30 prayer points for all round breakthrough

Psalm 143:7-9: 7 Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I...

30 Prayer To Destroy The Spirit Of Backwardness

Jeremiah 7:24: 24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the...

30 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness

Today we are dealing with 30 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness. Spiritual dryness can leave us feeling disconnected from God, weary, and empty. This state can often hinder our...

30 Prayer Points Against Evil Gatekeepers

Today we are dealing with 30 Prayer Points Against Evil Gatekeepers. In spiritual terms, gatekeepers are entities or forces that attempt to hinder, delay, or block the blessings and...


Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading For Today 31st October 2018

Our daily bible reading for today is from the book of 2 chronicles 24:1-27. Read and be blessed. 2...

Daily Bible Reading For Today 30th October 2018

Our daily bible reading for today is from the book of 2 chronicles 22:10-12 and 2 chronicles 23:1-21....

Daily Bible Reading 29th October 2018.

Our daily bible reading is taking from the book of 2 Chronicles 21:1-20 and 2 Chronicles 22:1-9. Reading...

Daily Bible Reading 28th October 2018

Our daily bible reading is taking from the book of 2Chronicles 19:1-11 and 2 Chronicles 20:1-37. Reading and...

Daily Bible Reading Today 27th October 2018

Our daily bible reading is taken from 2 Chronicles...

Daily Bible Reading Today 25th October 2018.

Our daily bible reading today from the book 2...

Bible Verses

Bible Study

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Powerful Prayers To Overcome Self Stimulation

2 Corinthians 12:7-9: 7 And lest I should be exalted...

30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough in 2023

Psalm 84:11: 11 For the Lord God is a sun...

25 powerful prayer points for the fruit of the womb

1 Samuel 2:21: 21 And the Lord visited Hannah,...

How To Break Spiritual Marriage Through Deliverance Prayers

Isaiah 49:24-25: 24 Shall the prey be taken from the...

Prayers Against Having Sex In The Dream

1 Corinthians 6:16 What? know ye not that he...

Miracle Prayer That Work Immediately

Today we will be dealing with miracle Prayer that...

20 Spiritual warfare prayers against spirit of delay and frustration

2 Corinthians 6:2: 2 (For he saith, I have heard...

7 Day Fasting and Prayer to Open Closed Doors

Isaiah 43:19: 19 Behold, I will do a new thing;...


30 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness

Today we are dealing with 30 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness. Spiritual dryness can leave us feeling disconnected from God, weary, and empty. This...

30 Prayer Points Against Evil Gatekeepers

Today we are dealing with 30 Prayer Points Against...

30 Prayer Points Against Evil Environmental Powers

Today we will be dealing with 30 Prayer Points...

30 Prayer Points Against the Spirit of Laziness

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30 Prayer Points Against Bloodline Afflictions

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30 Prayer Points Against the Spirit of Procrastination

Today we will be dealing with 30 Prayer Points...

30 Prayer Points Against Evil Covenants

Today we will be dealing with 30 Prayer Points...

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Biblical Meaning Of Dreams

30 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness

Today we are dealing with 30 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness. Spiritual dryness can leave us feeling disconnected from God, weary, and empty. This...



Warfare Prayers Against Foundational Powers

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Prayer Points Against Evil Dreams, Familiar Spirits, and Evil Pattern

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Importance of Praying With Water And Forty Prayer Points That Can Be Prayed With Water

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7 Important Reasons Why We Need to Pray

Today we will be dealing with 7 important reasons...


Bible verses

Godly Living

Biblical Meaning Of Dreams

Godly Living

5 Ways To Nurture Your Dreams Into Fulfilment

Let's talk about something different today. We are believers but that doesn't stop us from having dreams and aspirations. Some of us have big desire to rule the world....

5 Gift Ideas For Your Wife This Christmas

Let's discuss 5 gift ideas for your wife this Christmas. Mark 10:8 and the two shall become one...

How To Overcome Financial Crisis As Christians

Today we will be dealing with how to overcome financial crisis as believers. A financial crisis is the...

5 Ways To Find Goodness In Every Situation

Today we will be dealing with 5 ways to find goodness in every situation. The scripture said in...

5 Reasons Why Believers Live In Fear

Today we will be teaching the five reasons why believers live in fear. As a Christian, it is...

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10 prayer points for job seekers

Here are 10 prayer points for job seekers, the earth is the lords and its fullness thereof. Anything we ask the Lord for I....

15 marriage prayer points for singles

Genesis 5:2: 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. From...

25 powerful prayer points for the fruit of the womb

1 Samuel 2:21: 21 And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. And the child Samuel...

13 Powerful Prayer points for safe delivery

Exodus 1:19: 19 And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are...
