5 Things You Can Do When You Discover Your Spouse is Addicted To Porn


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Last Updated on December 25, 2021 by Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

Porn addiction has ruined lots of lives and destroyed many relationships and marriages. Not even the Christian marriage or relationship is spared from this scheme of the devil. Usually, porn addiction is highly prevalent among men because men are moved by what they see. Porn addiction is usually accompanied by masturbation.

I have counseled quite a number of couples who are being tormented by this devil. Things were great in the relationship before, all of a sudden everything changed. The man is no longer interested in Intimacy with his wife and this got the woman curious. She eventually discovered that her husband has been dwindling in his addiction to porn and masturbation.


Marriage is an institution established by God. And the enemy goes against everything that has been ordained by God. When the man becomes a porn addict, it affects the sexual life of the marriage. Porn creates a form of fantasy in the mind of the man. When he continues in this fantasy it becomes very difficult for him to find satisfaction with his wife sexually.

When this happens the woman must be very careful. This is not to say that women don’t get addicted to porn. Whoever is addicted to porn between the man or woman, the other party has a role to play in helping them get out from that addiction.

5 Things You Can Do When You Discover Your Spouse is Addicted To Porn

Do Not Fight With Them When You Discover

You can’t free someone from addiction using force. It takes more conscious effort to free a person from evil addiction. The problem most people make when they discover their spouses are addicted to porn is fighting them.

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Some wives will let their husbands know how disappointed they are to find out he is addicted to porn. When it comes to addiction, no one is exempted. As much as addiction is psychological, it is also spiritual. While your spouse might be able to deal with the spiritual aspect of addiction, they may not be able to fight the psychological aspect of it. That’s why fighting them should be the last thing you do.

The best you can do when you find out is to let them know they are not alone in the struggle to break free from the addiction. Instead of calling them a disappointment, educate them so they can know freeing themselves from such addiction takes determination and conscious efforts. And do not isolate yourself from them just because you find out they are addicted to something you don’t expect.

Pray For Them

When God established the institution of marriage, He placed so much power in its tradition of one body one flesh. Little wonder the scripture stated that one will pull a thousand and two shall pull ten thousand. This is where agreement comes to play. When you agree with them, prayer becomes very effective.

First, you must understand that the enemy is against your marriage. And that’s why this challenge was orchestrated. The best thing you can do in such a case is to raise an altar of prayer against that evil addiction. Pray for them privately, also join them in prayers. You can assign fast too. Pray to God to deliver them from evil addiction. Pray that God should help them outgrow the temptation of porn.

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Make Yourself Available

Porn addiction especially to men happens to men that live in isolation. The mind of a man that lives in isolation becomes the hub of the devil. The devil starts bringing different ideas and thoughts into his heart and these thoughts become a habit that leads to addiction. When you discover that they are addicted to porn, ensure you are not far from them.

As stated earlier, most women are quick to express their displeasure to their spouses. And because they are disappointed they isolate themselves from their spouses. This further gives the enemy leverage to eat deep into their minds more. Rather than isolating yourself, make yourself available all the time. Do not give them a breathing space. Let them know they are being watched and monitored. This brings a sense of consciousness to their minds.

Also, porn addiction goes along with masturbation. This is the more reason why partners, married partners should endeavor to always make themselves available to their spouses when they find out.

Let Them See A Counselor

While you pray and talk to them in the house, do not stop there. Try to book an appointment with a therapist. In most cases, such counseling especially for a married couple will have to involve the two parties. Ensure you make yourself available when you are needed.

The essence of seeing a counselor is to take care of the psychological part of the problem. A counselor will help their mental psychic to free them from the addiction.

Communicate With Them

In every relationship, communication is key. To be free from any addiction, the affected party must be counseled. While it is almost impossible for you to counsel them as good as a professional counselor would, your communication also goes a long way in helping them out of the addiction.

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When communicating, first let them know your thoughts and opinion about what you just found out about them. Communicate your intentions with them, don’t be harsh or rude. Let them know you will join forces with them in fighting against that addiction.


It would interest you to know that many people are dying in silence. This addiction is prevalent even among Christians. That’s why partners must do all they can to free their spouses from this addiction before it ruins their homes.

The essence of marriage is to look out and help one another in cases like this. In all, try as much as you can to avoid making trouble with them when you find out. Communicate your thoughts and opinion, but do it politely. Do not allow the devil to escalate the issue through your anger. Pray for them, pray with them, talk to them and take them to visit a counselor. God will free your spouse from every evil addiction in the name of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum
My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, I am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . God bless you.


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