Prayers Against Dream Pollution


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Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be exploring powers that pollute the dream of a man and prayers against such dream pollution. Firstly, we must know that dream is not the sequence of events that one see in the sleep, but they are those goals and aspirations that are awaiting manifestation.

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No man becomes great by accident, God has purposed it and such an individual must have seen some kind of revelation of how great he will be. God has a great plan for each and every one of us, however, the devil also has his own plans.

Albeit you will see someone who is doing well at one stage in life but change all of a sudden. I know for sure that we all must have experienced something of such. A student that has been doing so well in academics and people is already seeing him be the most successful among his peers but all of a sudden develop a deviant behavior and start constituting nuisance in the community.

Have you not seen a child with great prospects, and whenever he/she is asked what they will like to become in the nearest future, their response reveals that they have a great plan for the future. However, within a twink of an eye, that child or person will just become a social calamity. These are demons that pollute the dream of a man.

What is worthy of knowing is that the devil never challenges someone who is a non-entity, the devil has no business with any man who does not amount to anything. The devil only has problems with people with a great prospect, people whose dreams and aspirations are big enough to affect the entire world positively.

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One of such similar cases in the Bible is Joseph the son of Jacob. Joseph was a dreamer, God has shown him how great he will be through his dream. He shared the dream with his family and battle arise against him among his siblings. The devil knew quite well that God was preparing Joseph to become a deliverer for the people of Egypt and Isreal in nearest future, the devil knew that Joseph’s dream meant that he will be great and very successful, so the devil made move to contaminate Joseph’s dream.

When the devil wants to contaminate the dream of a man, he will use familiar people to try to pull you down. To Joseph, the devil used his siblings to try to achieve his aim by possessing them to sell Joseph into slavery.

A similar thing happened to Christ Jesus, the devil knew that after the fall of man in the book of Genesis God was not too pleased with the new state of man. He knew it was God’s dream that one day man will be restored to the realm of glory that God has factored for man. So, when Christ Jesus came, the devil knew this was a means for God to actualize His dreams so he made move to get Jesus killed when he was still a child.

Likewise our lives as Christians, we all have dreams and aspirations for our life and future, however, it seems we have forgotten that dream or the dream has been abated. Many people have lost the purpose of God for their lives simply because the devil polluted their dreams. Little wonder, a scholar said that the richest land on earth is the graveyard because hundreds of million people die without fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives.

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Whenever you feel you are experiencing laxity in pursuing that dream, you must be spiritually alert to sense that the devil is at work, we have compiled a list of prayers that you should say against dream pollution.

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  • Father Lord, I thank you for the grace that called me out of many to commit to my hands this great task, Lord I say to let you name be exalted in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord Jesus, I come against every power and principalities that may want to hinder me from fulfilling my task and your purpose for my life, I destroy such powers in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord God, the Bible says the expectations of the righteous shall not be cut short. Lord, each of my expectations, desires, and dreams will receive power to be made manifest in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, I destroy by fire every power that wants to contaminate my dream with nonsense, every power that want to make me lose focus on my dream, I destroy such powers in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord arise and let you enemies be scattered, every power and principalities that may want to pollute my dreams and aspirations, I destroy them by the consuming fire of God Almighty in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, says that I’m for signs and Wonders, Lord I refuse to be an object of ridicule in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord Jesus, I understand that it profits nothing for a man to fail the purpose of his existence, I pray that you help me to achieve all my dreams that you have factored for my life in the name of Jesus.
  • Every power, demon, or scheme that may want to contaminate my mind towards achieving my goals in life, I come against them by the blood of the lamb in the name of Jesus.
  • The scripture says declare a thing and it shall be established, I receive the power to manifest my dreams in the name of Jesus.
  • I receive the spiritual grace to begin to operate in the office that rightfully belongs to me in the name of Jesus.
  • I receive power over every power that causes a delay in the time of success, I receive my Dominion over every spirit that extends the time of success in the name of Jesus.
  • Father Lord, I refuse to experience weakness, I receive the grace not to slumber until my dreams and aspirations are fulfilled in the name of Jesus.
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Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, . God bless you.


  1. I have just prayed prayers against dream pollution hoping for a change in my life.Indeed there are comtaminators but after this prayer and such to continue, I am going to remain above.Thanks man of God.


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