin froh dies jetzt entdeckt zu haben und dagegen zu beten. Danke Gott!


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