Prayer For Debt Deliverance


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Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we shall be giving people prayer for debt deliverance. We have been led by the spirit of God to treat prayer for debt deliverance because it is glaring that many people are living their lives on debt. Meanwhile, many people who fall under this category are high-income earners, like their income is sufficient enough to take care of their needs, but despite all, they are still indebted. It looks more like the spirit of debt has possessed them and they can not do anything without getting into debt.

There are so many who needs this prayer for debt deliverance because the enemy has taken hold on their finances, they have no control over it anymore, they can’t even explain how they spend money, all they know is that once they collect wages it doesn’t take long before they go broke, there is a devourer in their income tearing apart their finances. It is sad to know that until they gain control over their finances, they will never be free from debt.


How that a bank branch manager will walk up to primary school teacher to borrow money till month end. This explains that it is the blessings of the Lord that makes riches. We do not have financial sufficiency by the amount of money we earn; we have that sufficiency by the amount of grace we get. Not until grace starts speaking in the life of a man, he would still look poor even if he is earning millions.

Therefore, in this prayer for debt deliverance, we will be focusing more prayer points to release people from the power that has taken over their finances, and also we will be praying more for financial stability for people. If you feel you need this prayer or you have someone you think needs to say this prayer, do not be selfish not to share with such a person.

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Prayer Points:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I break free from every power that has taken over my finances, every devourer swallowing the gain of my finances, which always render me broke within few days. I destroy you in the name of Jesus.
I come against every power that is denying me of my financial stability, every power that is sitting on the free flow of my income in the realm of the spirit; I destroy such powers in the name of Jesus. Every power that decided to turn me into an object of ridicule through debt, I free myself from you in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, as you have paid the capital price on the cross of Calvary for the redemption and salvation of man, to free man from every demonic shackles and bondage, I free myself from every bondage or chains of debt in the name of Jesus. From now, I declare my dominance over my finances. I declare my control over my income in the name of Jesus.

Every generational or ancestral curse that kept the people before me in the bondage of debt, I come against you over my life in the name of Jesus. Every power and principalities that made people around me indebted despite how big they are earning, I come against you over my life in the name of Jesus.

The Bible made it known that we have been given a name that is above all other names that at the mention of the name Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that he is God. Hear the word of the Lord you spirit of debt, I destroy your power over me in the name of Jesus.

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I decree that financial stability becomes my portion in the name of Jesus. I announce my financial sustenance in the name of Jesus. I decree that in the mighty name of Jesus, I will not go broke again in the name of Jesus.

I pray O God that you will teach me how to spend my money, I want you to teach me how to control and manage my finances that I will not go broke again. I want you to teach me how to spend money wisely, I refuse to be flamboyant spender, I come against every spirit of wasteful spending that has dominated me, I destroy you by the fire of the Holy Ghost.

Father Lord, the relief that debt gives to a man is only for a while, but one becomes satisfied when one is the rightful owner of something. I pray for the grace of occupancy, the grace for possessing things in the right way, the grace to never be low on cash, Lord Jesus, I pray that you will teach my hands-on how to make money, I pray that you will saturate my heart on how to make decisions that money, Lord Jesus, I pray that you will take charge of my finances in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, I don’t want to go into debt again, I pray that you will make provisions for me to settle the ones that I’m owing, and you will cause that provision to be constantly consistent that I will always have more than enough funds to do things by myself without going into debt, Lord I pray that you will grant me this grace in the name of Jesus.

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Father in heaven, I use this pray as point of contact for everyone out there whose life has been disrupted by the spirit of debt due to immense poverty, I break for financial breakthrough for them. Every man and woman who has become possessed by the demon of debt simply because they could not get a job, every man and woman who has been thrown into heavy debts just because they could not find help, father in heaven, I pray that you will provide help for them where they least expected in the name of Jesus. Those who are in need of jobs should get employed in the name of Jesus.

I pray for financial independence for every man and woman that needs that Freedom, I decree the key to financial prosperity is release unto them in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. Please pray for my wayward daughter & poor financial problems.mydesparate need for a house of my need to be delivered from spiritual deadness and knowledge on how to have total faith in God. and how to fight spiritual warfare effectively.

  2. Proszę o modlitwę za moja córkę aby zrozumiała ze to co robi jest źle ze niszczy moje życie przez nią nie mogęspokojnie żyć czuje lek i strach kłopoty finansowe mnie zadreczaja jak pozbyć się tego zlego ducha proszę o pomoc

    • Necesito oración urgente por mis deudas financieras. Estoy embarazada a termino y no puedo salir de las deudas. Estoy muy angustiada!!!

  3. Please pray that God would set me free from my financial debts as i am going through a lot of stress now due to this. I need your urgent prayer. Thank you

  4. Bitte beten Sie für mich, dass ich finanzielle Freiheit genieße, ich meine Überschuldung endlich los werde, ich meinen Lebenspartner kennenlerne und wir eine gemeinsame Familie gründen. Ich eine gute Arbeitsstelle bekomme, bei der ich tolle Arbeitskollegen und Vorgesetzte habe und gutes Geld verdiene, am allermeisten in meiner Wunschstadt München.Bitte hilf mir auch, dass ich endlich Freunde an meiner Seite habe, die es ehrlich mit mir meinen.Bitte hilf mir auch , dass A. P- Z und ich eine wunderbare Freundschaft haben. Helfe mir bitte auch, dass ich endlich von meiner Depression befreit werde. Ich wünsche auch , dass ich endlich ein unabhängiges Leben führe und ich den Führerschein bestehe und in meinem eigenen Haus leben werde. Vielen Dank

  5. Bonjour je veux que vous puissiez prié pour moi afin de me libérer de toutes mes dettes car je traverse actuellement une peur à cause de que DIEU puisse me venir en aide


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