Daily Prayer For My Children


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Last Updated on September 24, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with daily prayer for my children. The scripture says children are the heritage of God, they are gifts and blessings of God unto their parents. The enemy knows that God always deposits some talents and gifts in the lives of children when they are born that is why the enemy is always at alert to attack any child. As parents, you do not only owe your children a duty of care by buying things for them, you always owe them a duty of prayer. The Success of every child lies in the hands of his/her parents. When there is a laxity in the place of prayer for the children, the enemies will not be too far to strike.

Let’s take the life of Samuel as a case study. Before Hannah had Samuel, she was a barren woman. She was mocked for being barren and it really took a heavy turn on her. She resulted in praying for the fruit of the womb, Hannah never stopped praying until she got the result of her prayers and years of waiting. Meanwhile, even before Samuel was born, Hannah had made a covenant to God that if her shame and reproach is taken away and she conceived, the child will serve the Lord. Hannah was a typical fire branded mother who knows that the child she carries is a covenant and she never stopped praying for her child. The devil could have manipulated the destiny of Samuel if Hannah had relaxed in the place of prayer. I pray by the authority of heaven that the enemy will not have power over your children.


The children of Eli are a very good example of a manipulated destiny, their father was a priest but the children missed it. Eli was so carried away with priesthood duties that he forgot the care that he owed his children, the devil gained access into their lives and the end of them was a familiar history. Unfortunately, they didn’t fall alone, they went down with their father, the great priest, Eli. This means that when we fail in our duty to pray for our children as parents, the enemy will strike us through the children we failed to pray for. For as many that are reading this prayer guide, I pray that the enemy will not have access to the life of your children in the name of Jesus. I counter the plans and agenda of the enemies concerning your children by the blood of the lamb, and I decree that the counsel of God alone will stand concerning your children in the name of Jesus.

Always remember that the success or failure of your children is in your hands as parents. When you fail to pray, the enemy will make a prey of your children. I decree that the devil will never make prey of your children in the name of Jesus.

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Prayer Points:

Lord Jesus, I come before today because of the children you gave me, as they will be going out today, I pray that your protection will be upon them. said the eyes of the Lord are always upon the righteous and his ears are always attentive to their prayers. Lord Jesus, I pray that your eyes will be upon them in the name of Jesus. I decree that your hands of protection will upon my children even as they go out today in the name of Jesus.

For it has been written that let no man trouble me because I carry the mark of Christ. I decree that as my children will be setting out today, they shall not be troubled. Whatever power or gang up of enemy against them is broken in the name of Jesus. You have promised in your word that I and my children are for signs and wonder, I pray that you will begin to manifest your glorious wonders in the lives of my children in the name of Jesus. No weapon fashion against my children will prosper in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, I pray over the destiny of my children, I decree that the enemies shall not power over it in the name of Jesus. Lord, every evil seer that has seen the brightness of my children and has decided to cause their lights to dim, I pray that you will render such enemy useless in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, every evil gang or meeting that is against the growth and development of my children, I scatter such gathering in the name of Jesus. Lord arise and let your enemies be scattered, let this who rise against my children in judgment be condemned in the name of Jesus.

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From henceforth, I pray that everything that my children lay their hands upon shall prosper in the name of Jesus. Those that are still in school, I for wisdom knowledge, and understanding for them to make exploit, I pray that you will give it to them in the name of Jesus. You are the creator of all thing through the source of light and wisdom, you are the founder of all things, I decree that the light of your understanding will illuminate the darkness of my children’s understanding, you will open their heads to assimilate faster in the name of Jesus.

I pray for my children that have already ventured into the labor force, I pray that everything they lay their hands upon shall prosper in the name of Jesus. In every that they have been rejected, I decree that the mercy of the most high will go and announce them for success in the name of Jesus.

Father Lord, what shall it profit a man that gains the whole world but lose his soul. The scripture recorded it that there is nothing that can be used for the exchange of a lost soul. I pray for my children that you will give them the grace to stand with you to the end, come what may, they will be steadfast in your presence in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedumhttp://everydayprayerguide.com
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.



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