Prayer Points To Destroy The Activities Of The Enemy


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Last Updated on September 21, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Job 5:12: He disappointed the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise

The Bible says the enemy rest, not day and night, going about looking for whom to destroy. It is, therefore, pertinent that prayer against the activities of the enemy is taken seriously. The scripture made us understand that the devil doesn’t come unless to steal, kill and destroy, John 10:10. This verse of the bible explains in detail the works of the enemies. Today we shall be looking at powerful prayer points to destroy the activities of the enemy. This prayer points will scatter by fire all the evil activities of darkness in your household. Pray them in faith today and see the hand of God prevail in your life.


While men sleep at night, it would interest you to know that hundreds of people are not sleeping, they are doing one thing or the other in order to hinder or destroy the destiny of other people. One might begin to wonder what does the enemy gain in doing evil? or one might begin to wonder why the Earth is filled with so much evil, can’t people just live together in love and peace? Well, it is just like expecting a lion not to eat man because man doesn’t eat lion. It is in the nature of the enemy to do evil, they are naturally designed to come up with evil plans to destroy people. Hence, it will be our own undoing as Christians to let them get away with their evil activities.

The life of Mordecai and Haman is a good example of a failed attempt of the enemy over an individual. Haman had made plans to have Mordecai executed for no reason. It was not that Mordecai did any evil to Haman to warrant such hatred, he just hated Mordecai for no reason. So, he mapped out his plans to get Mordecai killed by the king, however, the scripture says the prayer of the righteous avail much. Through prayers and supplications, Haman died in place of Mordecai, he was killed by the same poisonous venom he designed for Mordecai. As you engage in this prayer points today, all the evil plans of your enemies will backfire back on their faces in Jesus Christ name.

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Also, it is important to know that a non-entity will not have an enemy. A man who is destined for doom and calamity will have no enemy. However, any man that is destined for greatness will surely have enemies. This is one reason why we should always be of good faith when tribulations and problems arise against us, we should know that we are going to be great. Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, despite his humility, despite is a free spirit and righteous nature, he still had a lot of enemies. Devil is one of the biggest enemies that antagonized the works of Christ because the devil knows that Christ has come for the salvation of people and for the doom of him the devil. So, enemies will always arise especially when we are on way to breakthrough.

We have compiled a list of prayer points to destroy the activities of the enemy in our lives. These prayer points will destroy every evil plans of the devil targeted against your life and destiny. As the gather against you, these prayers will scatter them. As you engage these prayer points, the Angels of the Lord will be dispatched in your direction to deliver you from all the evil plans of your enemies. Every pit the have dug for you, they all shall fall into it in Jesus Christ name.

Prayer Points

• Heavenly Father, I come before you today, there is a legion of the enemy making several attempts to take me down, I pray thee oh Lord that you will destroy their counsel over me in the name of Jesus.

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• Lord, your word says the eyes of the Lord is always upon the righteous, and his ears are always attentive to their prayers, I deep myself into your protection in the name of Jesus.

• Heavenly God, those who want my life increases by the day, but I take refuge in your words that says no weapon fashion against me shall prosper, I decree fire of God upon the camp of my enemies.

• Lord, I pray that every tongue that rises against me in judgment shall be condemned in the name of Jesus. The Bible says for I carry the mark of Christ, let no man trouble me, I send the fire of God Almighty upon all my enemies in the name of Jesus.

• Lord by your mercy, I pray that you will disrupt all the attacks of the enemy over me and you will put them to shame in the name of Jesus.

• Lord God of Heaven, the scripture made us understand that you are the God of vengeance, I ask that you arise in your wrath and take your vengeance against all my enemies in the name of Jesus.

• Oh! who says what when the holy one of Israel has not spoken? I come against every tongue that is waggling against me, my family and friends in the name of Jesus.

• You have made a promise in your word that with my eye shall I see and behold the reward of the wicked but no evil shall befall me or come near my dwelling place, Lord in this year, I come against each of their activities over me in the name of Jesus.

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• Arise Lord and let your enemies be scattered, let those who envy and hate your people perish, just like the sword melt in the face of a furnace, let the wicked be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

• I ask that you will descend the seraphim with the sword of flames and they will take charge of my security, the seraphim that carries the vengeance sword of God Almighty, I ask that you will send them forth in the name of Jesus.

• For it has been written, I know the thoughts I have towards you, they are the thoughts of good and not of evil to give you an expected end. Lord, I pray that as from today, only your counsel. Will stand in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.

• Lord God, I understand that you do want the death of sinners but their repentance through Christ Jesus. I pray that by your mercies you will change the heart of those seeking my downfall, I ask that you change their thoughts towards me in the name of Jesus.

• You said in your word that you will curse those who curse me and bless those who bless me. And your word also has made me understand that you alone can change evil to good. In the name of Jesus, I change each of their bad plans and agenda over my life to good success in the name of Jesus.

• Thank you blesses Redeemer for the answered prayers, thank you because only you are God, there no other God except you, thank you for answer, thank you because you have caused a great turmoil in the camp of my enemies, than you because you have caused a great distress to all who wish me evil, thank you blessed Redeemer for your protection, in Jesus name I pray.


Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. Please pray for me,that all of my enemies plans against me and my family and friends, would fail.I have many enemies.Because I took a stand against evil.Also,be aware and alert to pray.Thank you

  2. God has heard you don’t worry, just wait for his repply in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God.

  3. Thank you for posting this prayer Job 5:12 because we have enemies at this time trying to destroy our lives and I didn’t know which prayer to pray and every word of Job 5:12 has penetrated my heart making me feel safe in the hands of God and Jesus Christ . Thank you at ;11 am in the morning it has given me peace in nightmare life we are living with these people .

  4. Please pray for me to get money for my school as it’s hurting me much and brings much worries. I would like to finish my school but I’m not financial stable. Help me Lord of Nazareth Amen

  5. please pray for my marriage no matter how hard I try my husband finds fault to start an argument and then separate himself from me.

  6. These prayer points are really powerful and time
    Am a student who recently got admission into tertiary institutions in Ghana,l came back home for a vacation and something happened which l find difficult to comprehend.I dried my socks and a handkerchief on a line and it was taken by unknown person.l stay with my parents and we are just 3 in the house,am devastated please pray for me

    • Thanks alot pastor there’s nothing like praying with the scriptures amen to that
      I love every praying to God.
      Because he is the only way.

  7. Thank you fir for this prayer. I have many enemies who seems not to go away no matter how much i pray.. Since i was born. Am fighting. Demons oppressed and possessions. Woman plaiting my hair. Eating in the dream.. Flying inbtne dream.. Falling to dirty waters.. Going back to my class room.. Wearing uniform. People chasing me. Am a live by the grace of God.. Because tnis marine demons have tried killing me but with no vail.. Now they are stealing everything in my life. Am not married. And am 40 please help me … Am suffering. My soul needs divine intervention? Caro

    • Thank you Jesus for this prayer point I have plenty enemies that fighting against me and my brother the Devil even promise to kill my brother but today this prayer point is destroying their camp amd their enterprises

  8. Please pray for my family. My mother a widow and my brother. Their neighbours are always plotting against them to destroy them. Pray that they stay strong and that God always protect them.

  9. Please pray for me, because there are so many enemies around me , pray that those that want
    me to be put to shame that the God Almight should give them shame and those that want
    to me to cry that the should cry the cry. finally that God should fight for me and give me victory in all ramification. Amen.

  10. Thank u for allowing God to u to bless people with this platform. Please pray for my family for protection the enemy the enemies are trying their best to hurt themselves and not me and my family I pray for God’s protection in every day of my life and amily I pray for God security over my husband my children and I that the hands of the enemies will eat their flesh and drink their blood that the evil intentions enterprises will not stand in the name of Jesus amen

    • Thank you pastor for allowing God to use you to help people like us through this medium. Please pastor pray for my family our lives are in danger because of a throne that we don’t want because we don’t want to serve the devil due to this refusal my father’s finger has been cut off and he’s not even safe. Also pastor am 32years and not married I’ve a set of twins with a man who doesn’t want me anymore and when a man come into my life and seem to be serious he soon disappear without a word. Another issue is that I eat in the dream and have stomach discomfort from time to time please pastor we count on your prayers

  11. Please pray for me,they are destroying me with witchcraft, every single day they are attacking me and my family help us please.God bless

  12. Pliz pray for me and my children,my children are going in the wrong way and my business is getting down everyday Lord show me you Mercy,,,my hasband need a job too please pray me and family thank you Lord for the gift of life


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