Simple Truth Every Divorced Christians Must Know


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Last Updated on December 28, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Some pains never go away and some scars never heal completely. It is very difficult to live in a world where you can’t find a group to fit in. It is even sadder when you remember how you used to enjoy the warmth and bliss of marriage. But now, you can’t fit in the group of married people, neither can you stand in the council of the singles. Every form and profiling reminds you of the obvious truth you are trying to forget. Everyone seemed interested in knowing your status and every time they ask you this question even in the church, it brings shame to your face.

It is normal to feel and never forget the pain of divorce. After all, your ex-wife or husband was once the most important person in your life. There was a time when you can’t wait to see their face again. Unfortunately, marriage brought about negative changes and reactions that made it very uncomfortable for you two to live as one.


While dating or courting, it is important to study your partner well before deciding to venture into a life commitment with them. Although it is almost impossible to know everything about someone when dating. However, paying attention to certain details can reveal so much about your partner. If by mistake you settle with the wrong partner, there is no doubt that you will experience hell here on earth.

Divorce is the best way to walk out of any toxic relationship alive. The reason why many well-meaning Christians frown at divorce can’t be unconnected from what the scripture said in the book of Matthew 19:6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

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Marriage as designed by God is a till death do us part commitment. Divorce is never an option and should not be considered. However, there are times when the only solution to the problem is divorce. This means you have halted a covenant journey. You will wonder if God will forgive you for halting a covenant. Other Christians will let you know how you have failed God. Society will also ascribe you with a new status. Many critics will opine that you will forever be an adulterer even after you remarry because you can’t keep your first marriage.

Meanwhile, sometimes the cause of the divorce might not be from you. Some partners can make a decision that will put an end to a covenant journey. But, how many people will believe your side of the story? how many people will care to listen to the cause of the divorce? Whatever reason it is, it would not change your new status, divorcee. You might never recover fully from this trauma. But God is faithful. Before you plan on marrying another partner, you must know these simple truths.

Simple Truth Every Divorced Christians Must Know

God Truly Doesn’t Like Divorce

As you have been told by many critics, God detests divorce. Whatever thing that will alter the natural agenda of God is considered evil and God detests them. The scripture says Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” When you decide to tie the knot with your wife, marriage automatically turns the both of you into one person in the sight of God. And the blessing of the Lord is released upon that union.

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That blessing is not for an individual, it is for two people who have become one. And it will continue to work as long as you two remain one. When divorce sets it in, it breaks the covenant of that blessing. And God detests that. However, before you think you can’t be forgiven anymore, you must know that God is merciful. His mercy endureth forever.

And others castigating your genuine intentions, you must know that none is righteous. Christ died for the unrighteousness of man. And people are too quick to castigate others forgetting that it is just grace that has kept them from committing the same sin they are castigating others for.

Let your intentions be true, seek forgiveness and work towards true repentance.

Your Decision To Remarry is Between You and God

You may have heard or read different opinions about Christians remarrying. Many schools of thought believe it is adultery for a Christian to remarry unless they are widows or widowers. Generally, every interpretation given to Christian remarry after divorce is simply a human interpretation. Your decision to remarry should be between you and God only.

Do not be swayed about the opinion of other people. They can tell you to remarry fast provided it was not your fault that the divorce happen and some might let you see the terrible mistakes you would be making if you decide to remarry. All their opinions are secondary and they should not influence your decision. Your decision to remarry should be based on consultation and direct counsel of God.

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The Lord’s counsel alone should be what will determine if you will remarry or not.

God Can Restore All

You may think your divorce has caused a major setback in your life, but be sure to know that God can restore the lost years. Several accounts in the Bible suggest that God is the redeemer and He is a restorer. No matter how many years you have lost to your divorce, God is capable of restoring everything and making it brand new again.

That pain, despair, and isolation that you feel will be taken care of. That scar will heal completely and its pain will disappear. This is what God can do. All you need to do is to trust Him and try again when He says you should. Don’t be too fast and try not to force things. Have faith in God and trust the process. Everything will be fine in the end.

Final Thoughts

Divorce is bad. It should be the last thing that every married Christian should think of as a solution to their predicament. The plan of God for your marriage is till death do us part. Although challenges will come but trust God. However, when divorce is the only way to salvage the situation, do not be depressed.

Raise yourself high up and don’t let people’s criticism sway you off your feet. Seek the face of God, seek forgiveness, and seek the counsel of the Lord.


Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. si nous disons que le divorce est le seul et dernier recours, n’est ce pas limiter Dieu? Ce que nous pensons que Dieu n’a pas pu faire, qui pourra le faire? je pense que le premier recours c’est Dieu et le dernier recours c’est Dieu. que Dieu vous bénisse.


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