5 Ways To Become Powerful Praying Wife and Mother


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Last Updated on November 18, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Today we will be dealing with 5 Ways to become powerful praying wife and mother. We will be discussing the ways we as woman can become a powerful praying wife and mother. As we know that behind every successful home is a praying wife and praying mother. Remember the bible says “he who findeth a good wife finds a good thing and is blessed”. A home with a praying mummy will be peaceful and blessed every day.

Let’s give examples, the husband is having issues at work and think of what to do then he remembers whenever there’s a problem his wife settles things for him in the spirit realm by fighting his battles and conversing with God, who will the husband think of to call first ?, the wife right?


Though we notice this our present generations have lost their positions in God, many of them even joke about not interested in heavenly race again, this is bad as it might affect many later in future .

There are many benefits that comes with being a prayerful wife.

Benefits of being a prayerful wife and mother

  • The scripture says show me a man that his diligent in his work, he will dine, wine and walk with princes and kings .
  • The devil won’t even have a say about her family.
  • The conspiracy of the wicked ones will be put to shame.
  • Apparently their ways will be prosperous, and be as that of a tree planted by the river sides. 
  • The children will definitely follow the footsteps of the mother and will always be proud to talk about how their mom converses with God.

I recommend all prospectives wife and mother to go watch the movie “War room”

It will teach us alot, no wonder the bible says watch and pray so that the devil will not be given a space in your home

I pray the holy spirit guide us through and teach us how to become a powerful praying wife as you read along with me ;

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5 Ways To Become Powerful Praying Wife and Mother

Know God

Before we can learn how to become praying women, we must first spend time to learn more about the God to whom we will pray. One of the main things we need to know before we become a praying woman is to know God, we need to know the power we command is that God loves us and wants to spend time with us. When we remember that we are always welcome in God’s presence, we will seek him out and spend time talking with him through prayer. Once we know that God has made his ears ever ready to listen to us we will know that we can pray for our family. Can two blind people walk together, definitely NO. SO to help your family grow you need to know who you’re asking from, therefore I’m enjoining you to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior if you havnt yet, but if you already know God, you need to grow deeper and have more relationship with him so you can know what to do and what not to do. You need to know the fact that God loves you and wants you in his presence, prayer will become your next response in every situation instead of the last resort in times of trouble.

Do not run your house on earthly standard

Comparison has always been the thief of joy, copying the standards of other family could actually put you into trouble. So because Mr. A bought his wife a Range Rover you start stressing your husband to do the same and then comolainito God that your husband isn’t listening to you. Running someone else’s race can affect your growth spiritually. When you are meant to know God’s will to be done and fulfilled in your life, your praying for what you don’t need, that could get you down as a Christian. We need to understand that we are not to follow the Earthly principles but that of God. The bible says and I summarize that the book of the Lord has been given to us to instruct us, chastise us , order our footsteps and know the doctrines to follow. To become a powerful praying wife you need to understand that God has a purpose for your lie and the husband you married and your kids. You need to run your own rave at your own pace and you will see that things will happen naturally for you with God’s help even without stressing about it. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

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Become An Intercessor

Once the Husband and wife have been joined together, they become one. Interceding for your family is one good way to become prayerful. To even make things easier you write out the names of you children and husband. You can even find a secret room to pray and Interceed for your household.

What do I mean by this?, Intercessors make requests, urge, plead, beg, counsel, discuss, advocate and pray on behalf of issues relating to the weaker ones. To be an effective prophetic intercessor, you must learn to invite the holy spirit and obey the words of the Lord

This been said as you Interceed on behalf of your family you become strong spiritually yourself. Becoming and intercessor isn’t easy but once you start it will be more easy for you and you can go as far as asking your family to write out their prayer request that you’re going to talk to God on their behalf, Incase you forget what they ask you to pray about for them. Interceeding on behalf of your family will really help them and make them trust you this will definitely help you to build a Godly foundation in your home..

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

Even the scripture ask us to intercede for people we don’t know talk more of our own family.

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Trust And Obey God

God’s Best is Worth Praying For! Prayer is a force that brings the power of heaven to earth. While we pray for our family we should trust that He will do more than what we have asked him to do , I want to encourage any woman reading this to pray bold prayers. If you have a desire or vision, pray it into existence with faith, if you have a desire take it to the King of Kings. I believe that we partner with God through our prayers to bring about the will of God in our lives. God’s best is worth praying for. When we want something for ourselves or our home we pray with full authority the bible has given us the authority to decree and declare. Do we remember somewhere in psalms where God said I have given you an empty paper ,use your hand to write what you want further more He said i have given you your tongue to ask me for what you want just as you use your pen to write in paper use your tongue to ask me for what you want.

Read The Scripture With Your Family

The word of God says as for me and my household we shall worship the Lord. We should emulate this bible passage and talk to God create time with your family and have your quiet time with God with your Husbands and kids.

I pray as we follow through thes steps ,God will give every wife an insight to His words in Jesus name. AMEN




Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


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